Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1386 Awp hI Dwrn Dwry kudriq hY dyKwry brnu ichnu nwhI muK n mswry ] (1386-1)aap hee Dhaaran Dhaaray kudrat hai daykhaaray baran chihan naahee mukh na masaaray. He Himself supports the Universe, revealing His All-powerful Creative Potency. He has no color, form, mouth or beard. jnu nwnku Bgqu dir quil bRhm smsir eyk jIh ikAw bKwnY ] (1386-1)jan naanak bhagat dar tul barahm samsar ayk jeeh ki-aa bakhaanai. Your devotees are at Your Door, O God - they are just like You. How can servant Nanak describe them with only one tongue? hW ik bil bil bil bil sd bilhwir ]3] (1386-2)haaN ke bal bal bal bal sad balihaar. ||3|| I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, forever a sacrifice to them. ||3|| srb gux inDwnµ kImiq n g´wnµ D´wnµ aUcy qy aUcO jwnIjY pRB qyro Qwnµ ] (1386-3)sarab gun niDhaanaN keemat na ga-yaana Dha-yaana oochay tay oochou jaaneejai parabh tayro thaanaN. You are the Treasure of all virtue; who can know the value of Your spiritual wisdom and meditation? O God, Your Place is known as the highest of the high. mnu Dnu qyro pRwnµ eykY sUiq hY jhwnµ kvn aupmw dyau bfy qy bfwnµ ] (1386-3)man Dhan tayro paraanaN aykai soot hai jahaanaN kavan upmaa day-o baday tay badaanaN. Mind, wealth and the breath of life belong to You alone, Lord. The world is strung upon Your Thread. What praises can I give to You? You are the Greatest of the great. jwnY kaunu qyro Byau AlK Apwr dyau Akl klw hY pRB srb ko Dwnµ ] (1386-4)jaanai ka-un tayro bhay-o alakh apaar day-o akal kalaa hai parabh sarab ko DhaanaN. Who can know Your Mystery? O Unfathomable, Infinite, Divine Lord, Your Power is unstoppable. O God, You are the Support of all. jnu nwnku Bgqu dir quil bRhm smsir eyk jIh ikAw bKwnY ] (1386-5)jan naanak bhagat dar tul barahm samsar ayk jeeh ki-aa bakhaanai. Your devotees are at Your Door, O God - they are just like You. How can servant Nanak describe them with only one tongue? hW ik bil bil bil bil sd bilhwir ]4] (1386-5)haaN ke bal bal bal bal sad balihaar. ||4|| I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, forever a sacrifice to them. ||4|| inrMkwru Awkwr ACl pUrn AibnwsI ] (1386-6)nirankaar aakaar achhal pooran abhinaasee. O Formless, Formed, Undeceivable, Perfect, Imperishable, hrKvMq Awnµq rUp inrml ibgwsI ] (1386-6)harakhvant aanant roop nirmal bigaasee. Blissful, Unlimited, Beautiful, Immaculate, Blossoming Lord: gux gwvih byAMq AMqu ieku iqlu nhI pwsI ] (1386-7)gun gaavahi bay-ant ant ik til nahee paasee. Countless are those who sing Your Glorious Praises, but they do not know even a tiny bit of Your extent. jw kau hoNih ik®pwl su jnu pRB qumih imlwsI ] (1386-7)jaa ka-o hoNhi kirpaal so jan parabh tumeh milaasee. That humble being upon whom You shower Your Mercy meets with You, O God. DMin DMin qy DMin jn ijh ik®pwlu hir hir BXau ] (1386-8)Dhan Dhan tay Dhan jan jih kirpaal har har bha-ya-o. Blessed, blessed, blessed are those humble beings, upon whom the Lord, Har, Har, showers His Mercy. hir guru nwnku ijn prisAau is jnm mrx duh Qy rihE ]5] (1386-8)har gur naanak jin parsi-o se janam maran duh thay rahi-o. ||5|| Whoever meets with the Lord through Guru Nanak is rid of both birth and death. ||5|| siq siq hir siq siq sqy siq BxIAY ] (1386-9)sat sat har sat sat satay sat bhanee-ai. The Lord is said to be True, True, True, True, the Truest of the True. dUsr Awn n Avru purKu paUrwqnu suxIAY ] (1386-9)doosar aan na avar purakh pa-uraatan sunee-ai. There is no other like Him. He is the Primal Being, the Primal Soul. AMimRqu hir ko nwmu lYq min sB suK pwey ] (1386-10)amrit har ko naam lait man sabh sukh paa-ay. Chanting the Ambrosial Name of the Lord, the mortal is blessed with all comforts. jyh rsn cwiKE qyh jn iqRpiq AGwey ] (1386-10)jayh rasan chaakhi-o tayh jan taripat aghaa-ay. Those who taste it with their tongues, those humble beings are satisfied and fulfilled. ijh Twkuru supRsMnu BXuo sqsMgiq iqh ipAwru ] (1386-11)jih thaakur suparsan bha-yo satsangat tih pi-aar. That person who becomes pleasing to his Lord and Master, loves the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation. hir guru nwnku ijn@ prisE iqn@ sB kul kIE auDwru ]6] (1386-11)har gur naanak jinH parsi-o tinH sabh kul kee-o uDhaar. ||6|| Whoever meets with the Lord through Guru Nanak, saves all his generations. ||6|| scu sBw dIbwxu scu scy pih DirE ] (1386-12)sach sabhaa deebaan sach sachay peh Dhari-o. True is His Congregation and His Court. The True Lord has established Truth. scY qKiq invwsu scu qpwvsu kirE ] (1386-12)sachai takhat nivaas sach tapaavas kari-o. Sitting upon His Throne of Truth, He administers True Justice. sic isrij´au sMswru Awip AwBulu n Bulau ] (1386-13)sach sirji-ya-o sansaar aap aabhul na bhula-o. The True Lord Himself fashioned the Universe. He is Infallible, and does not make mistakes. rqn nwmu Apwru kIm nhu pvY Amulau ] (1386-13)ratan naam apaar keem nahu pavai amula-o. The Naam, the Name of the Infinite Lord, is the jewel. Its value cannot be appraised - it is priceless. ijh ik®pwlu hoXau guoibMdu srb suK iqnhU pwey ] (1386-14)jih kirpaal ho-ya-o gobind sarab sukh tinhoo paa-ay. That person, upon whom the Lord of the Universe showers His Mercy obtains all comforts. hir guru nwnku ijn@ prisE qy bhuiV iPir join n Awey ]7] (1386-14)har gur naanak jinH parsi-o tay bahurh fir jon na aa-ay. ||7|| Those who touch the Feet of the Lord through Guru Nanak, do not have to enter the cycle of reincarnation ever again. ||7|| kvnu jogu kaunu g´wnu D´wnu kvn ibiD ausœiq krIAY ] (1386-15)kavan jog ka-un ga-yaan Dhayaan kavan biDh ustat karee-ai. What is the Yoga, what is the spiritual wisdom and meditation, and what is the way, to praise the Lord? isD swiDk qyqIs koir iqru kIm n prIAY ] (1386-16)siDh saaDhik taytees kor tir keem na paree-ai. The Siddhas and seekers and the three hundred thirty million gods cannot find even a tiny bit of the Lord's Value. bRhmwidk snkwid syK gux AMqu n pwey ] (1386-16)barahmaadik sankaad saykh gun ant na paa-ay. Neither Brahma, nor Sanak, nor the thousand-headed serpent king can find the limits of His Glorious Virtues. Aghu gihE nhI jwie pUir sRb rihE smwey ] (1386-17)agahu gahi-o nahee jaa-ay poor sarab rahi-o samaa-ay. The Inapprehensible Lord cannot be apprehended. He is pervading and permeating amongst all. ijh kwtI islk dXwl pRiB syie jn lgy Bgqy ] (1386-17)jih kaatee silak da-yaal parabh say-ay jan lagay bhagtay. Those whom God has mercifully freed from their nooses - those humble beings are attached to His devotional worship. hir guru nwnku ijn@ prisE qy ieq auq sdw mukqy ]8] (1386-18)har gur naanak jinH parsi-o tay it ut sadaa muktay. ||8|| Those who meet with the Lord through Guru Nanak are liberated forever, here and hereafter. ||8|| pRB dwqau dwqwr pir´au jwcku ieku srnw ] (1386-18)parabh daata-o daataar pari-ya-o jaachak ik sarnaa. I am a beggar; I seek the Sanctuary of God, the Giver of givers. imlY dwnu sMq ryn jyh lig Baujlu qrnw ] (1386-19)milai daan sant rayn jayh lag bha-ojal tarnaa. Please bless me with the gift of the dust of the feet of the Saints; grasping them, I cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ibniq krau Ardwis sunhu jy Twkur BwvY ] (1386-19)binat kara-o ardaas sunhu jay thaakur bhaavai. Please listen to my prayer, if it pleases You, O my Lord and Master. |
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