Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


hukmu soeI quDu BwvsI horu AwKxu bhuqu Apwru ] (17-1)
hukam so-ee tuDh bhaavsee hor aakhan bahut apaar.
The Hukam of Your Command is the pleasure of Your Will, Lord. To say anything else is far beyond anyone's reach.

nwnk scw pwiqswhu pUiC n kry bIcwru ]4] (17-1)
naanak sachaa paatisaahu poochh na karay beechaar. ||4||
O Nanak, the True King does not seek advice from anyone else in His decisions. ||4||

bwbw horu sauxw KusI KuAwru ] (17-2)
baabaa hor sa-unaa khusee khu-aar.
O Baba, the pleasure of other sleep is false.

ijqu suqY qnu pIVIAY mn mih clih ivkwr ]1] rhwau ]4]7] (17-2)
jit sutai tan peerhee-ai man meh chaleh vikaar. ||1|| rahaa-o. ||4||7||
By such sleep, the body is ruined, and wickedness and corruption enter into the mind. ||1||Pause||4||7||

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ] (17-3)
sireeraag mehlaa 1.
Siree Raag, First Mehl:

kuMgU kI kWieAw rqnw kI lilqw Agir vwsu qin swsu ] (17-3)
kungoo kee kaaN-i-aa ratnaa kee lalitaa agar vaas tan saas.
With the body of saffron, and the tongue a jewel, and the breath of the body pure fragrant incense;

ATsiT qIrQ kw muiK itkw iqqu Git miq ivgwsu ] (17-3)
athsath tirath kaa mukh tikaa tit ghat mat vigaas.
with the face anointed at the sixty-eight holy places of pilgrimage, and the heart illuminated with wisdom

Equ mqI swlwhxw scu nwmu guxqwsu ]1] (17-4)
ot matee salaahnaa sach naam guntaas. ||1||
-with that wisdom, chant the Praises of the True Name, the Treasure of Excellence. ||1||

bwbw hor miq hor hor ] (17-4)
baabaa hor mat hor hor.
O Baba, other wisdom is useless and irrelevant.

jy sau vyr kmweIAY kUVY kUVw joru ]1] rhwau ] (17-5)
jay sa-o vayr kamaa-ee-ai koorhai koorhaa jor. ||1|| rahaa-o.
If falsehood is practiced a hundred times, it is still false in its effects. ||1||Pause||

pUj lgY pIru AwKIAY sBu imlY sMswru ] (17-5)
pooj lagai peer aakhee-ai sabh milai sansaar.
You may be worshipped and adored as a Pir (a spiritual teacher); you may be welcomed by all the world;

nwau sdwey Awpxw hovY isDu sumwru ] (17-6)
naa-o sadaa-ay aapnaa hovai siDh sumaar.
you may adopt a lofty name, and be known to have supernatural spiritual powers

jw piq lyKY nw pvY sBw pUj KuAwru ]2] (17-6)
jaa pat laykhai naa pavai sabhaa pooj khu-aar. ||2||
-even so, if you are not accepted in the Court of the Lord, then all this adoration is false. ||2||

ijn kau siqguir QwipAw iqn myit n skY koie ] (17-6)
jin ka-o satgur thaapi-aa tin mayt na sakai ko-ay.
No one can overthrow those who have been established by the True Guru.

Enw AMdir nwmu inDwnu hY nwmo prgtu hoie ] (17-7)
onaa andar naam niDhaan hai naamo pargat ho-ay.
The Treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is within them, and through the Naam, they are radiant and famous.

nwau pUjIAY nwau mMnIAY AKMfu sdw scu soie ]3] (17-7)
naa-o poojee-ai naa-o mannee-ai akhand sadaa sach so-ay. ||3||
They worship the Naam, and they believe in the Naam. The True One is forever Intact and Unbroken. ||3||

KyhU Kyh rlweIAY qw jIau kyhw hoie ] (17-8)
khayhoo khayh ralaa-ee-ai taa jee-o kayhaa ho-ay.
When the body mingles with dust, what happens to the soul?

jlIAw siB isAwxpw auTI cilAw roie ] (17-8)
jalee-aa sabh si-aanpaa uthee chali-aa ro-ay.
All clever tricks are burnt away, and you shall depart crying.

nwnk nwim ivswirAY dir gieAw ikAw hoie ]4]8] (17-9)
naanak naam visaari-ai dar ga-i-aa ki-aa ho-ay. ||4||8||
O Nanak, those who forget the Naam-what will happen when they go to the Court of the Lord? ||4||8||

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ] (17-9)
sireeraag mehlaa 1.
Siree Raag, First Mehl:

guxvMqI gux vIQrY AauguxvMqI JUir ] (17-10)
gunvantee gun veethrai a-ugunvantee jhoor.
The virtuous wife exudes virtue; the unvirtuous suffer in misery.

jy loVih vru kwmxI nh imlIAY ipr kUir ] (17-10)
jay lorheh var kaamnee nah milee-ai pir koor.
If you long for your Husband Lord, O soul-bride, you must know that He is not met by falsehood.

nw byVI nw qulhVw nw pweIAY ipru dUir ]1] (17-10)
naa bayrhee naa tulharhaa naa paa-ee-ai pir door. ||1||
No boat or raft can take you to Him. Your Husband Lord is far away. ||1||

myry Twkur pUrY qKiq Afolu ] (17-11)
mayray thaakur poorai takhat adol.
My Lord and Master is Perfect; His Throne is Eternal and Immovable.

gurmuiK pUrw jy kry pweIAY swcu Aqolu ]1] rhwau ] (17-11)
gurmukh pooraa jay karay paa-ee-ai saach atol. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One who attains perfection as Gurmukh, obtains the Immeasurable True Lord. ||1||Pause||

pRBu hirmMdru sohxw iqsu mih mwxk lwl ] moqI hIrw inrmlw kMcn kot rIswl ] (17-12)
parabh harmandar sohnaa tis meh maanak laal. motee heeraa nirmalaa kanchan kot reesaal.
The Palace of the Lord God is so beautiful. Within it, there are gems, rubies, pearls and flawless diamonds. A fortress of gold surrounds this Source of Nectar.

ibnu pauVI giV ikau cVau gur hir iDAwn inhwl ]2] (17-13)
bin pa-orhee garh ki-o charha-o gur har Dhi-aan nihaal. ||2||
How can I climb up to the Fortress without a ladder? By meditating on the Lord, through the Guru, I am blessed and exalted. ||2||

guru pauVI byVI gurU guru qulhw hir nwau ] (17-13)
gur pa-orhee bayrhee guroo gur tulhaa har naa-o.
The Guru is the Ladder, the Guru is the Boat, and the Guru is the Raft to take me to the Lord's Name.

guru sru swgru boihQo guru qIrQu drIAwau ] (17-14)
gur sar saagar bohitho gur tirath daree-aa-o.
The Guru is the Boat to carry me across the world-ocean; the Guru is the Sacred Shrine of Pilgrimage, the Guru is the Holy River.

jy iqsu BwvY aUjlI sq sir nwvx jwau ]3] (17-14)
jay tis bhaavai oojlee sat sar naavan jaa-o. ||3||
If it pleases Him, I bathe in the Pool of Truth, and become radiant and pure. ||3||

pUro pUro AwKIAY pUrY qKiq invws ] (17-15)
pooro pooro aakhee-ai poorai takhat nivaas.
He is called the Most Perfect of the Perfect. He sits upon His Perfect Throne.

pUrY Qwin suhwvxY pUrY Aws inrws ] (17-15)
poorai thaan suhaavnai poorai aas niraas.
He looks so Beautiful in His Perfect Place. He fulfills the hopes of the hopeless.

nwnk pUrw jy imlY ikau GwtY gux qws ]4]9] (17-16)
naanak pooraa jay milai ki-o ghaatai gun taas. ||4||9||
O Nanak, if one obtains the Perfect Lord, how can his virtues decrease? ||4||9||

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ] (17-16)
sireeraag mehlaa 1.
Siree Raag, First Mehl:

Awvhu BYxy gil imlh AMik shylVIAwh ] (17-16)
aavhu bhainay gal milah ank sahaylrhee-aah.
Come, my dear sisters and spiritual companions; hug me close in your embrace.

imil kY krh khwxIAw sMmRQ kMq kIAwh ] (17-17)
mil kai karah kahaanee-aa samrath kant kee-aah.
Let's join together, and tell stories of our All-powerful Husband Lord.

swcy swihb siB gux Aaugx siB Aswh ]1] (17-17)
saachay saahib sabh gun a-ugan sabh asaah. ||1||
All Virtues are in our True Lord and Master; we are utterly without virtue. ||1||

krqw sBu ko qyrY joir ] (17-18)
kartaa sabh ko tayrai jor.
O Creator Lord, all are in Your Power.

eyku sbdu bIcwrIAY jw qU qw ikAw hoir ]1] rhwau ] (17-18)
ayk sabad beechaaree-ai jaa too taa ki-aa hor. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I dwell upon the One Word of the Shabad. You are mine-what else do I need? ||1||Pause||

jwie puChu sohwgxI qusI rwivAw iknI guxˆØI ] (17-19)
jaa-ay puchhahu sohaaganee tusee raavi-aa kinee gunee.
Go, and ask the happy soul-brides, "By what virtuous qualities do you enjoy your Husband Lord?"

shij sMqoiK sIgwrIAw imTw bolxI ] (17-19)
sahj santokh seegaaree-aa mithaa bolnee.
"We are adorned with intuitive ease, contentment and sweet words.

ipru rIswlU qw imlY jw gur kw sbdu suxI ]2] (17-19)
pir reesaaloo taa milai jaa gur kaa sabad sunee. ||2||
We meet with our Beloved, the Source of Joy, when we listen to the Word of the Guru's Shabad."||2||