Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


mwrU mhlw 1 ] (991-1)
maaroo mehlaa 1.
Maaroo, First Mehl:

mul KrIdI lwlw golw myrw nwau sBwgw ] (991-1)
mul khareedee laalaa golaa mayraa naa-o sabhaagaa.
I am Your slave, Your bonded servant, and so I am called fortunate.

gur kI bcnI hwit ibkwnw ijqu lwieAw iqqu lwgw ]1] (991-1)
gur kee bachnee haat bikaanaa jit laa-i-aa tit laagaa. ||1||
I sold myself at Your store in exchange for the Guru's Word; whatever You link me to, to that I am linked. ||1||

qyry lwly ikAw cqurweI ] (991-2)
tayray laalay ki-aa chaturaa-ee.
What cleverness can Your servant try with You?

swihb kw hukmu n krxw jweI ]1] rhwau ] (991-2)
saahib kaa hukam na karnaa jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O my Lord and Master, I cannot carry out the Hukam of Your Command. ||1||Pause||

mw lwlI ipau lwlw myrw hau lwly kw jwieAw ] (991-3)
maa laalee pi-o laalaa mayraa ha-o laalay kaa jaa-i-aa.
My mother is Your slave, and my father is Your slave; I am the child of Your slaves.

lwlI nwcY lwlw gwvY Bgiq krau qyrI rwieAw ]2] (991-3)
laalee naachai laalaa gaavai bhagat kara-o tayree raa-i-aa. ||2||
My slave mother dances, and my slave father sings; I practice devotional worship to You, O my Sovereign Lord. ||2||

pIAih q pwxI AwxI mIrw Kwih q pIsx jwau ] (991-4)
pee-ah ta paanee aanee meeraa khaahi ta peesan jaa-o.
If You wish to drink, then I shall get water for You; if You wish to eat, I shall grind the corn for You.

pKw PyrI pYr mlovw jpq rhw qyrw nwau ]3] (991-4)
pakhaa fayree pair malovaa japat rahaa tayraa naa-o. ||3||
I wave the fan over You, and wash Your feet, and continue to chant Your Name. ||3||

lUx hrwmI nwnku lwlw bKisih quDu vifAweI ] (991-5)
loon haraamee naanak laalaa bakhsihi tuDh vadi-aa-ee.
I have been untrue to myself, but Nanak is Your slave; please forgive him, by Your glorious greatness.

Awid jugwid dieAwpiq dwqw quDu ivxu mukiq n pweI ]4]6] (991-5)
aad jugaad da-i-aapat daataa tuDh vin mukat na paa-ee. ||4||6||
Since the very beginning of time, and throughout the ages, You have been the merciful and generous Lord. Without You, liberation cannot be attained. ||4||6||

mwrU mhlw 1 ] (991-6)
maaroo mehlaa 1.
Maaroo, First Mehl:

koeI AwKY BUqnw ko khY byqwlw ] (991-6)
ko-ee aakhai bhootnaa ko kahai baytaalaa.
Some call him a ghost; some say that he is a demon.

koeI AwKY AwdmI nwnku vycwrw ]1] (991-7)
ko-ee aakhai aadmee naanak vaychaaraa. ||1||
Some call him a mere mortal; O, poor Nanak! ||1||

BieAw idvwnw swh kw nwnku baurwnw ] (991-7)
bha-i-aa divaanaa saah kaa naanak ba-uraanaa.
Crazy Nanak has gone insane, after his Lord, the King.

hau hir ibnu Avru n jwnw ]1] rhwau ] (991-8)
ha-o har bin avar na jaanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I know of none other than the Lord. ||1||Pause||

qau dyvwnw jwxIAY jw BY dyvwnw hoie ] (991-8)
ta-o dayvaanaa jaanee-ai jaa bhai dayvaanaa ho-ay.
He alone is known to be insane, when he goes insane with the Fear of God.

eykI swihb bwhrw dUjw Avru n jwxY koie ]2] (991-8)
aykee saahib baahraa doojaa avar na jaanai ko-ay. ||2||
He recognizes none other than the One Lord and Master. ||2||

qau dyvwnw jwxIAY jw eykw kwr kmwie ] (991-9)
ta-o dayvaanaa jaanee-ai jaa aykaa kaar kamaa-ay.
He alone is known to be insane, if he works for the One Lord.

hukmu pCwxY Ksm kw dUjI Avr isAwxp kwie ]3] (991-9)
hukam pachhaanai khasam kaa doojee avar si-aanap kaa-ay. ||3||
Recognizing the Hukam, the Command of his Lord and Master, what other cleverness is there? ||3||

qau dyvwnw jwxIAY jw swihb Dry ipAwru ] (991-10)
ta-o dayvaanaa jaanee-ai jaa saahib Dharay pi-aar.
He alone is known to be insane, when he falls in love with his Lord and Master.

mMdw jwxY Awp kau Avru Blw sMswru ]4]7] (991-11)
mandaa jaanai aap ka-o avar bhalaa sansaar. ||4||7||
He sees himself as bad, and all the rest of the world as good. ||4||7||

mwrU mhlw 1 ] (991-11)
maaroo mehlaa 1.
Maaroo, First Mehl:

iehu Dnu srb rihAw BrpUir ] (991-11)
ih Dhan sarab rahi-aa bharpoor.
This wealth is all-pervading, permeating all.

mnmuK iPrih is jwxih dUir ]1] (991-12)
manmukh fireh se jaaneh door. ||1||
The self-willed manmukh wanders around, thinking that it is far away. ||1||

so Dnu vKru nwmu irdY hmwrY ] (991-12)
so Dhan vakhar naam ridai hamaarai.
That commodity, the wealth of the Naam, is within my heart.

ijsu qU dyih iqsY insqwrY ]1] rhwau ] (991-12)
jis too deh tisai nistaarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whoever You bless with it, is emancipated. ||1||Pause||

n iehu Dnu jlY n qskru lY jwie ] (991-13)
na ih Dhan jalai na taskar lai jaa-ay.
This wealth does not burn; it cannot be stolen by a thief.

n iehu Dnu fUbY n iesu Dn kau imlY sjwie ]2] (991-13)
na ih Dhan doobai na is Dhan ka-o milai sajaa-ay. ||2||
This wealth does not drown, and its owner is never punished. ||2||

iesu Dn kI dyKhu vifAweI ] (991-14)
is Dhan kee daykhhu vadi-aa-ee.
Gaze upon the glorious greatness of this wealth,

shjy mwqy Anidnu jweI ]3] (991-14)
sehjay maatay an-din jaa-ee. ||3||
and your nights and days will pass, imbued with celestial peace. ||3||

iek bwq AnUp sunhu nr BweI ] (991-14)
ik baat anoop sunhu nar bhaa-ee.
Listen to this incomparably beautiful story, O my brothers, O Siblings of Destiny.

iesu Dn ibnu khhu iknY prm giq pweI ]4] (991-15)
is Dhan bin kahhu kinai param gat paa-ee. ||4||
Tell me, without this wealth, who has ever obtained the supreme status? ||4||

Bxiq nwnku AkQ kI kQw suxwey ] (991-15)
bhanat naanak akath kee kathaa sunaa-ay.
Nanak humbly prays, I proclaim the Unspoken Speech of the Lord.

siqguru imlY q iehu Dnu pwey ]5]8] (991-16)
satgur milai ta ih Dhan paa-ay. ||5||8||
If one meets the True Guru, then this wealth is obtained. ||5||8||

mwrU mhlw 1 ] (991-16)
maaroo mehlaa 1.
Maaroo, First Mehl:

sUr sru sois lY som sru poiK lY jugiq kir mrqu su snbMDu kIjY ] (991-16)
soor sar sos lai som sar pokh lai jugat kar marat so san-banDh keejai.
Heat up the sun energy of the right nostril, and cool down the moon energy of the left nostril; practicing this breath-control, bring them into perfect balance.

mIn kI cpl isau jugiq mnu rwKIAY aufY nh hMsu nh kMDu CIjY ]1] (991-17)
meen kee chapal si-o jugat man raakhee-ai udai nah hans nah kanDh chheejai. ||1||
In this way, the fickle fish of the mind will be held steady; the swan-soul shall not fly away, and the body-wall will not crumble. ||1||

mUVy kwiecy Brim Bulw ] (991-18)
moorhay kaa-ichay bharam bhulaa.
You fool, why are you deluded by doubt?

nh cIinAw prmwnµdu bYrwgI ]1] rhwau ] (991-18)
nah cheeni-aa parmaanand bairaagee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You do not remember the detached Lord of supreme bliss. ||1||Pause||

Ajr ghu jwir lY Amr ghu mwir lY BRwiq qij Coif qau Aipau pIjY ] (991-18)
ajar gahu jaar lai amar gahu maar lai bharaat taj chhod ta-o api-o peejai.
Seize and burn the unbearable; seize and kill the imperishable; leave behind your doubts, and then, you shall drink in the Nectar.

mIn kI cpl isau jugiq mnu rwKIAY aufY nh hMsu nh kMDu CIjY ]2] (991-19)
meen kee chapal si-o jugat man raakhee-ai udai nah hans nah kanDh chheejai. ||2||
In this way, the fickle fish of the mind will be held steady; the swan-soul shall not fly away, and the body-wall shall not crumble. ||2||