Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


vfhMsu mhlw 3 ] (559-1)
vad-hans mehlaa 3.
Wadahans, Third Mehl:

mwieAw mohu gubwru hY gur ibnu igAwnu n hoeI ] (559-1)
maa-i-aa moh gubaar hai gur bin gi-aan na ho-ee.
Emotional attachment to Maya is darkness; without the Guru, there is no wisdom.

sbid lgy iqn buiJAw dUjY prj ivgoeI ]1] (559-2)
sabad lagay tin bujhi-aa doojai paraj vigo-ee. ||1||
Those who are attached to the Word of the Shabad understand; duality has ruined the people. ||1||

mn myry gurmiq krxI swru ] (559-2)
man mayray gurmat karnee saar.
O my mind, under Guru's Instruction, do good deeds.

sdw sdw hir pRBu rvih qw pwvih moK duAwru ]1] rhwau ] (559-3)
sadaa sadaa har parabh raveh taa paavahi mokh du-aar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Dwell forever and ever upon the Lord God, and you shall find the gate of salvation. ||1||Pause||

guxw kw inDwnu eyku hY Awpy dyie qw ko pwey ] (559-3)
gunaa kaa niDhaan ayk hai aapay day-ay taa ko paa-ay.
The Lord alone is the treasure of virtue; He Himself gives, and then one receives.

ibnu nwvY sB ivCuVI gur kY sbid imlwey ]2] (559-4)
bin naavai sabh vichhurhee gur kai sabad milaa-ay. ||2||
Without the Name, all are separated from the Lord; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, one meets the Lord. ||2||

myrI myrI krdy Git gey iqnw hiQ ikhu n AwieAw ] (559-4)
mayree mayree karday ghat ga-ay tinaa hath kihu na aa-i-aa.
Acting in ego, they lose, and nothing comes into their hands.

sqguir imilAY sic imly sic nwim smwieAw ]3] (559-5)
satgur mili-ai sach milay sach naam samaa-i-aa. ||3||
Meeting the True Guru, they find Truth, and merge into the True Name. ||3||

Awsw mnsw eyhu srIru hY AMqir joiq jgwey ] (559-5)
aasaa mansaa ayhu sareer hai antar jot jagaa-ay.
Hope and desire abide in this body, but the Lord's Light shines within as well.

nwnk mnmuiK bMDu hY gurmuiK mukiq krwey ]4]3] (559-6)
naanak manmukh banDh hai gurmukh mukat karaa-ay. ||4||3||
O Nanak, the self-willed manmukhs remain in bondage; the Gurmukhs are liberated. ||4||3||

vfhMsu mhlw 3 ] (559-7)
vad-hans mehlaa 3.
Wadahans, Third Mehl:

sohwgxI sdw muKu aujlw gur kY shij suBwie ] (559-7)
sohaaganee sadaa mukh ujlaa gur kai sahj subhaa-ay.
The faces of the happy soul-brides are radiant forever; through the Guru, they are peacefully poised.

sdw ipru rwvih Awpxw ivchu Awpu gvwie ]1] (559-7)
sadaa pir raaveh aapnaa vichahu aap gavaa-ay. ||1||
They enjoy their Husband Lord constantly, eradicating their ego from within. ||1||

myry mn qU hir hir nwmu iDAwie ] (559-8)
mayray man too har har naam Dhi-aa-ay.
O my mind, meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

sqguir mo kau hir dIAw buJwie ]1] rhwau ] (559-8)
satgur mo ka-o har dee-aa bujhaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The True Guru has led me to understand the Lord. ||1||Pause||

dohwgxI KrIAw ibllwdIAw iqnw mhlu n pwie ] (559-9)
duhaaganee kharee-aa billaadee-aa tinaa mahal na paa-ay.
The abandoned brides cry out in their suffering; they do not attain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.

dUjY Bwie krUpI dUKu pwvih AwgY jwie ]2] (559-9)
doojai bhaa-ay karoopee dookh paavahi aagai jaa-ay. ||2||
In the love of duality, they appear so ugly; they suffer in pain as they go to the world beyond. ||2||

guxvMqI inq gux rvY ihrdY nwmu vswie ] (559-10)
gunvantee nit gun ravai hirdai naam vasaa-ay.
The virtuous soul-bride constantly chants the Glorious Praises of the Lord; she enshrines the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within her heart.

AaugxvMqI kwmxI duKu lwgY ibllwie ]3] (559-10)
a-uganvantee kaamnee dukh laagai billaa-ay. ||3||
The unvirtuous woman suffers, and cries out in pain. ||3||

sBnw kw Bqwru eyku hY suAwmI khxw ikCU n jwie ] (559-11)
sabhnaa kaa bhataar ayk hai su-aamee kahnaa kichhoo na jaa-ay.
The One Lord and Master is the Husband Lord of all; His Praises cannot be expressed.

nwnk Awpy vyk kIiqAnu nwmy lieAnu lwie ]4]4] (559-11)
naanak aapay vayk keeti-an naamay la-i-an laa-ay. ||4||4||
O Nanak, He has separated some from Himself, while others are to His Name. ||4||4||

vfhMsu mhlw 3 ] (559-12)
vad-hans mehlaa 3.
Wadahans, Third Mehl:

AMimRq nwmu sd mITw lwgw gur sbdI swdu AwieAw ] (559-12)
amrit naam sad meethaa laagaa gur sabdee saad aa-i-aa.
The Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam is always sweet to me; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I come to taste it.

scI bwxI shij smwxI hir jIau min vswieAw ]1] (559-13)
sachee banee sahj samaanee har jee-o man vasaa-i-aa. ||1||
Through the True Word of the Guru's Bani, I am merged in peace and poise; the Dear Lord is enshrined in the mind. ||1||

hir kir ikrpw sqgurU imlwieAw ] (559-13)
har kar kirpaa satguroo milaa-i-aa.
The Lord, showing His Mercy, has caused me to meet the True Guru.

pUrY sqguir hir nwmu iDAwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (559-14)
poorai satgur har naam Dhi-aa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the Perfect True Guru, I meditate on the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

bRhmY byd bwxI prgwsI mwieAw moh pswrw ] (559-14)
barahmai bayd banee pargaasee maa-i-aa moh pasaaraa.
Through Brahma, the hymns of the Vedas were revealed, but the love of Maya spread.

mhwdyau igAwnI vrqY Gir AwpxY qwmsu bhuqu AhMkwrw ]2] (559-15)
mahaaday-o gi-aanee vartai ghar aapnai taamas bahut ahaNkaaraa. ||2||
The wise one, Shiva, remains absorbed in himself, but he is engrossed in dark passions and excessive egotism. ||2||

iksnu sdw AvqwrI rUDw ikqu lig qrY sMswrw ] (559-15)
kisan sadaa avtaaree rooDhaa kit lag tarai sansaaraa.
Vishnu is always busy reincarnating himself - who will save the world?

gurmuiK igAwin rqy jug AMqir cUkY moh gubwrw ]3] (559-16)
gurmukh gi-aan ratay jug antar chookai moh gubaaraa. ||3||
The Gurmukhs are imbued with spiritual wisdom in this age; they are rid of the darkness of emotional attachment. ||3||

sqgur syvw qy insqwrw gurmuiK qrY sMswrw ] (559-16)
satgur sayvaa tay nistaaraa gurmukh tarai sansaaraa.
Serving the True Guru, one is emancipated; the Gurmukh crosses over the world-ocean.

swcY nwie rqy bYrwgI pwiein moK duAwrw ]4] (559-17)
saachai naa-ay ratay bairaagee paa-in mokh du-aaraa. ||4||
The detached renunciates are imbued with the True Name; they attain the gate of salvation. ||4||

eyko scu vrqY sB AMqir sBnw kry pRiqpwlw ] (559-17)
ayko sach vartai sabh antar sabhnaa karay partipaalaa.
The One True Lord is pervading and permeating everywhere; He cherishes everyone.

nwnk ieksu ibnu mY Avru n jwxw sBnw dIvwnu dieAwlw ]5]5] (559-18)
naanak ikas bin mai avar na jaanaa sabhnaa deevaan da-i-aalaa. ||5||5||
O Nanak, without the One Lord, I do not know any other; He is the Merciful Master of all. ||5||5||

vfhMsu mhlw 3 ] (559-19)
vad-hans mehlaa 3.
Wadahans, Third Mehl:

gurmuiK scu sMjmu qqu igAwnu ] (559-19)
gurmukh sach sanjam tat gi-aan.
The Gurmukh practices true self-discipline, and attains the essence of wisdom.

gurmuiK swcy lgY iDAwnu ]1] (559-19)
gurmukh saachay lagai Dhi-aan. ||1||
The Gurmukh meditates on the True Lord. ||1||