Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


BY inrBau mwixAau lwK mih AlKu lKwXau ] (1408-1)
bhai nirbha-o maani-a-o laakh meh alakh lakhaa-ya-o.
In the Fear of God, You enjoy the Fearless Lord; among the thousands of beings, You see the Unseen Lord.

Agmu Agocr giq gBIru siqguir prcwXau ] (1408-1)
agam agochar gat gabheer satgur parchaa-ya-o.
Through the True Guru, You have realized the state of the Inaccessible, Unfathomable, Profound Lord.

gur prcY prvwxu rwj mih jogu kmwXau ] (1408-2)
gur parchai parvaan raaj meh jog kamaa-ya-o.
Meeting with the Guru, You are certified and approved; You practice Yoga in the midst of wealth and power.

DMin DMin guru DMin ABr sr suBr BrwXau ] (1408-2)
Dhan Dhan gur Dhan abhar sar subhar bharaa-ya-o.
Blessed, blessed, blessed is the Guru, who has filled to overflowing the pools which were empty.

gur gm pRmwix Ajru jirE sir sMqoK smwieXau ] (1408-3)
gur gam parmaan ajar jari-o sar santokh samaa-i-ya-o.
Reaching up to the certified Guru, You endure the unendurable; You are immersed in the pool of contentment.

gur Arjun kl´ücrY qY shij jogu inju pwieXau ]8] (1408-3)
gur arjun kal-yuchrai tai sahj jog nij paa-i-ya-o. ||8||
So speaks KALL: O Guru Arjun, You have intuitively attained the state of Yoga within Yourself. ||8||

Aimau rsnw bdin br dwiq AlK Apwr gur sUr sbid haumY invwr´au ] (1408-4)
ami-o rasnaa badan bar daat alakh apaar gur soor sabad ha-umai nirvaar-ya-o.
Nectar drips from Your tongue, and Your mouth gives Blessings, O Incomprehensible and Infinite Spiritual Hero. O Guru, the Word of Your Shabad eradicates egotism.

pMcwhru indilAau suMn shij inj Gir shwr´au ] (1408-5)
panchaahar nidli-a-o sunn sahj nij ghar sahaar-ya-o.
You have overpowered the five enticers, and established with intuitive ease the Absolute Lord within Your own being.

hir nwim lwig jg auDr´au siqguru irdY bswieAau ] (1408-5)
har naam laag jag uDhar-ya-o satgur ridai basaa-i-a-o.
Attached to the Lord's Name, the world is saved; enshrine the True Guru within your heart.

gur Arjun kl´ücrY qY jnkh klsu dIpwieAau ]9] (1408-6)
gur arjun kal-yuchrai tai jankah kalas deepaa-i-a-o. ||9||
So speaks KALL: O Guru Arjun, You have illliminated the highest pinnacle of wisdom. ||9||

sorTy ] (1408-7)

guru Arjunu purKu pRmwxu pwrQau cwlY nhI ] (1408-7)
gur arjun purakh parmaan paartha-o chaalai nahee.
: Guru Arjun is the certified Primal Person; like Arjuna, He never leaves the field of battle.

nyjw nwm nIswxu siqgur sbid svwirAau ]1] (1408-7)
nayjaa naam neesaan satgur sabad savaari-a-o. ||1||
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is His spear and insignia. He is embellished with the Shabad, the Word of the True Guru. ||1||

Bvjlu swieru syqu nwmu hrI kw boihQw ] (1408-8)
bhavjal saa-ir sayt naam haree kaa bohithaa.
The Lord's Name is the Boat, the Bridge to cross over the terrifying world-ocean.

quA siqgur sM hyqu nwim lwig jgu auDr´au ]2] (1408-8)
tu-a satgur saN hayt naam laag jag uDhar-yao. ||2||
You are in love with the True Guru; attached to the Naam, You have saved the world. ||2||

jgq auDwrxu nwmu siqgur quTY pwieAau ] (1408-9)
jagat uDhaaran naam satgur tuthai paa-i-a-o.
The Naam is the Saving Grace of the world; by the Pleasure of the True Guru, it is obtained.

Ab nwih Avr sir kwmu bwrMqir pUrI pVI ]3]12] (1408-9)
ab naahi avar sar kaam baarantar pooree parhee. ||3||12||
Now, I am not concerned with anything else; at Your Door, I am fulfilled. ||3||12||

joiq rUip hir Awip gurU nwnku khwXau ] (1408-10)
jot roop har aap guroo naanak kahaa-ya-o.
The Embodiment of Light, the Lord Himself is called Guru Nanak.

qw qy AMgdu BXau qq isau qqu imlwXau ] (1408-10)
taa tay angad bha-ya-o tat si-o tat milaa-ya-o.
From Him, came Guru Angad; His essence was absorbed into the essence.

AMgid ikrpw Dwir Amru siqguru iQru kIAau ] (1408-11)
angad kirpaa Dhaar amar satgur thir kee-a-o.
Guru Angad showed His Mercy, and established Amar Daas as the True Guru.

Amrdwis Amrqu CqRü gur rwmih dIAau ] (1408-11)
amardaas amrat chhatar gur raameh dee-a-o.
Guru Amar Daas blessed Guru Raam Daas with the umbrella of immortality.

gur rwmdws drsnu pris kih mQurw AMimRq bXx ] (1408-12)
gur raamdaas darsan paras kahi mathuraa amrit ba-yan.
So speaks Mat'huraa: gazing upon the Blessed Vision, the Darshan of Guru Raam Daas, His speech became as sweet as nectar.

mUriq pMc pRmwx purKu guru Arjunu ipKhu nXx ]1] (1408-12)
moorat panch parmaan purakh gur arjun pikhahu na-yan. ||1||
With your eyes, see the certified Primal Person, Guru Arjun, the Fifth Manifestation of the Guru. ||1||

siq rUpu siq nwmu squ sMqoKu DirE auir ] (1408-13)
sat roop sat naam sat santokh Dhari-o ur.
He is the Embodiment of Truth; He has enshrined the True Name, Sat Naam, Truth and contentment within His heart.

Awid puriK prqiK ilK´au ACru msqik Duir ] (1408-13)
aad purakh partakh likh-ya-o achhar mastak Dhur.
From the very beginning, the Primal Being has written this destiny upon His forehead.

pRgt joiq jgmgY qyju BUA mMfil CwXau ] (1408-14)
pargat jot jagmagai tayj bhoo-a mandal chhaa-ya-o.
His Divine Light shines forth, dazzling and radiant; His Glorious Grandeur pervades the realms of the world.

pwrsu pris prsu pris guir gurU khwXau ] (1408-15)
paaras paras paras paras gur guroo kahaa-ya-o.
Meeting the Guru, touching the Philosopher's Stone, He was acclaimed as Guru.

Bin mQurw mUriq sdw iQru lwie icqu snmuK rhhu ] (1408-15)
bhan mathuraa moorat sadaa thir laa-ay chit sanmukh rahhu.
So speaks Mat'huraa: I constantly focus my consciousness on Him; as sunmukh, I look to Him.

kljuig jhwju Arjunu gurU sgl isRis† lig ibqrhu ]2] (1408-16)
kaljug jahaaj arjun guroo sagal sarisat lag bitrahu. ||2||
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, Guru Arjun is the Boat; attached to him, the entire universe is safely carried across. ||2||

iqh jn jwchu jgqR pr jwnIAqu bwsur rXin bwsu jw ko ihqu nwm isau ] (1408-16)
tih jan jaachahu jagtar par jaanee-at baasur ra-yan baas jaa ko hit naam si-o.
I beg from that humble being who is known all over the world, who lives in, and loves the Name, night and day.

prm AqIqu prmysur kY rMig rMg´O bwsnw qy bwhir pY dyKIAqu Dwm isau ] (1408-17)
param ateet parmaysur kai rang rang-y-ou baasnaa tay baahar pai daykhee-at Dhaam si-o.
He is supremely unattached, and imbued with the Love of the Transcendent Lord; he is free of desire, but he lives as a family man.

Apr prMpr purK isau pRymu lwg´O ibnu BgvMq rsu nwhI AaurY kwm isau ] (1408-18)
apar parampar purakh si-o paraym laag-y-ou bin bhagvant ras naahee a-urai kaam si-o.
He is dedicated to the Love of the Infinite, Limitless Primal Lord God; he has no concerns for any other pleasure, except for the Lord God.

mQurw ko pRBu sRb mX Arjun guru Bgiq kY hyiq pwie rihE imil rwm isau ]3] (1408-19)
mathuraa ko parabh sarab ma-y arjun gur bhagat kai hayt paa-ay rahi-o mil raam si-o. ||3||
Guru Arjun is the All-pervading Lord God of Mat'huraa. Devoted to His Worship, he remains attached to the Lord's Feet. ||3||