Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


imlu imlu sKI gux khu myry pRB ky ly siqgur kI miq DIr ]3] (862-1)
mil mil sakhee gun kaho mayray parabh kay lay satgur kee mat Dheer. ||3||
Come, and join together, O my companions; let's sing the Glorious Praises of my God, and follow the comforting advice of the True Guru.. ||3||

jn nwnk kI hir Aws pujwvhu hir drsin sWiq srIr ]4]6] (862-2)
jan naanak kee har aas pujaavahu har darsan saaNt sareer. ||4||6||
Please fulfill the hopes of servant Nanak, O Lord; his body finds peace and tranquility in the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. ||4||6||

Ckw 1] (862-2)
chhakaa 1||
First set of six. ||

rwgu goNf mhlw 5 caupdy Gru 1 (862-3)
raag gond mehlaa 5 cha-upday ghar 1
Raag Gond, Fifth Mehl, Chau-Padas, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (862-3)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

sBu krqw sBu Bugqw ]1] rhwau ] (862-4)
sabh kartaa sabh bhugtaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is the Creator of all, He is the Enjoyer of all. ||1||Pause||

sunqo krqw pyKq krqw ] (862-4)
sunto kartaa paykhat kartaa.
The Creator listens, and the Creator sees.

AidRsto krqw idRsto krqw ] (862-4)
adristo kartaa daristo kartaa.
The Creator is unseen, and the Creator is seen.

Epiq krqw prlau krqw ] (862-5)
opat kartaa parla-o kartaa.
The Creator forms, and the Creator destroys.

ibAwpq krqw Ailpqo krqw ]1] (862-5)
bi-aapat kartaa alipato kartaa. ||1||
The Creator touches, and the Creator is detached. ||1||

bkqo krqw bUJq krqw ] (862-5)
bakto kartaa boojhat kartaa.
The Creator is the One who speaks, and the Creator is the One who understands.

Awvqu krqw jwqu BI krqw ] (862-6)
aavat kartaa jaat bhee kartaa.
The Creator comes, and the Creator also goes.

inrgun krqw srgun krqw ] (862-6)
nirgun kartaa sargun kartaa.
The Creator is absolute and without qualities; the Creator is related, with the most excellent qualities.

gur pRswid nwnk smidRstw ]2]1] (862-6)
gur parsaad naanak samdristaa. ||2||1||
By Guru's Grace, Nanak looks upon all the same. ||2||1||

goNf mhlw 5 ] (862-7)
gond mehlaa 5.
Gond, Fifth Mehl:

PwikE mIn kipk kI inAweI qU auriJ rihE ksuMBwiely ] (862-7)
faaki-o meen kapik kee ni-aa-ee too urajh rahi-o kasumbhaa-ilay.
You are caught, like the fish and the monkey; you are entangled in the transitory world.

pg Dwrih swsu lyKY lY qau auDrih hir gux gwiely ]1] (862-7)
pag Dhaareh saas laykhai lai ta-o uDhrahi har gun gaa-ilay. ||1||
Your foot-steps and your breaths are numbered; only by singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord will you be saved. ||1||

mn smJu Coif Awvwiely ] (862-8)
man samajh chhod aavaa-ilay.
O mind, reform yourself, and forsake your aimless wandering.

Apny rhn kau Tauru n pwvih kwey pr kY jwiely ]1] rhwau ] (862-8)
apnay rahan ka-o tha-ur na paavahi kaa-ay par kai jaa-ilay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You have found no place of rest for yourself; so why do you try to teach others? ||1||Pause||

ijau mYglu ieMdRI ris pRyirE qU lwig pirE kutMbwiely ] (862-9)
ji-o maigal indree ras parayri-o too laag pari-o kutambaa-ilay.
Like the elephant, driven by sexual desire, you are attached to your family.

ijau pMKI iekqR hoie iPir ibCurY iQru sMgiq hir hir iDAwiely ]2] (862-10)
ji-o pankhee ikatar ho-ay fir bichhurai thir sangat har har Dhi-aa-ilay. ||2||
People are like birds that come together, and fly apart again; you shall become stable and steady, only when you meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, in the Company of the Holy. ||2||

jYsy mInu rsn swid ibnisE Ehu mUTO mUV loBwiely ] (862-11)
jaisay meen rasan saad binsi-o oh moothou moorh lobhaa-ilay.
Like the fish, which perishes because of its desire to taste, the fool is ruined by his greed.

qU hoAw pMc vwis vYrI kY CUtih pru srnwiely ]3] (862-11)
too ho-aa panch vaas vairee kai chhooteh par sarnaa-ilay. ||3||
You have fallen under the power of the five thieves; escape is only possible in the Sanctuary of the Lord. ||3||

hohu ik®pwl dIn duK BMjn siB qum@ry jIA jMqwiely ] (862-12)
hohu kirpaal deen dukh bhanjan sabh tumHray jee-a jantaa-ilay.
Be Merciful to me, O Destroyer of the pains of the meek; all beings and creatures belong to You.

pwvau dwnu sdw drsu pyKw imlu nwnk dws dswiely ]4]2] (862-12)
paava-o daan sadaa daras paykhaa mil naanak daas dasaa-ilay. ||4||2||
May I obtain the gift of always seeing the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan; meeting with You, Nanak is the slave of Your slaves. ||4||2||

rwgu goNf mhlw 5 caupdy Gru 2 (862-14)
raag gond mehlaa 5 cha-upday ghar 2
Raag Gond, Fifth Mehl, Chau-Padas, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (862-14)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

jIA pRwn kIey ijin swij ] (862-15)
jee-a paraan kee-ay jin saaj.
He fashioned the soul and the breath of life,

mwtI mih joiq rKI invwij ] (862-15)
maatee meh jot rakhee nivaaj.
and infused His Light into the dust;

brqn kau sBu ikCu Bojn Bogwie ] (862-15)
bartan ka-o sabh kichh bhojan bhogaa-ay.
He exalted you and gave you everything to use, and food to eat and enjoy

so pRBu qij mUVy kq jwie ]1] (862-16)
so parabh taj moorhay kat jaa-ay. ||1||
- how can you forsake that God, you fool! Where else will you go? ||1||

pwrbRhm kI lwgau syv ] (862-16)
paarbarahm kee laaga-o sayv.
Commit yourself to the service of the Transcendent Lord.

gur qy suJY inrMjn dyv ]1] rhwau ] (862-16)
gur tay sujhai niranjan dayv. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the Guru, one understands the Immaculate, Divine Lord. ||1||Pause||

ijin kIey rMg Aink prkwr ] (862-17)
jin kee-ay rang anik parkaar.
He created plays and dramas of all sorts;

Epiq prlau inmK mJwr ] (862-17)
opat parla-o nimakh majhaar.
He creates and destroys in an instant;

jw kI giq imiq khI n jwie ] (862-17)
jaa kee gat mit kahee na jaa-ay.
His state and condition cannot be described.

so pRBu mn myry sdw iDAwie ]2] (862-18)
so parabh man mayray sadaa Dhi-aa-ay. ||2||
Meditate forever on that God, O my mind. ||2||

Awie n jwvY inhclu DnI ] (862-18)
aa-ay na jaavai nihchal Dhanee.
The unchanging Lord does not come or go.

byAMq gunw qw ky kyqk gnI ] (862-18)
bay-ant gunaa taa kay kaytak ganee.
His Glorious Virtues are infinite; how many of them can I count?