Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


bwvn AKr jory Awin ] (343-1)
baavan akhar joray aan.
The fifty-two letters have been joined together.

sikAw n AKru eyku pCwin ] (343-1)
saki-aa na akhar ayk pachhaan.
But people cannot recognize the One Word of God.

sq kw sbdu kbIrw khY ] (343-1)
sat kaa sabad kabeeraa kahai.
Kabeer speaks the Shabad, the Word of Truth.

pMifq hoie su AnBY rhY ] (343-2)
pandit ho-ay so anbhai rahai.
One who is a Pandit, a religious scholar, must remain fearless.

pMifq logh kau ibauhwr ] (343-2)
pandit logah ka-o bi-uhaar.
It is the business of the scholarly person to join letters.

igAwnvMq kau qqu bIcwr ] (343-2)
gi-aanvant ka-o tat beechaar.
The spiritual person contemplates the essence of reality.

jw kY jIA jYsI buiD hoeI ] (343-3)
jaa kai jee-a jaisee buDh ho-ee.
According to the wisdom within the mind,

kih kbIr jwnYgw soeI ]45] (343-3)
kahi kabeer jaanaigaa so-ee. ||45||
says Kabeer, so does one come to understand. ||45||

<> siqgur pRswid ] (343-4)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

rwgu gauVI iQqMØI kbIr jI kMØI ] (343-4)
raag ga-orhee thiteeN kabeer jee keeN.
Raag Gauree, T'hitee ~ The Lunar Days Of Kabeer Jee:

sloku ] (343-4)

pMdRh iQqMØI swq vwr ] (343-4)
pandreh thiteeN saat vaar.
There are fifteen lunar days, and seven days of the week.

kih kbIr aurvwr n pwr ] (343-4)
kahi kabeer urvaar na paar.
Says Kabeer, it is neither here nor there.

swiDk isD lKY jau Byau ] (343-5)
saaDhik siDh lakhai ja-o bhay-o.
When the Siddhas and seekers come to know the Lord's mystery,

Awpy krqw Awpy dyau ]1] (343-5)
aapay kartaa aapay day-o. ||1||
they themselves become the Creator; they themselves become the Divine Lord. ||1||

iQqMØI ] (343-5)

AMmwvs mih Aws invwrhu ] (343-5)
ammaavas meh aas nivaarahu.
On the day of the new moon, give up your hopes.

AMqrjwmI rwmu smwrhu ] (343-6)
antarjaamee raam samaarahu.
Remember the Lord, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.

jIvq pwvhu moK duAwr ] (343-6)
jeevat paavhu mokh du-aar.
You shall attain the Gate of Liberation while yet alive.

AnBau sbdu qqu inju swr ]1] (343-6)
anbha-o sabad tat nij saar. ||1||
You shall come to know the Shabad, the Word of the Fearless Lord, and the essence of your own inner being. ||1||

crn kml goibMd rMgu lwgw ] (343-7)
charan kamal gobind rang laagaa.
One who enshrines love for the Lotus Feet of the Lord of the Universe

sMq pRswid Bey mn inrml hir kIrqn mih Anidnu jwgw ]1] rhwau ] (343-7)
sant parsaad bha-ay man nirmal har keertan meh an-din jaagaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
- by the Grace of the Saints, her mind becomes pure; night and day, she remains awake and aware, singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises. ||1||Pause||

pirvw pRIqm krhu bIcwr ] (343-8)
parivaa pareetam karahu beechaar.
On the first day of the lunar cycle, contemplate the Beloved Lord.

Gt mih KylY AGt Apwr ] (343-8)
ghat meh khaylai aghat apaar.
He is playing within the heart; He has no body - He is Infinite.

kwl klpnw kdy n Kwie ] (343-8)
kaal kalpanaa kaday na khaa-ay.
The pain of death never consumes that person

Awid purK mih rhY smwie ]2] (343-9)
aad purakh meh rahai samaa-ay. ||2||
who remains absorbed in the Primal Lord God. ||2||

duqIAw duh kir jwnY AMg ] (343-9)
dutee-aa duh kar jaanai ang.
On the second day of the lunar cycle, know that there are two beings within the fiber of the body.

mwieAw bRhm rmY sB sMg ] (343-9)
maa-i-aa barahm ramai sabh sang.
Maya and God are blended with everything.

nw Ehu bFY n Gtqw jwie ] (343-10)
naa oh badhai na ghattaa jaa-ay.
God does not increase or decrease.

Akul inrMjn eykY Bwie ]3] (343-10)
akul niranjan aykai bhaa-ay. ||3||
He is unknowable and immaculate; He does not change. ||3||

iqRqIAw qIny sm kir ilAwvY ] (343-10)
taritee-aa teenay sam kar li-aavai.
On the third day of the lunar cycle, one who maintains his equilibrium amidst the three modes

Awnd mUl prm pdu pwvY ] (343-10)
aanad mool param pad paavai.
finds the source of ecstasy and the highest status.

swDsMgiq aupjY ibsÍws ] (343-11)
saaDhsangat upjai bisvaas.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, faith wells up.

bwhir BIqir sdw pRgws ]4] (343-11)
baahar bheetar sadaa pargaas. ||4||
Outwardly, and deep within, God's Light is always radiant. ||4||

cauQih cMcl mn kau ghhu ] (343-11)
cha-othahi chanchal man ka-o gahhu.
On the fourth day of the lunar cycle, restrain your fickle mind,

kwm k®oD sMig kbhu n bhhu ] (343-12)
kaam kroDh sang kabahu na bahhu.
and do not ever associate with sexual desire or anger.

jl Ql mwhy Awpih Awp ] (343-12)
jal thal maahay aapeh aap.
On land and sea, He Himself is in Himself.

AwpY jphu Awpnw jwp ]5] (343-12)
aapai japahu aapnaa jaap. ||5||
He Himself meditates and chants His Chant. ||5||

pWcY pMc qq ibsQwr ] (343-13)
paaNchai panch tat bisthaar.
On the fifth day of the lunar cycle, the five elements expand outward.

kink kwimnI jug ibauhwr ] (343-13)
kanik kaaminee jug bi-uhaar.
Men are occupied in the pursuit of gold and women.

pRym suDw rsu pIvY koie ] (343-13)
paraym suDhaa ras peevai ko-ay.
How rare are those who drink in the pure essence of the Lord's Love.

jrw mrx duKu Pyir n hoie ]6] (343-13)
jaraa maran dukh fayr na ho-ay. ||6||
They shall never again suffer the pains of old age and death. ||6||

CiT Ktu ck® ChUM ids Dwie ] (343-14)
chhath khat chakar chhahoo-aN dis Dhaa-ay.
On the sixth day of the lunar cycle, the six chakras run in six directions.

ibnu prcY nhI iQrw rhwie ] (343-14)
bin parchai nahee thiraa rahaa-ay.
Without enlightenment, the body does not remain steady.

duibDw myit iKmw gih rhhu ] (343-14)
dubiDhaa mayt khimaa geh rahhu.
So erase your duality and hold tight to forgiveness,

krm Drm kI sUl n shhu ]7] (343-15)
karam Dharam kee sool na sahhu. ||7||
and you will not have to endure the torture of karma or religious rituals. ||7||

swqYN siq kir bwcw jwix ] (343-15)
saataiN sat kar baachaa jaan.
On the seventh day of the lunar cycle, know the Word as True,

Awqm rwmu lyhu prvwix ] (343-15)
aatam raam layho parvaan.
and you shall be accepted by the Lord, the Supreme Soul.

CUtY sMsw imit jwih duK ] (343-16)
chhootai sansaa mit jaahi dukh.
Your doubts shall be eradicated, and your pains eliminated,

suMn srovir pwvhu suK ]8] (343-16)
sunn sarovar paavhu sukh. ||8||
and in the ocean of the celestial void, you shall find peace. ||8||

AstmI Ast Dwqu kI kwieAw ] (343-16)
astamee asat Dhaat kee kaa-i-aa.
On the eighth day of the lunar cycle, the body is made of the eight ingredients.

qw mih Akul mhw iniD rwieAw ] (343-17)
taa meh akul mahaa niDh raa-i-aa.
Within it is the Unknowable Lord, the King of the supreme treasure.

gur gm igAwn bqwvY Byd ] (343-17)
gur gam gi-aan bataavai bhayd.
The Guru, who knows this spiritual wisdom, reveals the secret of this mystery.

aultw rhY ABMg ACyd ]9] (343-17)
ultaa rahai abhang achhayd. ||9||
Turning away from the world, He abides in the Unbreakable and Impenetrable Lord. ||9||

naumI nvY duAwr kau swiD ] (343-18)
na-umee navai du-aar ka-o saaDh.
On the ninth day of the lunar cycle, discipline the nine gates of the body.

bhqI mnsw rwKhu bWiD ] (343-18)
bahtee mansaa raakho baaNDh.
Keep your pulsating desires restrained.

loB moh sB bIsir jwhu ] (343-18)
lobh moh sabh beesar jaahu.
Forget all your greed and emotional attachment;