Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


hau bnjwro rwm ko shj krau b´wpwru ] (346-1)
ha-o banjaaro raam ko sahj kara-o ba-yaapaar.
I am the merchant of the Lord; I deal in spiritual wisdom.

mY rwm nwm Dnu lwidAw ibKu lwdI sMswir ]2] (346-1)
mai raam naam Dhan laadi-aa bikh laadee sansaar. ||2||
I have loaded the Wealth of the Lord's Name; the world has loaded poison. ||2||

aurvwr pwr ky dwnIAw iliK lyhu Awl pqwlu ] (346-2)
urvaar paar kay daanee-aa likh layho aal pataal.
O you who know this world and the world beyond: write whatever nonsense you please about me.

moih jm fMfu n lwgeI qjIly srb jMjwl ]3] (346-2)
mohi jam dand na laag-ee tajeelay sarab janjaal. ||3||
The club of the Messenger of Death shall not strike me, since I have cast off all entanglements. ||3||

jYsw rMgu ksuMB kw qYsw iehu sMswru ] (346-3)
jaisaa rang kasumbh kaa taisaa ih sansaar.
Love of this world is like the pale, temporary color of the safflower.

myry rmeIey rMgu mjIT kw khu rivdws cmwr ]4]1] (346-3)
mayray ram-ee-ay rang majeeth kaa kaho ravidaas chamaar. ||4||1||
The color of my Lord's Love, however, is permanent, like the dye of the madder plant. So says Ravi Daas, the tanner. ||4||1||

gauVI pUrbI rivdws jIau (346-5)
ga-orhee poorbee ravidaas jee-o
Gauree Poorbee, Ravi Daas Jee:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (346-5)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

kUpu BirE jYsy dwidrw kCu dysu ibdysu n bUJ ] (346-6)
koop bhari-o jaisay daadiraa kachh days bidays na boojh.
The frog in the deep well knows nothing of its own country or other lands;

AYsy myrw mnu ibiKAw ibmoihAw kCu Awrw pwru n sUJ ]1] (346-6)
aisay mayraa man bikhi-aa bimohi-aa kachh aaraa paar na soojh. ||1||
just so, my mind, infatuated with corruption, understands nothing about this world or the next. ||1||

sgl Bvn ky nwiekw ieku iCnu drsu idKwie jI ]1] rhwau ] (346-7)
sagal bhavan kay naa-ikaa ik chhin daras dikhaa-ay jee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O Lord of all worlds: reveal to me, even for an instant, the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||1||Pause||

miln BeI miq mwDvw qyrI giq lKI n jwie ] (346-7)
malin bha-ee mat maaDhvaa tayree gat lakhee na jaa-ay.
My intellect is polluted; I cannot understand Your state, O Lord.

krhu ik®pw BRmu cUkeI mY sumiq dyhu smJwie ]2] (346-8)
karahu kirpaa bharam chook-ee mai sumat dayh samjhaa-ay. ||2||
Take pity on me, dispel my doubts, and teach me true wisdom. ||2||

jogIsr pwvih nhI quA gux kQnu Apwr ] (346-8)
jogeesar paavahi nahee tu-a gun kathan apaar.
Even the great Yogis cannot describe Your Glorious Virtues; they are beyond words.

pRym Bgiq kY kwrxY khu rivdws cmwr ]3]1] (346-9)
paraym bhagat kai kaarnai kaho ravidaas chamaar. ||3||1||
I am dedicated to Your loving devotional worship, says Ravi Daas the tanner. ||3||1||

gauVI bYrwgix (346-10)
ga-orhee bairaagan
Gauree Bairaagan:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (346-10)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

sqjuig squ qyqw jgI duAwpir pUjwcwr ] (346-11)
satjug sat taytaa jagee du-aapar poojaachaar.
In the Golden Age of Sat Yuga, was Truth; in the Silver Age of Trayta Yuga, charitable feasts; in the Brass Age of Dwaapar Yuga, there was worship.

qInO jug qInO idVy kil kyvl nwm ADwr ]1] (346-11)
teenou jug teenou dirhay kal kayval naam aDhaar. ||1||
In those three ages, people held to these three ways. But in the Iron Age of Kali Yuga, the Name of the Lord is your only Support. ||1||

pwru kYsy pwiebo ry ] (346-11)
paar kaisay paa-ibo ray.
How can I swim across?

mo sau koaU n khY smJwie ] (346-12)
mo sa-o ko-oo na kahai samjhaa-ay.
No one has explained to me,

jw qy Awvw gvnu iblwie ]1] rhwau ] (346-12)
jaa tay aavaa gavan bilaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
so that I might understand how I can escape reincarnation. ||1||Pause||

bhu ibiD Drm inrUpIAY krqw dIsY sB loie ] (346-12)
baho biDh Dharam niroopee-ai kartaa deesai sabh lo-ay.
So many forms of religion have been described; the whole world is practicing them.

kvn krm qy CUtIAY ijh swDy sB isiD hoie ]2] (346-13)
kavan karam tay chhootee-ai jih saaDhay sabh siDh ho-ay. ||2||
What actions will bring emancipation, and total perfection? ||2||

krm Akrm bIcwrIAY sMkw suin byd purwn ] (346-13)
karam akram beechaaree-ai sankaa sun bayd puraan.
One may distinguish between good and evil actions, and listen to the Vedas and the Puraanas,

sMsw sd ihrdY bsY kaunu ihrY AiBmwnu ]3] (346-14)
sansaa sad hirdai basai ka-un hirai abhimaan. ||3||
but doubt still persists. Skepticism continually dwells in the heart, so who can eradicate egotistical pride? ||3||

bwhru audik pKwrIAY Gt BIqir ibibiD ibkwr ] (346-14)
baahar udak pakhaaree-ai ghat bheetar bibiDh bikaar.
Outwardly, he washes with water, but deep within, his heart is tarnished by all sorts of vices.

suD kvn pr hoiebo suc kuMcr ibiD ibauhwr ]4] (346-15)
suDh kavan par ho-ibo such kunchar biDh bi-uhaar. ||4||
So how can he become pure? His method of purification is like that of an elephant, covering himself with dust right after his bath! ||4||

riv pRgws rjnI jQw giq jwnq sB sMswr ] (346-15)
rav pargaas rajnee jathaa gat jaanat sabh sansaar.
With the rising of the sun, the night is brought to its end; the whole world knows this.

pwrs mwno qwbo Cuey knk hoq nhI bwr ]5] (346-16)
paaras maano taabo chhu-ay kanak hot nahee baar. ||5||
It is believed that with the touch of the Philosopher's Stone, copper is immediately transformed into gold. ||5||

prm prs guru BytIAY pUrb ilKq illwt ] (346-16)
param paras gur bhaytee-ai poorab likhat lilaat.
When one meets the Supreme Philosopher's Stone, the Guru, if such pre-ordained destiny is written on one's forehead,

aunmn mn mn hI imly Cutkq bjr kpwt ]6] (346-17)
unman man man hee milay chhutkat bajar kapaat. ||6||
then the soul blends with the Supreme Soul, and the stubborn doors are opened wide. ||6||

Bgiq jugiq miq siq krI BRm bMDn kwit ibkwr ] (346-17)
bhagat jugat mat sat karee bharam banDhan kaat bikaar.
Through the way of devotion, the intellect is imbued with Truth; doubts, entanglements and vices are cut away.

soeI bis ris mn imly gun inrgun eyk ibcwr ]7] (346-18)
so-ee bas ras man milay gun nirgun ayk bichaar. ||7||
The mind is restrained, and one attains joy, contemplating the One Lord, who is both with and without qualities. ||7||

Aink jqn ingRh kIey twrI n trY BRm Pws ] (346-19)
anik jatan nigreh kee-ay taaree na tarai bharam faas.
I have tried many methods, but by turning it away, the noose of doubt is not turned away.

pRym Bgiq nhI aUpjY qw qy rivdws audws ]8]1] (346-19)
paraym bhagat nahee oopjai taa tay ravidaas udaas. ||8||1||
Love and devotion have not welled up within me, and so Ravi Daas is sad and depressed. ||8||1||