Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


hir hir ik®pw Dwir gur mylhu guir imilAY hir Eumwhw rwm ]3] (699-1)
har har kirpaa Dhaar gur maylhu gur mili-ai har omaahaa raam. ||3||
O Lord, Har, Har, be merciful to me, and lead me to meet the Guru; meeting the Guru, a sincere yearning for the Lord wells up in me. ||3||

kir kIriq jsu Agm AQwhw ] (699-1)
kar keerat jas agam athaahaa.
Praise Him, the unfathomable and inaccessible Lord.

iKnu iKnu rwm nwmu gwvwhw ] (699-2)
khin khin raam naam gaavaahaa.
Each and every moment, sing the Lord's Name.

mo kau Dwir ik®pw imlIAY gur dwqy hir nwnk Bgiq Eumwhw rwm ]4]2]8] (699-2)
mo ka-o Dhaar kirpaa milee-ai gur daatay har naanak bhagat omaahaa raam. ||4||2||8||
Be merciful, and meet me, O Guru, Great Giver; Nanak yearns for the Lord's devotional worship. ||4||2||8||

jYqsrI mÚ 4 ] (699-3)
jaitsaree mehlaa 4.
Jaitsree, Fourth Mehl:

ris ris rwmu rswlu slwhw ] (699-3)
ras ras raam rasaal salaahaa.
With love and energetic affection, praise the Lord, the storehouse of Nectar.

mnu rwm nwim BInw lY lwhw ] (699-3)
man raam naam bheenaa lai laahaa.
My mind is drenched with the Lord's Name, and so it earns this profit.

iKnu iKnu Bgiq krh idnu rwqI gurmiq Bgiq Eumwhw rwm ]1] (699-4)
khin khin bhagat karah din raatee gurmat bhagat omaahaa raam. ||1||
Each and every moment, worship Him in devotion, day and night; through the Guru's Teachings, sincere love and devotion well up. ||1||

hir hir gux goivMd jpwhw ] (699-4)
har har gun govind japaahaa.
Chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, Har, Har.

mnu qnu jIiq sbdu lY lwhw ] (699-5)
man tan jeet sabad lai laahaa.
Conquering mind and body, I have earned the profit of the Shabad.

gurmiq pMc dUq vis Awvih min qin hir Emwhw rwm ]2] (699-5)
gurmat panch doot vas aavahi man tan har omaahaa raam. ||2||
Through the Guru's Teachings, the five demons are over-powered, and the mind and body are filled with a sincere yearning for the Lord. ||2||

nwmu rqnu hir nwmu jpwhw ] (699-6)
naam ratan har naam japaahaa.
The Name is a jewel - chant the Lord's Name.

hir gux gwie sdw lY lwhw ] (699-6)
har gun gaa-ay sadaa lai laahaa.
Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and forever earn this profit.

dIn dieAwl ik®pw kir mwDo hir hir nwmu Eumwhw rwm ]3] (699-6)
deen da-i-aal kirpaa kar maaDho har har naam omaahaa raam. ||3||
O Lord, merciful to the meek, be kind to me, and bless me with sincere longing for the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||

jip jgdIsu jpau mn mwhw ] (699-7)
jap jagdees japa-o man maahaa.
Meditate on the Lord of the world - meditate within your mind.

hir hir jgMnwQu jig lwhw ] (699-7)
har har jagannaath jag laahaa.
The Lord of the Universe, Har, Har, is the only real profit in this world.

Dnu Dnu vfy Twkur pRB myry jip nwnk Bgiq Emwhw rwm ]4]3]9] (699-7)
Dhan Dhan vaday thaakur parabh mayray jap naanak bhagat omaahaa raam. ||4||3||9||
Blessed, blessed, is my Great Lord and Master God; O Nanak, meditate on Him, worship Him with sincere love and devotion. ||4||3||9||

jYqsrI mhlw 4 ] (699-8)
jaitsaree mehlaa 4.
Jaitsree, Fourth Mehl:

Awpy jogI jugiq jugwhw ] (699-8)
aapay jogee jugat jugaahaa.
He Himself is the Yogi, and the way throughout the ages.

Awpy inrBau qwVI lwhw ] (699-9)
aapay nirbha-o taarhee laahaa.
The Fearless Lord Himself is absorbed in Samaadhi.

Awpy hI Awip Awip vrqY Awpy nwim Eumwhw rwm ]1] (699-9)
aapay hee aap aap vartai aapay naam omaahaa raam. ||1||
He Himself, all by Himself, is all-pervading; He Himself blesses us with sincere love for the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||

Awpy dIp loA dIpwhw ] (699-10)
aapay deep lo-a deepaahaa.
He Himself is the lamp, and the Light pervading all the worlds.

Awpy siqguru smuMdu mQwhw ] (699-10)
aapay satgur samund mathaahaa.
He Himself is the True Guru; He Himself churns the ocean.

Awpy miQ miQ qqu kFwey jip nwmu rqnu Eumwhw rwm ]2] (699-10)
aapay math math tat kadhaa-ay jap naam ratan omaahaa raam. ||2||
He Himself churns it, churning up the essence; meditating on the jewel of the Naam, sincere love comes to the surface. ||2||

sKI imlhu imil gux gwvwhw ] (699-11)
sakhee milhu mil gun gaavaahaa.
O my companions, let us meet and join together, and sing His Glorious Praises.

gurmuiK nwmu jphu hir lwhw ] (699-11)
gurmukh naam japahu har laahaa.
As Gurmukh, chant the Naam, and earn the profit of the Lord's Name.

hir hir Bgiq idRVI min BweI hir hir nwmu Eumwhw rwm ]3] (699-12)
har har bhagat darirh-ee man bhaa-ee har har naam omaahaa raam. ||3||
Devotional worship of the Lord, Har, Har, has been implanted within me; it is pleasing to my mind. The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, brings a sincere love. ||3||

Awpy vf dwxw vf swhw ] (699-12)
aapay vad daanaa vad saahaa.
He Himself is supremely wise, the greatest King.

gurmuiK pUMjI nwmu ivswhw ] (699-13)
gurmukh poonjee naam visaahaa.
As Gurmukh, purchase the merchandise of the Naam.

hir hir dwiq krhu pRB BwvY gux nwnk nwmu Eumwhw rwm ]4]4]10] (699-13)
har har daat karahu parabh bhaavai gun naanak naam omaahaa raam. ||4||4||10||
O Lord God, Har, Har, bless me with such a gift, that Your Glorious Virtues seem pleasing to me; Nanak is filled with sincere love and yearning for the Lord. ||4||4||10||

jYqsrI mhlw 4 ] (699-14)
jaitsaree mehlaa 4.
Jaitsree, Fourth Mehl:

imil sqsMgiq sMig gurwhw ] (699-14)
mil satsangat sang guraahaa.
Joining the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, and associating with the Guru,

pUMjI nwmu gurmuiK vyswhw ] (699-14)
poonjee naam gurmukh vaysaahaa.
the Gurmukh gathers in the merchandise of the Naam.

hir hir ik®pw Dwir mDusUdn imil sqsMig Eumwhw rwm ]1] (699-15)
har har kirpaa Dhaar maDhusoodan mil satsang omaahaa raam. ||1||
O Lord, Har, Har, Destroyer of demons, have mercy upon me; bless me with a sincere yearning to join the Sat Sangat. ||1||

hir gux bwxI sRvix suxwhw ] (699-15)
har gun banee sarvan sunaahaa.
Let me hear with my ears the Banis, the Hymns, in praise of the Lord;

kir ikrpw siqgurU imlwhw ] (699-16)
kar kirpaa satguroo milaahaa.
be merciful, and let me meet the True Guru.

gux gwvh gux bolh bwxI hir gux jip Eumwhw rwm ]2] (699-16)
gun gaavah gun bolah banee har gun jap omaahaa raam. ||2||
I sing His Glorious Praises, I speak the Bani of His Word; chanting His Glorious Praises, a sincere yearning for the Lord wells up. ||2||

siB qIrQ vrq jg puMn quolwhw ] (699-17)
sabh tirath varat jag punn tolaahaa.
I have tried visiting all the sacred shrines of pilgrimage, fasting, ceremonial feasts and giving to charities.

hir hir nwm n pujih pujwhw ] (699-17)
har har naam na pujeh pujaahaa.
They do not measure up to the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

hir hir Aqulu qolu Aiq BwrI gurmiq jip Eumwhw rwm ]3] (699-17)
har har atul tol at bhaaree gurmat jap omaahaa raam. ||3||
The Lord's Name is unweighable, utterly heavy in weight; through the Guru's Teachings, a sincere yearning to chant the Name has welled up in me. ||3||

siB krm Drm hir nwmu jpwhw ] (699-18)
sabh karam Dharam har naam japaahaa.
All good karma and righteous living are found in meditation on the Lord's Name.

iklivK mYlu pwp Dovwhw ] (699-18)
kilvikh mail paap Dhovaahaa.
It washes away the stains of sins and mistakes.

dIn dieAwl hohu jn aUpir dyhu nwnk nwmu Emwhw rwm ]4]5]11] (699-19)
deen da-i-aal hohu jan oopar dayh naanak naam omaahaa raam. ||4||5||11||
Be merciful to meek, humble Nanak; bless him with sincere love and yearning for the Lord. ||4||5||11||