Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1107 (1107-1)tukhaaree chhant mehlaa 1 baarah maahaa Tukhaari Chhant, First Mehl, Baarah Maahaa ~ The Twelve Months: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1107-2)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: qU suix ikrq krMmw purib kmwieAw ] isir isir suK shMmw dyih su qU Blw ] (1107-3)too sun kirat karammaa purab kamaa-i-aa. sir sir sukh sahammaa deh so too bhalaa. Listen: according to the karma of their past actions, each and every person experiences happiness or sorrow; whatever You give, Lord, is good. hir rcnw qyrI ikAw giq myrI hir ibnu GVI n jIvw ] (1107-3)har rachnaa tayree ki-aa gat mayree har bin gharhee na jeevaa. O Lord, the Created Universe is Yours; what is my condition? Without the Lord, I cannot survive, even for an instant. ipRA bwJu duhylI koie n bylI gurmuiK AMimRqu pIvW ] (1107-4)pari-a baajh duhaylee ko-ay na baylee gurmukh amrit peevaaN. Without my Beloved, I am miserable; I have no friend at all. As Gurmukh, I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar. rcnw rwic rhy inrMkwrI pRB min krm sukrmw ] (1107-5)rachnaa raach rahay nirankaaree parabh man karam sukarmaa. The Formless Lord is contained in His Creation. To obey God is the best course of action. nwnk pMQu inhwly sw Dn qU suix Awqm rwmw ]1] (1107-5)naanak panth nihaalay saa Dhan too sun aatam raamaa. ||1|| O Nanak, the soul-bride is gazing upon Your Path; please listen, O Supreme Soul. ||1|| bwbIhw ipRau boly koikl bwxIAw ] (1107-6)baabeehaa pari-o bolay kokil baanee-aa. The rainbird cries out, "Pri-o! Beloved!", and the song-bird sings the Lord's Bani. sw Dn siB rs colY AMik smwxIAw ] (1107-6)saa Dhan sabh ras cholai ank samaanee-aa. The soul-bride enjoys all the pleasures, and merges in the Being of her Beloved. hir AMik smwxI jw pRB BwxI sw sohwgix nwry ] (1107-7)har ank samaanee jaa parabh bhaanee saa sohagan naaray. She merges into the Being of her Beloved, when she becomes pleasing to God; she is the happy, blessed soul-bride. nv Gr Qwip mhl Gru aUcau inj Gir vwsu murwry ] (1107-7)nav ghar thaap mahal ghar oocha-o nij ghar vaas muraaray. Establishing the nine houses, and the Royal Mansion of the Tenth Gate above them, the Lord dwells in that home deep within the self. sB qyrI qU myrw pRIqmu inis bwsur rMig rwvY ] (1107-8)sabh tayree too mayraa pareetam nis baasur rang raavai. All are Yours, You are my Beloved; night and day, I celebrate Your Love. nwnk ipRau ipRau cvY bbIhw koikl sbid suhwvY ]2] (1107-8)naanak pari-o pari-o chavai babeehaa kokil sabad suhaavai. ||2|| O Nanak, the rainbird cries out, "Pri-o! Pri-o! Beloved! Beloved!" The song-bird is embellished with the Word of the Shabad. ||2|| qU suix hir rs iBMny pRIqm Awpxy ] (1107-9)too sun har ras bhinnay pareetam aapnay. Please listen, O my Beloved Lord - I am drenched with Your Love. min qin rvq rvMny GVI n bIsrY ] (1107-9)man tan ravat ravannay gharhee na beesrai. My mind and body are absorbed in dwelling on You; I cannot forget You, even for an instant. ikau GVI ibswrI hau bilhwrI hau jIvw gux gwey ] (1107-10)ki-o gharhee bisaaree ha-o balihaaree ha-o jeevaa gun gaa-ay. How could I forget You, even for an instant? I am a sacrifice to You; singing Your Glorious Praises, I live. nw koeI myrw hau iksu kyrw hir ibnu rhxu n jwey ] (1107-10)naa ko-ee mayraa ha-o kis kayraa har bin rahan na jaa-ay. No one is mine; unto whom do I belong? Without the Lord, I cannot survive. Et ghI hir crx invwsy Bey pivqR srIrw ] (1107-11)ot gahee har charan nivaasay bha-ay pavitar sareeraa. I have grasped the Support of the Lord's Feet; dwelling there, my body has become immaculate. nwnk idRsit dIrG suKu pwvY gur sbdI mnu DIrw ]3] (1107-11)naanak darisat deeragh sukh paavai gur sabdee man Dheeraa. ||3|| O Nanak, I have obtained profound insight, and found peace; my mind is comforted by the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||3|| brsY AMimRq Dwr bUMd suhwvxI ] (1107-12)barsai amrit Dhaar boond suhaavanee. The Ambrosial Nectar rains down on us! Its drops are so delightful! swjn imly shij suBwie hir isau pRIiq bxI ] (1107-12)saajan milay sahj subhaa-ay har si-o pareet banee. Meeting the Guru, the Best Friend, with intuitive ease, the mortal falls in love with the Lord. hir mMdir AwvY jw pRB BwvY Dn aUBI gux swrI ] (1107-13)har mandar aavai jaa parabh bhaavai Dhan oobhee gun saaree. The Lord comes into the temple of the body, when it pleases God's Will; the soul-bride rises up, and sings His Glorious Praises. Gir Gir kMqu rvY sohwgix hau ikau kMiq ivswrI ] (1107-13)ghar ghar kant ravai sohagan ha-o ki-o kant visaaree. In each and every home, the Husband Lord ravishes and enjoys the happy soul-brides; so why has He forgotten me? auniv Gn Cwey brsu suBwey min qin pRymu suKwvY ] (1107-14)unav ghan chhaa-ay baras subhaa-ay man tan paraym sukhaavai. The sky is overcast with heavy, low-hanging clouds; the rain is delightful, and my Beloved's Love is pleasing to my mind and body. nwnk vrsY AMimRq bwxI kir ikrpw Gir AwvY ]4] (1107-15)naanak varsai amrit banee kar kirpaa ghar aavai. ||4|| O Nanak, the Ambrosial Nectar of Gurbani rains down; the Lord, in His Grace, has come into the home of my heart. ||4|| cyqu bsMqu Blw Bvr suhwvVy ] (1107-15)chayt basant bhalaa bhavar suhaavrhay. In the month of Chayt, the lovely spring has come, and the bumble bees hum with joy. |
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