Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1325 mhw ABwg ABwg hY ijn ky iqn swDU DUir n pIjY ] (1325-1)mahaa abhaag abhaag hai jin kay tin saaDhoo Dhoor na peejai. Those who have terrible luck and bad fortune do not drink in the water which washes the dust of the feet of the Holy. iqnw iqsnw jlq jlq nhI bUJih fMfu Drm rwie kw dIjY ]6] (1325-1)tinaa tisnaa jalat jalat nahee boojheh dand Dharam raa-ay kaa deejai. ||6|| The burning fire of their desires is not extinguished; they are beaten and punished by the Righteous Judge of Dharma. ||6|| siB qIrQ brq jg´ puMn kIey ihvY gwil gwil qnu CIjY ] (1325-2)sabh tirath barat jag-y punn kee-ay hivai gaal gaal tan chheejai. You may visit all the sacred shrines, observe fasts and sacred feasts, give generously in charity and waste away the body, melting it in the snow. Aqulw qolu rwm nwmu hY gurmiq ko pujY n qol qulIjY ]7] (1325-3)atulaa tol raam naam hai gurmat ko pujai na tol tuleejai. ||7|| The weight of the Lord's Name is unweighable, according to the Guru's Teachings; nothing can equal its weight. ||7|| qv gun bRhm bRhm qU jwnih jn nwnk srin prIjY ] (1325-3)tav gun barahm barahm too jaaneh jan naanak saran pareejai. O God, You alone know Your Glorious Virtues. Servant Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary. qU jl iniD mIn hm qyry kir ikrpw sMig rKIjY ]8]3] (1325-4)too jal niDh meen ham tayray kar kirpaa sang rakheejai. ||8||3|| You are the Ocean of water, and I am Your fish. Please be kind, and keep me always with You. ||8||3|| kilAwn mhlw 4 ] (1325-5)kali-aan mehlaa 4. Kalyaan, Fourth Mehl: rwmw rm rwmo pUj krIjY ] (1325-5)raamaa ram raamo pooj kareejai. I worship and adore the Lord, the All-pervading Lord. mnu qnu Arip Drau sBu AwgY rsu gurmiq igAwnu idRVIjY ]1] rhwau ] (1325-5)man tan arap Dhara-o sabh aagai ras gurmat gi-aan darirheejai. ||1|| rahaa-o. I surrender my mind and body, and place everything before Him; following the Guru's Teachings, spiritual wisdom is implanted within me. ||1||Pause|| bRhm nwm gux swK qrovr inq cuin cuin pUj krIjY ] (1325-6)barahm naam gun saakh tarovar nit chun chun pooj kareejai. God's Name is the tree, and His Glorious Virtues are the branches. Picking and gathering up the fruit, I worship Him. Awqm dyau dyau hY Awqmu ris lwgY pUj krIjY ]1] (1325-6)aatam day-o day-o hai aatam ras laagai pooj kareejai. ||1|| The soul is divine; divine is the soul. Worship Him with love. ||1|| ibbyk buiD sB jg mih inrml ibcir ibcir rsu pIjY ] (1325-7)bibayk buDh sabh jag meh nirmal bichar bichar ras peejai. One of keen intellect and precise understanding is immaculate in all this world. In thoughtful consideration, he drinks in the sublime essence. gur prswid pdwrQu pwieAw siqgur kau iehu mnu dIjY ]2] (1325-8)gur parsaad padaarath paa-i-aa satgur ka-o ih man deejai. ||2|| By Guru's Grace, the treasure is found; dedicate this mind to the True Guru. ||2|| inrmolku Aiq hIro nIko hIrY hIru ibDIjY ] (1325-8)nirmolak at heero neeko heerai heer biDheejai. Priceless and utterly sublime is the Diamond of the Lord. This Diamond pierces the diamond of the mind. mnu moqI swlu hY gur sbdI ijqu hIrw priK leIjY ]3] (1325-9)man motee saal hai gur sabdee jit heeraa parakh la-eejai. ||3|| The mind becomes the jeweller, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad; it appraises the Diamond of the Lord. ||3|| sMgiq sMq sMig lig aUcy ijau pIp plws Kwie lIjY ] (1325-9)sangat sant sang lag oochay ji-o peep palaas khaa-ay leejai. Attaching oneself to the Society of the Saints, one is exalted and uplifted, as the palaas tree is absorbed by the peepal tree. sB nr mih pRwnI aUqmu hovY rwm nwmY bwsu bsIjY ]4] (1325-10)sabh nar meh paraanee ootam hovai raam naamai baas baseejai. ||4|| That mortal being is supreme among all people, who is perfumed by the fragrance of the Lord's Name. ||4|| inrml inrml krm bhu kIny inq swKw hrI jVIjY ] (1325-11)nirmal nirmal karam baho keenay nit saakhaa haree jarheejai. One who continually acts in goodness and immaculate purity, sprouts green branches in great abundance. Drmu Pulu Plu guir igAwnu idRVwieAw bhkwr bwsu jig dIjY ]5] (1325-11)Dharam ful fal gur gi-aan drirh-aa-i-aa behkaar baas jag deejai. ||5|| The Guru has taught me that Dharmic faith is the flower, and spiritual wisdom is the fruit; this fragrance permeates the world. ||5|| eyk joiq eyko min visAw sB bRhm idRsit ieku kIjY ] (1325-12)ayk jot ayko man vasi-aa sabh barahm darisat ik keejai. The One, the Light of the One, abides within my mind; God, the One, is seen in all. Awqm rwmu sB eykY hY psry sB crn qly isru dIjY ]6] (1325-12)aatam raam sabh aykai hai pasray sabh charan talay sir deejai. ||6|| The One Lord, the Supreme Soul, is spread out everywhere; all place their heads beneath His Feet. ||6|| nwm ibnw nkty nr dyKhu iqn Gis Gis nwk vFIjY ] (1325-13)naam binaa naktay nar daykhhu tin ghas ghas naak vadheejai. Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, people look like criminals with their noses cut off; bit by bit, their noses are cut off. swkq nr AhMkwrI khIAih ibnu nwvY iDRgu jIvIjY ]7] (1325-14)saakat nar ahaNkaaree kahee-ahi bin naavai Dharig jeeveejai. ||7|| The faithless cynics are called egotistical; without the Name, their lives are cursed. ||7|| jb lgu swsu swsu mn AMqir qqu bygl srin prIjY ] (1325-14)jab lag saas saas man antar tat baygal saran pareejai. As long as the breath breathes through the mind deep within, hurry and seek God's Sanctuary. nwnk ik®pw ik®pw kir Dwrhu mY swDU crn pKIjY ]8]4] (1325-15)naanak kirpaa kirpaa kar Dhaarahu mai saaDhoo charan pakheejai. ||8||4|| Please shower Your Kind Mercy and take pity upon Nanak, that he may wash the feet of the Holy. ||8||4|| kilAwn mhlw 4 ] (1325-16)kali-aan mehlaa 4. Kalyaan, Fourth Mehl: rwmw mY swDU crn DuvIjY ] (1325-16)raamaa mai saaDhoo charan Dhuveejai. O Lord, I wash the feet of the Holy. iklibK dhn hoih iKn AMqir myry Twkur ikrpw kIjY ]1] rhwau ] (1325-16)kilbikh dahan hohi khin antar mayray thaakur kirpaa keejai. ||1|| rahaa-o. May my sins be burnt away in an instant; O my Lord and Master, please bless me with Your Mercy. ||1||Pause|| mMgq jn dIn Kry dir TwFy Aiq qrsn kau dwnu dIjY ] (1325-17)mangat jan deen kharay dar thaadhay at tarsan ka-o daan deejai. The meek and humble beggars stand begging at Your Door. Please be generous and give to those who are yearning. qRwih qRwih srin pRB Awey mo kau gurmiq nwmu idRVIjY ]1] (1325-17)taraahi taraahi saran parabh aa-ay mo ka-o gurmat naam darirheejai. ||1|| Save me, save me, O God - I have come to Your Sanctuary. Please implant the Guru's Teachings, and the Naam within me. ||1|| kwm kroDu ngr mih sblw inq auiT auiT jUJu krIjY ] (1325-18)kaam karoDh nagar meh sablaa nit uth uth joojh kareejai. Sexual desire and anger are very powerful in the body-village; I rise up to fight the battle against them. AMgIkwru krhu riK lyvhu gur pUrw kwiF kFIjY ]2] (1325-19)angeekaar karahu rakh layvhu gur pooraa kaadh kadheejai. ||2|| Please make me Your Own and save me; through the Perfect Guru, I drive them out. ||2|| AMqir Agin sbl Aiq ibiKAw ihv sIqlu sbdu gur dIjY ] (1325-19)antar agan sabal at bikhi-aa hiv seetal sabad gur deejai. The powerful fire of corruption is raging violently within; the Word of the Guru's Shabad is the ice water which cools and soothes. |
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