Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


dyvgMDwrI mhlw 5 ] (535-1)
dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 5.
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl:

mY bhu ibiD pyiKE dUjw nwhI rI koaU ] (535-1)
mai baho biDh paykhi-o doojaa naahee ree ko-oo.
I have looked in so many ways, but there is no other like the Lord.

KMf dIp sB BIqir rivAw pUir rihE sB loaU ]1] rhwau ] (535-1)
khand deep sabh bheetar ravi-aa poor rahi-o sabh lo-oo. ||1|| rahaa-o.
On all the continents and islands, He is permeating and fully pervading; He is in all worlds. ||1||Pause||

Agm AgMmw kvn mihMmw mnu jIvY suin soaU ] (535-2)
agam agammaa kavan mahimmaa man jeevai sun so-oo.
He is the most unfathomable of the unfathomable; who can chant His Praises? My mind lives by hearing news of Him.

cwir Awsrm cwir brMnw mukiq Bey syvqoaU ]1] (535-3)
chaar aasram chaar barannaa mukat bha-ay sayvto-oo. ||1||
People in the four stages of life, and in the four social classes are liberated, by serving You, Lord. ||1||

guir sbdu idRVwieAw prm pdu pwieAw duqIA gey suK hoaU ] (535-3)
gur sabad drirh-aa-i-aa param pad paa-i-aa dutee-a ga-ay sukh ho-oo.
The Guru has implanted the Word of His Shabad within me; I have attained the supreme status. My sense of duality has been dispelled, and now, I am at peace.

khu nwnk Bv swgru qirAw hir iniD pweI shjoaU ]2]2]33] (535-4)
kaho naanak bhav saagar tari-aa har niDh paa-ee sahjo-oo. ||2||2||33||
Says Nanak, I have easily crossed over the terrifying world-ocean, obtaining the treasure of the Lord's Name. ||2||2||33||

rwgu dyvgMDwrI mhlw 5 Gru 6 (535-5)
raag dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 5 ghar 6
Raag Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl, Sixth House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (535-5)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

eykY ry hir eykY jwn ] (535-6)
aykai ray har aykai jaan.
Know that there is One and only One Lord.

eykY ry gurmuiK jwn ]1] rhwau ] (535-6)
aykai ray gurmukh jaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O Gurmukh, know that He is One. ||1||Pause||

kwhy BRmq hau qum BRmhu n BweI rivAw ry rivAw sRb Qwn ]1] (535-6)
kaahay bharmat ha-o tum bharmahu na bhaa-ee ravi-aa ray ravi-aa sarab thaan. ||1||
Why are you wandering around? O Siblings of Destiny, don't wander around; He is permeating and pervading everywhere. ||1||

ijau bYsMqru kwst mJwir ibnu sMjm nhI kwrj swir ] (535-7)
ji-o baisantar kaasat majhaar bin sanjam nahee kaaraj saar.
As the fire in the forest, without control, cannot serve any purpose

ibnu gur n pwvYgo hir jI ko duAwr ] (535-7)
bin gur na paavaigo har jee ko du-aar.
- just so, without the Guru, one cannot attain the Gate of the Lord.

imil sMgiq qij AiBmwn khu nwnk pwey hY prm inDwn ]2]1]34] (535-8)
mil sangat taj abhimaan kaho naanak paa-ay hai param niDhaan. ||2||1||34||
Joining the Society of the Saints, renounce your ego; says Nanak, in this way, the supreme treasure is obtained. ||2||1||34||

dyvgMDwrI 5 ] (535-9)
dayvganDhaaree 5.
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl:

jwnI n jweI qw kI gwiq ]1] rhwau ] (535-9)
jaanee na jaa-ee taa kee gaat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
His state cannot be known. ||1||Pause||

kh pyKwrau hau kir cqurweI ibsmn ibsmy khn khwiq ]1] (535-9)
kah paykhaara-o ha-o kar chaturaa-ee bisman bismay kahan kahaat. ||1||
How can I behold Him through clever tricks? Those who tell this story are wonder-struck and amazed. ||1||

gx gMDrb isD Aru swiDk ] (535-10)
gan ganDharab siDh ar saaDhik.
The servants of God, the celestial singers, the Siddhas and the seekers,

suir nr dyv bRhm bRhmwidk ] (535-10)
sur nar dayv barahm barahmaadik.
the angelic and divine beings, Brahma and those like Brahma,

cqur byd aucrq idnu rwiq ] (535-11)
chatur bayd uchrat din raat.
and the four Vedas proclaim, day and night,

Agm Agm Twkuru AwgwiD ] (535-11)
agam agam thaakur aagaaDh.
that the Lord and Master is inaccessible, unapproachable and unfathomable.

gun byAMq byAMq Bnu nwnk khnu n jweI prY prwiq ]2]2]35] (535-11)
gun bay-ant bay-ant bhan naanak kahan na jaa-ee parai paraat. ||2||2||35||
Endless, endless are His Glories, says Nanak; they cannot be described - they are beyond our reach. ||2||2||35||

dyvgMDwrI mhlw 5 ] (535-12)
dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 5.
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl:

iDAwey gwey krnYhwr ] (535-12)
Dhi-aa-ay gaa-ay karnaihaar.
I meditate, and sing of the Creator Lord.

Bau nwhI suK shj Anµdw Aink EhI ry eyk smwr ]1] rhwau ] (535-12)
bha-o naahee sukh sahj anandaa anik ohee ray ayk samaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have become fearless, and I have found peace, poise and bliss, remembering the infinite Lord. ||1||Pause||

sPl mUriq guru myrY mwQY ] (535-13)
safal moorat gur mayrai maathai.
The Guru, of the most fruitful image, has placed His hand upon my forehead.

jq kq pyKau qq qq swQY ] (535-13)
jat kat paykha-o tat tat saathai.
Wherever I look, there, I find Him with me.

crn kml myry pRwn ADwr ]1] (535-14)
charan kamal mayray paraan aDhaar. ||1||
The Lotus Feet of the Lord are the Support of my very breath of life. ||1||

smrQ AQwh bfw pRBu myrw ] (535-14)
samrath athaah badaa parabh mayraa.
My God is all-powerful, unfathomable and utterly vast.

Gt Gt AMqir swihbu nyrw ] (535-14)
ghat ghat antar saahib nayraa.
The Lord and Master is close at hand - He dwells in each and every heart.

qwkI srin Awsr pRB nwnk jw kw AMqu n pwrwvwr ]2]3]36] (535-15)
taakee saran aasar parabh naanak jaa kaa ant na paaraavaar. ||2||3||36||
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary and the Support of God, who has no end or limitation. ||2||3||36||

dyvgMDwrI mhlw 5 ] (535-15)
dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 5.
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl:

aultI ry mn aultI ry ] (535-16)
ultee ray man ultee ray.
Turn away, O my mind, turn away.

swkq isau kir aultI ry ] (535-16)
saakat si-o kar ultee ray.
Turn away from the faithless cynic.

JUTY kI ry JUTu prIiq CutkI ry mn CutkI ry swkq sMig n CutkI ry ]1] rhwau ] (535-16)
jhoothai kee ray jhooth pareet chhutkee ray man chhutkee ray saakat sang na chhutkee ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
False is the love of the false one; break the ties, O my mind, and your ties shall be broken. Break your ties with the faithless cynic. ||1||Pause||

ijau kwjr Bir mMdru rwiKE jo pYsY kwlUKI ry ] (535-17)
ji-o kaajar bhar mandar raakhi-o jo paisai kaalookhee ray.
One who enters a house filled with soot is blackened.

dUrhu hI qy Bwig gieE hY ijsu gur imil CutkI iqRkutI ry ]1] (535-17)
Dhoorahu hee tay bhaag ga-i-o hai jis gur mil chhutkee tarikutee ray. ||1||
Run far away from such people! One who meets the Guru escapes from the bondage of the three dispositions. ||1||

mwgau dwnu ik®pwl ik®pw iniD myrw muKu swkq sMig n jutsI ry ] (535-18)
maaga-o daan kirpaal kirpaa niDh mayraa mukh saakat sang na jutsee ray.
I beg this blessing of You, O Merciful Lord, ocean of mercy - please, don't bring me face to face with the faithless cyincs.