Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


Awsw ieqI Aws ik Aws purweIAY ] (1362-1)
aasaa itee aas ke aas puraa-ee-ai.
My hope is so intense, that this hope alone should fulfill my hopes.

siqgur Bey dieAwl q pUrw pweIAY ] (1362-1)
satgur bha-ay da-i-aal ta pooraa paa-ee-ai.
When the True Guru becomes merciful, then I attain the Perfect Lord.

mY qin Avgx bhuqu ik Avgx CwieAw ] (1362-1)
mai tan avgan bahut ke avgan chhaa-i-aa.
My body is filled with so many demerits; I am covered with faults and demerits.

hirhW siqgur Bey dieAwl q mnu ThrwieAw ]5] (1362-2)
harihaaN satgur bha-ay da-i-aal ta man thehraa-i-aa. ||5||
O Lord! When the True Guru becomes Merciful, then the mind is held in place. ||5||

khu nwnk byAMqu byAMqu iDAwieAw ] (1362-3)
kaho naanak bay-ant bay-ant Dhi-aa-i-aa.
Says Nanak, I have meditated on the Lord, Infinite and Endless.

duqru iehu sMswru siqgurU qrwieAw ] (1362-3)
dutar ih sansaar satguroo taraa-i-aa.
This world-ocean is so difficult to cross; the True Guru has carried me across.

imitAw Awvw gauxu jW pUrw pwieAw ] (1362-3)
miti-aa aavaa ga-on jaaN pooraa paa-i-aa.
My comings and goings in reincarnation ended, when I met the Perfect Lord.

hirhW AMimRqu hir kw nwmu siqgur qy pwieAw ]6] (1362-4)
harihaaN amrit har kaa naam satgur tay paa-i-aa. ||6||
O Lord! I have obtained the Ambrosial Nectar of the Name of the Lord from the True Guru. ||6||

myrY hwiQ pdmu Awgin suK bwsnw ] (1362-4)
mayrai haath padam aagan sukh baasnaa.
The lotus is in my hand; in the courtyard of my heart I abide in peace.

sKI morY kMiT rqMnu pyiK duKu nwsnw ] (1362-5)
sakhee morai kanth ratann paykh dukh naasnaa.
O my companion, the Jewel is around my neck; beholding it, sorrow is taken away.

bwsau sMig gupwl sgl suK rwis hir ] (1362-5)
baasa-o sang gupaal sagal sukh raas har.
I abide with the Lord of the World, the Treasury of Total Peace. O Lord!

hirhW iriD isiD nv iniD bsih ijsu sdw kir ]7] (1362-6)
harihaaN riDh siDh nav niDh baseh jis sadaa kar. ||7||
All wealth, spiritual perfection and the nine treasures are in His Hand. ||7||

pr iqRA rwvix jwih syeI qw lwjIAih ] (1362-6)
par tari-a raavan jaahi say-ee taa laajee-ah.
Those men who go out to enjoy other men's women shall suffer in shame.

inqpRiq ihrih pr drbu iCdR kq FwkIAih ] (1362-7)
nitparat hireh par darab chhidar kat dhaakee-ah.
Those who steal the wealth of others - how can their guilt be concealed?

hir gux rmq pivqR sgl kul qwreI ] (1362-7)
har gun ramat pavitar sagal kul taar-ee.
Those who chant the Sacred Praises of the Lord save and redeem all their generations.

hirhW sunqy Bey punIq pwrbRhmu bIcwreI ]8] (1362-8)
harihaaN suntay bha-ay puneet paarbarahm beechaara-ee. ||8||
O Lord! Those who listen and contemplate the Supreme Lord God become pure and holy. ||8||

aUpir bnY Akwsu qlY Dr sohqI ] (1362-8)
oopar banai akaas talai Dhar sohtee.
The sky above looks lovely, and the earth below is beautiful.

dh ids cmkY bIjuil muK kau johqI ] (1362-8)
dah dis chamkai beejul mukh ka-o johtee.
Lightning flashes in the ten directions; I behold the Face of my Beloved.

Kojq iPrau ibdyis pIau kq pweIAY ] (1362-9)
khojat fira-o bidays pee-o kat paa-ee-ai.
If I go searching in foreign lands, how can I find my Beloved?

hirhW jy msqik hovY Bwgu q dris smweIAY ]9] (1362-9)
harihaaN jay mastak hovai bhaag ta daras samaa-ee-ai. ||9||
O Lord! If such destiny is inscribed upon my forehead, I am absorbed in the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||9||

ifTy sBy Qwv nhI quDu jyihAw ] (1362-10)
dithay sabhay thaav nahee tuDh jayhi-aa.
I have seen all places, but none can compare to You.

bDohu puriK ibDwqY qW qU soihAw ] (1362-10)
baDhohu purakh biDhaatai taaN too sohi-aa.
The Primal Lord, the Architect of Destiny, has established You; thus You are adorned and embellished.

vsdI sGn Apwr AnUp rwmdws pur ] (1362-11)
vasdee saghan apaar anoop raamdaas pur.
Ramdaspur is prosperous and thickly populated, and incomparably beautiful.

hirhW nwnk ksml jwih nwieAY rwmdws sr ]10] (1362-11)
harihaaN naanak kasmal jaahi naa-i-ai raamdaas sar. ||10||
O Lord! Bathing in the Sacred Pool of Raam Daas, the sins are washed away, O Nanak. ||10||

cwiqRk icq suicq su swjnu cwhIAY ] (1362-12)
chaatrik chit suchit so saajan chaahee-ai.
The rainbird is very smart; in its consciousness, it longs for the friendly rain.

ijsu sMig lwgy pRwx iqsY kau AwhIAY ] (1362-12)
jis sang laagay paraan tisai ka-o aahee-ai.
It longs for that, to which its breath of life is attached.

bnu bnu iPrq audws bUMd jl kwrxy ] (1362-12)
ban ban firat udaas boond jal kaarnay.
It wanders depressed, from forest to forest, for the sake of a drop of water.

hirhW iqau hir jnu mWgY nwmu nwnk bilhwrxy ]11] (1362-13)
harihaaN ti-o har jan maaNgai naam naanak balihaarnay. ||11||
O Lord! In just the same way, the humble servant of the Lord begs for the Naam, the Name of the Lord. Nanak is a sacrifice to him. ||11||

imq kw icqu AnUpu mrMmu n jwnIAY ] (1362-13)
mit kaa chit anoop maramm na jaanee-ai.
The Consciousness of my Friend is incomparably beautiful. Its mystery cannot be known.

gwhk gunI Apwr su qqu pCwnIAY ] (1362-14)
gaahak gunee apaar so tat pachhaanee-ai.
One who purchases the priceless virtues realizes the essence of reality.

icqih icqu smwie q hovY rMgu Gnw ] (1362-14)
chiteh chit samaa-ay ta hovai rang ghanaa.
When the consciousness is absorbed in the supreme consciousness, great joy and bliss are found.

hirhW cMcl corih mwir q pwvih scu Dnw ]12] (1362-15)
harihaaN chanchal choreh maar ta paavahi sach Dhanaa. ||12||
O Lord! When the fickle thieves are overcome, the true wealth is obtained. ||12||

supnY aUBI BeI gihE kI n AMclw ] (1362-15)
supnai oobhee bha-ee gahi-o kee na anchlaa.
In a dream, I was lifted up; why didn't I grasp the hem of His Robe?

suMdr purK ibrwijq pyiK mnu bMclw ] (1362-16)
sundar purakh biraajit paykh man banchlaa.
Gazing upon the Beautiful Lord relaxing there, my mind was charmed and fascinated.

Kojau qw ky crx khhu kq pweIAY ] (1362-16)
khoja-o taa kay charan kahhu kat paa-ee-ai.
I am searching for His Feet - tell me, where can I find Him?

hirhW soeI jqMnu bqwie sKI ipRau pweIAY ]13] (1362-16)
harihaaN so-ee jatann bataa-ay sakhee pari-o paa-ee-ai. ||13||
O Lord! Tell me how I can find my Beloved, O my companion. ||13||

nYx n dyKih swD is nYx ibhwilAw ] (1362-17)
nain na daykheh saaDh se nain bihaali-aa.
The eyes which do not see the Holy - those eyes are miserable.

krn n sunhI nwdu krn muMid GwilAw ] (1362-17)
karan na sunhee naad karan mund ghaali-aa.
The ears which do not hear the Sound-current of the Naad - those ears might just as well be plugged.

rsnw jpY n nwmu iqlu iqlu kir ktIAY ] (1362-18)
rasnaa japai na naam til til kar katee-ai.
The tongue which does not chant the Naam ought to be cut out, bit by bit.

hirhW jb ibsrY goibd rwie idno idnu GtIAY ]14] (1362-18)
harihaaN jab bisrai gobid raa-ay dino din ghatee-ai. ||14||
O Lord! When the mortal forgets the Lord of the Universe, the Sovereign Lord King, he grows weaker day by day. ||14||

pMkj PwQy pMk mhw md guMiPAw ] (1362-19)
pankaj faathay pank mahaa mad guNfi-aa.
The wings of the bumble bee are caught in the intoxicating fragrant petals of the lotus.

AMg sMg aurJwie ibsrqy suMiPAw ] (1362-19)
ang sang urjhaa-ay bisratay suNfi-aa.
With its limbs entangled in the petals, it loses its senses.