Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


jb lgu Gt mih dUjI Awn ] (345-1)
jab lag ghat meh doojee aan.
Know that as long as you place your hopes in others,

qau lau mhil n lwBY jwn ] (345-1)
ta-o la-o mahal na laabhai jaan.
you shall not find the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.

rmq rwm isau lwgo rMgu ] (345-1)
ramat raam si-o laago rang.
When you embrace love for the Lord,

kih kbIr qb inrml AMg ]8]1] (345-2)
kahi kabeer tab nirmal ang. ||8||1||
says Kabeer, then, you shall become pure in your very fiber. ||8||1||

rwgu gauVI cyqI bwxI nwmdyau jIau kI (345-3)
raag ga-orhee chaytee banee naamday-o jee-o kee
Raag Gauree Chaytee, The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (345-3)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

dyvw pwhn qwrIAly ] (345-4)
dayvaa paahan taaree-alay.
God makes even stones float.

rwm khq jn ks n qry ]1] rhwau ] (345-4)
raam kahat jan kas na taray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
So why shouldn't Your humble slave also float across, chanting Your Name, O Lord? ||1||Pause||

qwrIly ginkw ibnu rUp kuibjw ibAwiD Ajwmlu qwrIAly ] (345-4)
taareelay ganikaa bin roop kubijaa bi-aaDh ajaamal taaree-alay.
You saved the prostitute, and the ugly hunch-back; You helped the hunter and Ajaamal swim across as well.

crn biDk jn qyaU mukiq Bey ] (345-5)
charan baDhik jan tay-oo mukat bha-ay.
The hunter who shot Krishna in the foot - even he was liberated.

hau bil bil ijn rwm khy ]1] (345-5)
ha-o bal bal jin raam kahay. ||1||
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to those who chant the Lord's Name. ||1||

dwsI suq jnu ibdru sudwmw augRsYn kau rwj dIey ] (345-6)
daasee sut jan bidar sudaamaa ugarsain ka-o raaj dee-ay.
You saved Bidur, the son of the slave-girl, and Sudama; You restored Ugrasain to his throne.

jp hIn qp hIn kul hIn k®m hIn nwmy ky suAwmI qyaU qry ]2]1] (345-6)
jap heen tap heen kul heen karam heen naamay kay su-aamee tay-oo taray. ||2||1||
Without meditation, without penance, without a good family, without good deeds, Naam Dayv's Lord and Master saved them all. ||2||1||

rwgu gauVI rivdws jI ky pdy gauVI guAwryrI (345-8)
raag ga-orhee ravidaas jee kay paday ga-orhee gu-aarayree
Raag Gauree, Padas Of Ravi Daas Jee, Gauree Gwaarayree:

<> siqnwmu krqw purKu gurpRswid ] (345-9)
ik-oaNkaar satnaam kartaa purakh gurparsaad.
One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. By Guru's Grace:

myrI sMgiq poc soc idnu rwqI ] (345-9)
mayree sangat poch soch din raatee.
The company I keep is wretched and low, and I am anxious day and night;

myrw krmu kuitlqw jnmu kuBWqI ]1] (345-9)
mayraa karam kutiltaa janam kubhaaNtee. ||1||
my actions are crooked, and I am of lowly birth. ||1||

rwm guseIAw jIA ky jIvnw ] (345-10)
raam gus-ee-aa jee-a kay jeevnaa.
O Lord, Master of the earth, Life of the soul,

moih n ibswrhu mY jnu qyrw ]1] rhwau ] (345-10)
mohi na bisaarahu mai jan tayraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
please do not forget me! I am Your humble servant. ||1||Pause||

myrI hrhu ibpiq jn krhu suBweI ] (345-11)
mayree harahu bipat jan karahu subhaa-ee.
Take away my pains, and bless Your humble servant with Your Sublime Love.

crx n Cwfau srIr kl jweI ]2] (345-11)
charan na chhaada-o sareer kal jaa-ee. ||2||
I shall not leave Your Feet, even though my body may perish. ||2||

khu rivdws prau qyrI swBw ] (345-11)
kaho ravidaas para-o tayree saabhaa.
Says Ravi Daas, I seek the protection of Your Sanctuary;

byig imlhu jn kir n iblWbw ]3]1] (345-12)
bayg milhu jan kar na bilaaNbaa. ||3||1||
please, meet Your humble servant - do not delay! ||3||1||

bygm purw shr ko nwau ] (345-12)
baygam puraa sahar ko naa-o.
Baygumpura, 'the city without sorrow', is the name of the town.

dUKu AMdohu nhI iqih Twau ] (345-12)
dookh andohu nahee tihi thaa-o.
There is no suffering or anxiety there.

nW qsvIs iKrwju n mwlu ] (345-13)
naaN tasvees khiraaj na maal.
There are no troubles or taxes on commodities there.

KauPu n Kqw n qrsu jvwlu ]1] (345-13)
kha-uf na khataa na taras javaal. ||1||
There is no fear, blemish or downfall there. ||1||

Ab moih KUb vqn gh pweI ] (345-13)
ab mohi khoob vatan gah paa-ee.
Now, I have found this most excellent city.

aUhW KYir sdw myry BweI ]1] rhwau ] (345-14)
oohaaN khair sadaa mayray bhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
There is lasting peace and safety there, O Siblings of Destiny. ||1||Pause||

kwiemu dwiemu sdw pwiqswhI ] (345-14)
kaa-im daa-im sadaa paatisaahee.
God's Kingdom is steady, stable and eternal.

dom n sym eyk so AwhI ] (345-14)
dom na saym ayk so aahee.
There is no second or third status; all are equal there.

Awbwdwnu sdw mshUr ] (345-15)
aabaadaan sadaa mashoor.
That city is populous and eternally famous.

aUhW gnI bsih mwmUr ]2] (345-15)
oohaaN ganee baseh maamoor. ||2||
Those who live there are wealthy and contented. ||2||

iqau iqau sYl krih ijau BwvY ] (345-15)
ti-o ti-o sail karahi ji-o bhaavai.
They stroll about freely, just as they please.

mhrm mhl n ko AtkwvY ] (345-16)
mahram mahal na ko atkaavai.
They know the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, and no one blocks their way.

kih rivdws Klws cmwrw ] (345-16)
kahi ravidaas khalaas chamaaraa.
Says Ravi Daas, the emancipated shoe-maker:

jo hm shrI su mIqu hmwrw ]3]2] (345-16)
jo ham sahree so meet hamaaraa. ||3||2||
whoever is a citizen there, is a friend of mine. ||3||2||

<> siqgur pRswid ] (345-17)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

gauVI bYrwgix rivdws jIau ] (345-17)
ga-orhee bairaagan ravidaas jee-o.
Gauree Bairaagan, Ravi Daas Jee:

Gt AvGt fUgr Gxw ieku inrguxu bYlu hmwr ] (345-17)
ghat avghat doogar ghanaa ik nirgun bail hamaar.
The path to God is very treacherous and mountainous, and all I have is this worthless ox.

rmeIey isau iek bynqI myrI pUMjI rwKu murwir ]1] (345-18)
ram-ee-ay si-o ik bayntee mayree poonjee raakh muraar. ||1||
I offer this one prayer to the Lord, to preserve my capital. ||1||

ko bnjwro rwm ko myrw tWfw lwidAw jwie ry ]1] rhwau ] (345-18)
ko banjaaro raam ko mayraa taaNdaa laadi-aa jaa-ay ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Is there any merchant of the Lord to join me? My cargo is loaded, and now I am leaving. ||1||Pause||