Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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527 <> siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ] (527-1)ik-oaNkaar sat naam kartaa purakh nirbha-o nirvair akaal moorat ajoonee saibhaN gur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace: (527-3) raag dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 4 ghar 1. Raag Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fourth Mehl, First House: syvk jn bny Twkur ilv lwgy ] (527-4)sayvak jan banay thaakur liv laagay. Those who become the humble servants of the Lord and Master, lovingly focus their minds on Him. jo qumrw jsu khqy gurmiq iqn muK Bwg sBwgy ]1] rhwau ] (527-4)jo tumraa jas kahtay gurmat tin mukh bhaag sabhaagay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Those who chant Your Praises, through the Guru's Teachings, have great good fortune recorded upon their foreheads. ||1||Pause|| tUty mwieAw ky bMDn Pwhy hir rwm nwm ilv lwgy ] (527-5)tootay maa-i-aa kay banDhan faahay har raam naam liv laagay. The bonds and shackles of Maya are shattered, by lovingly focusing their minds on the Name of the Lord. hmrw mnu moihE gur mohin hm ibsm BeI muiK lwgy ]1] (527-5)hamraa man mohi-o gur mohan ham bisam bha-ee mukh laagay. ||1|| My mind is enticed by the Guru, the Enticer; beholding Him, I am wonder-struck. ||1|| sglI rYix soeI AMiDAwrI gur ikMcq ikrpw jwgy ] (527-6)saglee rain so-ee anDhi-aaree gur kichant kirpaa jaagay. I slept through the entire dark night of my life, but through the tiniest bit of the Guru's Grace, I have been awakened. jn nwnk ky pRB suMdr suAwmI moih qum sir Avru n lwgy ]2]1] (527-6)jan naanak kay parabh sundar su-aamee mohi tum sar avar na laagay. ||2||1|| O Beautiful Lord God, Master of servant Nanak, there is none comparable to You. ||2||1|| dyvgMDwrI ] (527-7)dayvganDhaaree. Dayv-Gandhaaree: myro suMdru khhu imlY ikqu glI ] (527-7)mayro sundar kahhu milai kit galee. Tell me - on what path will I find my Beauteous Lord? hir ky sMq bqwvhu mwrgu hm pICY lwig clI ]1] rhwau ] (527-8)har kay sant bataavhu maarag ham peechhai laag chalee. ||1|| rahaa-o. O Saints of the Lord, show me the Way, and I shall follow. ||1||Pause|| ipRA ky bcn suKwny hIArY ieh cwl bnI hY BlI ] (527-8)pari-a kay bachan sukhaanay hee-arai ih chaal banee hai bhalee. I cherish in my heart the Words of my Beloved; this is the best way. lturI mDurI Twkur BweI Eh suMdir hir Fuil imlI ]1] (527-9)laturee maDhuree thaakur bhaa-ee oh sundar har dhul milee. ||1|| The bride may be hunch-backed and short, but if she is loved by her Lord Master, she becomes beautiful, and she melts in the Lord's embrace. ||1|| eyko ipRau sKIAw sB ipRA kI jo BwvY ipr sw BlI ] (527-10)ayko pari-o sakhee-aa sabh pari-a kee jo bhaavai pir saa bhalee. There is only the One Beloved - we are all soul-brides of our Husband Lord. She who is pleasing to her Husband Lord is good. nwnku grIbu ikAw krY ibcwrw hir BwvY iqqu rwih clI ]2]2] (527-10)naanak gareeb ki-aa karai bichaaraa har bhaavai tit raahi chalee. ||2||2|| What can poor, helpless Nanak do? As it pleases the Lord, so does he walk. ||2||2|| dyvgMDwrI ] (527-11)dayvganDhaaree. Dayv-Gandhaaree: myry mn muiK hir hir hir bolIAY ] (527-11)mayray man mukh har har har bolee-ai. O my mind, chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har. gurmuiK rMig clUlY rwqI hir pRym BInI colIAY ]1] rhwau ] (527-11)gurmukh rang chaloolai raatee har paraym bheenee cholee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Gurmukh is imbued with the deep red color of the poppy. His shawl is saturated with the Lord's Love. ||1||Pause|| hau iPrau idvwnI Awvl bwvl iqsu kwrix hir FolIAY ] (527-12)ha-o fira-o divaanee aaval baaval tis kaaran har dholee-ai. I wander around here and there, like a madman, bewildered, seeking out my Darling Lord. koeI mylY myrw pRIqmu ipAwrw hm iqs kI gul golIAY ]1] (527-13)ko-ee maylai mayraa pareetam pi-aaraa ham tis kee gul golee-ai. ||1|| I shall be the slave of the slave of whoever unites me with my Darling Beloved. ||1|| siqguru purKu mnwvhu Apunw hir AMimRqu pI JolIAY ] (527-13)satgur purakh manaavahu apunaa har amrit pee jholee-ai. So align yourself with the Almighty True Guru; drink in and savor the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord. gur pRswid jn nwnk pwieAw hir lwDw dyh tolIAY ]2]3] (527-14)gur parsaad jan naanak paa-i-aa har laaDhaa dayh tolee-ai. ||2||3|| By Guru's Grace, servant Nanak has obtained the wealth of the Lord within. ||2||3|| dyvgMDwrI ] (527-15)dayvganDhaaree. Dayv-Gandhaaree: Ab hm clI Twkur pih hwir ] (527-15)ab ham chalee thaakur peh haar. Now, I have come, exhausted, to my Lord and Master. jb hm srix pRBU kI AweI rwKu pRBU BwvY mwir ]1] rhwau ] (527-15)jab ham saran parabhoo kee aa-ee raakh parabhoo bhaavai maar. ||1|| rahaa-o. Now that I have come seeking Your Sanctuary, God, please, either save me, or kill me. ||1||Pause|| |
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