Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1328 dUKw qy suK aUpjih sUKI hovih dUK ] (1328-1)dookhaa tay sukh oopjahi sookhee hoveh dookh. Out of pain, pleasure is produced, and out of pleasure comes pain. ijqu muiK qU swlwhIAih iqqu muiK kYsI BUK ]3] (1328-1)jit mukh too salaahee-ah tit mukh kaisee bhookh. ||3|| That mouth which praises You - what hunger could that mouth ever suffer? ||3|| nwnk mUrKu eyku qU Avru Blw sYswru ] (1328-2)naanak moorakh ayk too avar bhalaa saisaar. O Nanak, you alone are foolish; all the rest of the world is good. ijqu qin nwmu n aUpjY sy qn hoih KuAwr ]4]2] (1328-2)jit tan naam na oopjai say tan hohi khu-aar. ||4||2|| That body in which the Naam does not well up - that body becomes miserable. ||4||2|| pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] (1328-3)parbhaatee mehlaa 1. Prabhaatee, First Mehl: jY kwrix byd bRhmY aucry sMkir CofI mwieAw ] (1328-3)jai kaaran bayd barahmai uchray sankar chhodee maa-i-aa. For His sake, Brahma uttered the Vedas, and Shiva renounced Maya. jY kwrix isD Bey audwsI dyvI mrmu n pwieAw ]1] (1328-3)jai kaaran siDh bha-ay udaasee dayvee maram na paa-i-aa. ||1|| For His sake, the Siddhas became hermits and renunciates; even the gods have not realized His Mystery. ||1|| bwbw min swcw muiK swcw khIAY qrIAY swcw hoeI ] (1328-4)baabaa man saachaa mukh saachaa kahee-ai taree-ai saachaa ho-ee. O Baba, keep the True Lord in your mind, and utter the Name of the True Lord with your mouth; the True Lord will carry you across. dusmnu dUKu n AwvY nyVY hir miq pwvY koeI ]1] rhwau ] (1328-5)dusman dookh na aavai nayrhai har mat paavai ko-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o. Enemies and pain shall not even approach you; only a rare few realize the Wisdom of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| Agin ibMb pvxY kI bwxI qIin nwm ky dwsw ] (1328-5)agan bimb pavnai kee banee teen naam kay daasaa. Fire, water and air make up the world; these three are the slaves of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. qy qskr jo nwmu n lyvih vwsih kot pMcwsw ]2] (1328-6)tay taskar jo naam na layveh vaaseh kot panchaasaa. ||2|| One who does not chant the Naam is a thief, dwelling in the fortress of the five thieves. ||2|| jy ko eyk krY cMigAweI min iciq bhuqu bPwvY ] (1328-6)jay ko ayk karai changi-aa-ee man chit bahut bafaavai. If someone does a good deed for someone else, he totally puffs himself up in his conscious mind. eyqy gux eyqIAw cMigAweIAw dyie n pCoqwvY ]3] (1328-7)aytay gun aytee-aa chang-aa-ee-aa day-ay na pachhotaavai. ||3|| The Lord bestows so many virtues and so much goodness; He does not ever regret it. ||3|| quDu swlwhin iqn Dnu plY nwnk kw Dnu soeI ] (1328-7)tuDh saalaahan tin Dhan palai naanak kaa Dhan so-ee. Those who praise You gather the wealth in their laps; this is Nanak's wealth. jy ko jIau khY Enw kau jm kI qlb n hoeI ]4]3] (1328-8)jay ko jee-o kahai onaa ka-o jam kee talab na ho-ee. ||4||3|| Whoever shows respect to them is not summoned by the Messenger of Death. ||4||3|| pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] (1328-8)parbhaatee mehlaa 1. Prabhaatee, First Mehl: jw kY rUpu nwhI jwiq nwhI nwhI muKu mwsw ] (1328-9)jaa kai roop naahee jaat naahee naahee mukh maasaa. One who has no beauty, no social status, no mouth, no flesh siqguir imly inrMjnu pwieAw qyrY nwim hY invwsw ]1] (1328-9)satgur milay niranjan paa-i-aa tayrai naam hai nivaasaa. ||1|| - meeting with the True Guru, he finds the Immaculate Lord, and dwells in Your Name. ||1|| AauDU shjy qqu bIcwir ] (1328-10)a-oDhoo sehjay tat beechaar. O detached Yogi, contemplate the essence of reality, jw qy iPir n Awvhu sYswir ]1] rhwau ] (1328-10)jaa tay fir na aavhu saisaar. ||1|| rahaa-o. and you shall never again come to be born into the world. ||1||Pause|| jw kY krmu nwhI Drmu nwhI nwhI suic mwlw ] (1328-10)jaa kai karam naahee Dharam naahee naahee such maalaa. One who does not have good karma or Dharmic faith, sacred rosary or mala isv joiq kMnhu buiD pweI siqgurU rKvwlw ]2] (1328-11)siv jot kannahu buDh paa-ee satguroo rakhvaalaa. ||2|| - through the Light of God, wisdom is bestowed; the True Guru is our Protector. ||2|| jw kY brqu nwhI nymu nwhI nwhI bkbweI ] (1328-11)jaa kai barat naahee naym naahee naahee bakbaa-ee. One who does not observe any fasts, make religious vows or chant giq Avgiq kI icMq nwhI siqgurU PurmweI ]3] (1328-12)gat avgat kee chint naahee satguroo furmaa-ee. ||3|| - he does not have to worry about good luck or bad, if he obeys the Command of the True Guru. ||3|| jw kY Aws nwhI inrws nwhI iciq suriq smJweI ] (1328-12)jaa kai aas naahee niraas naahee chit surat samjhaa-ee. One who is not hopeful, nor hopeless, who has trained his intuitive consciousness qMq kau prm qMqu imilAw nwnkw buiD pweI ]4]4] (1328-13)tant ka-o param tant mili-aa naankaa buDh paa-ee. ||4||4|| - his being blends with the Supreme Being. O Nanak, his awareness is awakened. ||4||4|| pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] (1328-14)parbhaatee mehlaa 1. Prabhaatee, First Mehl: qw kw kihAw dir prvwxu ] (1328-14)taa kaa kahi-aa dar parvaan. What he says is approved in the Court of the Lord. ibKu AMimRqu duie sm kir jwxu ]1] (1328-14)bikh amrit du-ay sam kar jaan. ||1|| He looks upon poison and nectar as one and the same. ||1|| ikAw khIAY srby rihAw smwie ] (1328-15)ki-aa kahee-ai sarbay rahi-aa samaa-ay. What can I say? You are permeating and pervading all. jo ikCu vrqY sB qyrI rjwie ]1] rhwau ] (1328-15)jo kichh vartai sabh tayree rajaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Whatever happens, is all by Your Will. ||1||Pause|| pRgtI joiq cUkw AiBmwnu ] (1328-15)pargatee jot chookaa abhimaan. The Divine Light shines radiantly, and egotistical pride is dispelled. siqguir dIAw AMimRq nwmu ]2] (1328-16)satgur dee-aa amrit naam. ||2|| The True Guru bestows the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2|| kil mih AwieAw so jnu jwxu ] (1328-16)kal meh aa-i-aa so jan jaan. In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, one's birth is approved, swcI drgh pwvY mwxu ]3] (1328-16)saachee dargeh paavai maan. ||3|| if one is honored in the True Court. ||3|| khxw sunxw AkQ Gir jwie ] (1328-17)kahnaa sunnaa akath ghar jaa-ay. Speaking and listening, one goes to the Celestial Home of the Indescribable Lord. kQnI bdnI nwnk jil jwie ]4]5] (1328-17)kathnee badnee naanak jal jaa-ay. ||4||5|| Mere words of mouth, O Nanak, are burnt away. ||4||5|| pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] (1328-18)parbhaatee mehlaa 1. Prabhaatee, First Mehl: AMimRqu nIru igAwin mn mjnu ATsiT qIrQ sMig ghy ] (1328-18)amrit neer gi-aan man majan athsath tirath sang gahay. One who bathes in the Ambrosial Water of spiritual wisdom takes with him the virtues of the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage. gur aupdyis jvwhr mwxk syvy isKu suo Koij lhY ]1] (1328-18)gur updays javaahar maanak sayvay sikh so khoj lahai. ||1|| The Guru's Teachings are the gems and jewels; the Sikh who serves Him searches and finds them. ||1|| gur smwin qIrQu nhI koie ] (1328-19)gur samaan tirath nahee ko-ay. There is no sacred shrine equal to the Guru. sru sMqoKu qwsu guru hoie ]1] rhwau ] (1328-19)sar santokh taas gur ho-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Guru encompasses the ocean of contentment. ||1||Pause|| |
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