Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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556 ijcru ivic dMmu hY iqcru n cyqeI ik krygu AgY jwie ] (556-1)jichar vich damm hai tichar na chayt-ee ke karayg agai jaa-ay. As long as there is breath in the body, he does not remember the Lord; what will he do in the world hereafter? igAwnI hoie su cyqMnu hoie AigAwnI AMDu kmwie ] (556-1)gi-aanee ho-ay so chaytann ho-ay agi-aanee anDh kamaa-ay. One who remembers the Lord is a spiritual teacher; the ignorant one acts blindly. nwnk eyQY kmwvY so imlY AgY pwey jwie ]1] (556-2)naanak aythai kamaavai so milai agai paa-ay jaa-ay. ||1|| O Nanak, whatever one does in this world, determines what he shall receive in the world hereafter. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (556-2)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: Duir KsmY kw hukmu pieAw ivxu siqgur cyiqAw n jwie ] (556-3)Dhur khasmai kaa hukam pa-i-aa vin satgur chayti-aa na jaa-ay. From the very beginning, it has been the Will of the Lord Master, that He cannot be remembered without the True Guru. siqguir imilAY AMqir riv rihAw sdw rihAw ilv lwie ] (556-3)satgur mili-ai antar rav rahi-aa sadaa rahi-aa liv laa-ay. Meeting the True Guru, he realizes that the Lord is permeating and pervading deep within him; he remains forever absorbed in the Lord's Love. dim dim sdw smwldw dMmu n ibrQw jwie ] (556-4)dam dam sadaa samaaldaa damm na birthaa jaa-ay. With each and every breath, he constantly remembers the Lord in meditation; not a single breath passes in vain. jnm mrn kw Bau gieAw jIvn pdvI pwie ] (556-4)janam maran kaa bha-o ga-i-aa jeevan padvee paa-ay. His fears of birth and death depart, and he obtains the honored state of eternal life. nwnk iehu mrqbw iqs no dyie ijs no ikrpw kry rjwie ]2] (556-5)naanak ih martabaa tis no day-ay jis no kirpaa karay rajaa-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, He bestows this rank upon that mortal, upon whom He showers His Mercy. ||2|| pauVI ] (556-6)pa-orhee. Pauree: Awpy dwnW bIinAw Awpy prDwnW ] (556-6)aapay daanaaN beeni-aa aapay parDhaanaaN. He Himself is all-wise and all-knowing; He Himself is supreme. Awpy rUp idKwldw Awpy lwie iDAwnW ] (556-6)aapay roop dikhaaldaa aapay laa-ay Dhi-aanaaN. He Himself reveals His form, and He Himself enjoins us to His meditation. Awpy monI vrqdw Awpy kQY igAwnW ] (556-6)aapay monee varatdaa aapay kathai gi-aanaaN. He Himself poses as a silent sage, and He Himself speaks spiritual wisdom. kauVw iksY n lgeI sBnw hI Bwnw ] (556-7)ka-urhaa kisai na lag-ee sabhnaa hee bhaanaa. He does not seem bitter to anyone; He is pleasing to all. ausqiq brin n skIAY sd sd kurbwnw ]19] (556-7)ustat baran na sakee-ai sad sad kurbaanaa. ||19|| His Praises cannot be described; forever and ever, I am a sacrifice to Him. ||19|| slok mÚ 1 ] (556-8)salok mehlaa 1. Shalok, First Mehl: klI AMdir nwnkw ijMnW dw Aauqwru ] (556-8)kalee andar naankaa jinnaaN daa a-utaar. In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, O Nanak, the demons have taken birth. puqu ijnUrw DIA ijMnUrI jorU ijMnw dw iskdwru ]1] (556-8)put jinooraa Dhee-a jinnooree joroo jinna daa sikdaar. ||1|| The son is a demon, and the daughter is a demon; the wife is the chief of the demons. ||1|| mÚ 1 ] (556-9)mehlaa 1. First Mehl: ihMdU mUly BUly AKutI jWhI ] (556-9)hindoo moolay bhoolay akhutee jaaNhee. The Hindus have forgotten the Primal Lord; they are going the wrong way. nwrid kihAw is pUj krWhI ] AMDy guMgy AMD AMDwru ] (556-9)naarad kahi-aa se pooj karaaNhee. anDhay gungay anDh anDhaar. As Naarad instructed them, they are worshipping idols. They are blind and mute, the blindest of the blind. pwQru ly pUjih mugD gvwr ] (556-10)paathar lay poojeh mugaDh gavaar. The ignorant fools pick up stones and worship them. Eih jw Awip fuby qum khw qrxhwru ]2] (556-10)ohi jaa aap dubay tum kahaa taranhaar. ||2|| But when those stones themselves sink, who will carry you across? ||2|| pauVI ] (556-11)pa-orhee. Pauree: sBu ikhu qyrY vis hY qU scw swhu ] (556-11)sabh kihu tayrai vas hai too sachaa saahu. Everything is in Your power; You are the True King. Bgq rqy rMig eyk kY pUrw vyswhu ] (556-11)bhagat ratay rang ayk kai pooraa vaysaahu. The devotees are imbued with the Love of the One Lord; they have perfect faith in Him. AMimRqu Bojnu nwmu hir rij rij jn Kwhu ] (556-12)amrit bhojan naam har raj raj jan khaahu. The Name of the Lord is the ambrosial food; His humble servants eat their fill. siB pdwrQ pweIAin ismrxu scu lwhu ] (556-12)sabh padaarath paa-ee-an simran sach laahu. All treasures are obtained - meditative remembrance on the Lord is the true profit. sMq ipAwry pwrbRhm nwnk hir Agm Agwhu ]20] (556-13)sant pi-aaray paarbarahm naanak har agam agaahu. ||20|| The Saints are very dear to the Supreme Lord God, O Nanak; the Lord is unapproachable and unfathomable. ||20|| slok mÚ 3 ] (556-13)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: sBu ikCu hukmy Awvdw sBu ikCu hukmy jwie ] (556-13)sabh kichh hukmay aavdaa sabh kichh hukmay jaa-ay. Everything comes by the Lord's Will, and everything goes by the Lord's Will. jy ko mUrKu Awphu jwxY AMDw AMDu kmwie ] (556-14)jay ko moorakh aaphu jaanai anDhaa anDh kamaa-ay. If some fool believes that he is the creator, he is blind, and acts in blindness. nwnk hukmu ko gurmuiK buJY ijs no ikrpw kry rjwie ]1] (556-14)naanak hukam ko gurmukh bujhai jis no kirpaa karay rajaa-ay. ||1|| O Nanak, the Gurmukh understands the Hukam of the Lord's Command; the Lord showers His Mercy upon him. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (556-15)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: so jogI jugiq so pwey ijs no gurmuiK nwmu prwpiq hoie ] (556-15)so jogee jugat so paa-ay jis no gurmukh naam paraapat ho-ay. He alone is a Yogi, and he alone finds the Way, who, as Gurmukh, obtains the Naam. iqsu jogI kI ngrI sBu ko vsY ByKI jogu n hoie ] (556-16)tis jogee kee nagree sabh ko vasai bhaykhee jog na ho-ay. In the body-village of that Yogi are all blessings; this Yoga is not obtained by outward show. nwnk AYsw ivrlw ko jogI ijsu Git prgtu hoie ]2] (556-16)naanak aisaa virlaa ko jogee jis ghat pargat ho-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, such a Yogi is very rare; the Lord is manifest in his heart. ||2|| pauVI ] (556-17)pa-orhee. Pauree: Awpy jMq aupwieAnu Awpy AwDwru ] (556-17)aapay jant upaa-i-an aapay aaDhaar. He Himself created the creatures, and He Himself supports them. Awpy sUKmu BwlIAY Awpy pwswru ] (556-17)aapay sookham bhaalee-ai aapay paasaar. He Himself is seen to be subtle, and He Himself is obvious. Awip iekwqI hoie rhY Awpy vf prvwru ] (556-18)aap ikaatee ho-ay rahai aapay vad parvaar. He Himself remains a solitary recluse, and He Himself has a huge family. nwnku mMgY dwnu hir sMqw rynwru ] (556-18)naanak mangai daan har santaa raynaar. Nanak asks for the gift of the dust of the feet of the Saints of the Lord. horu dwqwru n suJeI qU dyvxhwru ]21]1] suDu ] (556-18)hor daataar na sujh-ee too dayvanhaar. ||21||1|| suDh. I cannot see any other Giver; You alone are the Giver, O Lord. ||21||1|| Sudh|| |
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