Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
528 lokn kI cqurweI aupmw qy bYsMqir jwir ] (528-1)lokan kee chaturaa-ee upmaa tay baisantar jaar. I have burnt in the fire the clever devices and praises of the world. koeI Blw khau BwvY burw khau hm qnu dIE hY Fwir ]1] (528-1)ko-ee bhalaa kaha-o bhaavai buraa kaha-o ham tan dee-o hai dhaar. ||1|| Some speak good of me, and some speak ill of me, but I have surrendered my body to You. ||1|| jo Awvq srix Twkur pRBu qumrI iqsu rwKhu ikrpw Dwir ] (528-2)jo aavat saran thaakur parabh tumree tis raakho kirpaa Dhaar. Whoever comes to Your Sanctuary, O God, Lord and Master, You save by Your Merciful Grace. jn nwnk srix qumwrI hir jIau rwKhu lwj murwir ]2]4] (528-2)jan naanak saran tumaaree har jee-o raakho laaj muraar. ||2||4|| Servant Nanak has entered Your Sanctuary, Dear Lord; O Lord, please, protect his honor! ||2||4|| dyvgMDwrI ] (528-3)dayvganDhaaree. Dayv-Gandhaaree: hir gux gwvY hau iqsu bilhwrI ] (528-3)har gun gaavai ha-o tis balihaaree. I am a sacrifice to one who sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. dyiK dyiK jIvw swD gur drsnu ijsu ihrdY nwmu murwrI ]1] rhwau ] (528-4)daykh daykh jeevaa saaDh gur darsan jis hirdai naam muraaree. ||1|| rahaa-o. I live by continuously beholding the Blessed Vision of the Holy Guru's Darshan; within His Mind is the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| qum pivqR pwvn purK pRB suAwmI hm ikau kir imlh jUTwrI ] (528-4)tum pavitar paavan purakh parabh su-aamee ham ki-o kar milah joothaaree. You are pure and immaculate, O God, Almighty Lord and Master; how can I, the impure one, meet You? hmrY jIie horu muiK horu hoq hY hm krmhIx kUiVAwrI ]1] (528-5)hamrai jee-ay hor mukh hor hot hai ham karamheen khoorhi-aaree. ||1|| I have one thing in my mind, and another thing on my lips; I am such a poor, unfortunate liar! ||1|| hmrI mudR nwmu hir suAwmI ird AMqir dust dustwrI ] (528-6)hamree mudar naam har su-aamee rid antar dusat dustaaree. I appear to chant the Lord's Name, but within my heart, I am the most wicked of the wicked. ijau BwvY iqau rwKhu suAwmI jn nwnk srix qum@wrI ]2]5] (528-6)ji-o bhaavai ti-o raakho su-aamee jan naanak saran tumHaaree. ||2||5|| As it pleases You, save me, O Lord and Master; servant Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary. ||2||5|| dyvgMDwrI ] (528-7)dayvganDhaaree. Dayv-Gandhaaree: hir ky nwm ibnw suMdir hY nktI ] (528-7)har kay naam binaa sundar hai naktee. Without the Name of the Lord, the beautiful are just like the noseless ones. ijau bysuAw ky Gir pUqu jmqu hY iqsu nwmu pirE hY DRktI ]1] rhwau ] (528-8)ji-o baysu-aa kay ghar poot jamat hai tis naam pari-o hai Dharkatee. ||1|| rahaa-o. Like the son, born into the house of a prostitute, his name is cursed. ||1||Pause|| ijn kY ihrdY nwih hir suAwmI qy ibgV rUp byrktI ] (528-8)jin kai hirdai naahi har su-aamee tay bigarh roop bayrkatee. Those who do not have the Name of their Lord and Master within their hearts, are the most wretched, deformed lepers. ijau ingurw bhu bwqw jwxY Ehu hir drgh hY BRstI ]1] (528-9)ji-o niguraa baho baataa jaanai oh har dargeh hai bharsatee. ||1|| Like the person who has no Guru, they may know many things, but they are cursed in the Court of the Lord. ||1|| ijn kau dieAwlu hoAw myrw suAwmI iqnw swD jnw pg cktI ] (528-10)jin ka-o da-i-aal ho-aa mayraa su-aamee tinaa saaDh janaa pag chaktee. Those, unto whom my Lord Master becomes Merciful, long for the feet of the Holy. nwnk piqq pivq imil sMgiq gur siqgur pwCY CuktI ]2]6] Ckw 1 (528-10)naanak patit pavit mil sangat gur satgur paachhai chhuktee. ||2||6|| chhakaa 1 O Nanak, the sinners become pure, joining the Company of the Holy; following the Guru, the True Guru, they are emancipated. ||2||6|| First Set of Six|| dyvgMDwrI mhlw 5 Gru 2 (528-12)dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 5 ghar 2 Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl, Second House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (528-12)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: mweI gur crxI icqu lweIAY ] (528-13)maa-ee gur charnee chit laa-ee-ai. O mother, I focus my consciousness on the Guru's feet. pRBu hoie ik®pwlu kmlu prgwsy sdw sdw hir iDAweIAY ]1] rhwau ] (528-13)parabh ho-ay kirpaal kamal pargaasay sadaa sadaa har Dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o. As God shows His Mercy, the lotus of my heart blossoms, and forever and ever, I meditate on the Lord. ||1||Pause|| AMqir eyko bwhir eyko sB mih eyku smweIAY ] (528-14)antar ayko baahar ayko sabh meh ayk samaa-ee-ai. The One Lord is within, and the One Lord is outside; the One Lord is contained in all. Git AvGit rivAw sB TweI hir pUrn bRhmu idKweIAY ]1] (528-14)ghat avghat ravi-aa sabh thaa-ee har pooran barahm dikhaa-ee-ai. ||1|| Within the heart, beyond the heart, and in all places, God, the Perfect One, is seen to be permeating. ||1|| ausqiq krih syvk muin kyqy qyrw AMqu n kqhU pweIAY ] (528-15)ustat karahi sayvak mun kaytay tayraa ant na kathoo paa-ee-ai. So many of Your servants and silent sages sing Your Praises, but no one has found Your limits. suKdwqy duK BMjn suAwmI jn nwnk sd bil jweIAY ]2]1] (528-15)sukh-daatay dukh bhanjan su-aamee jan naanak sad bal jaa-ee-ai. ||2||1|| O Giver of peace, Destroyer of pain, Lord and Master - servant Nanak is forever a sacrifice to You. ||2||1|| dyvgMDwrI ] (528-16)dayvganDhaaree. Dayv-Gandhaaree: mweI honhwr so hoeIAY ] (528-16)maa-ee honhaar so ho-ee-ai. O mother, whatever is to be, shall be. rwic rihE rcnw pRBu ApnI khw lwBu khw KoeIAY ]1] rhwau ] (528-17)raach rahi-o rachnaa parabh apnee kahaa laabh kahaa kho-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o. God pervades His pervading creation; one gains, while another loses. ||1||Pause|| kh PUlih Awnµd ibKY sog kb hsno kb roeIAY ] (528-17)kah fooleh aanand bikhai sog kab hasno kab ro-ee-ai. Sometimes he blossoms in bliss, while at other times, he suffers in mourning. Sometimes he laughs, and sometimes he weeps. kbhU mYlu Bry AiBmwnI kb swDU sMig DoeIAY ]1] (528-18)kabhoo mail bharay abhimaanee kab saaDhoo sang Dho-ee-ai. ||1|| Sometimes he is filled with the filth of ego, while at other times, he washes it off in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1|| koie n mytY pRB kw kIAw dUsr nwhI AloeIAY ] (528-18)ko-ay na maytai parabh kaa kee-aa doosar naahee alo-ee-ai. No one can erase the actions of God; I cannot see any other like Him. khu nwnk iqsu gur bilhwrI ijh pRswid suiK soeIAY ]2]2] (528-19)kaho naanak tis gur balihaaree jih parsaad sukh so-ee-ai. ||2||2|| Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to the Guru; by His Grace, I sleep in peace. ||2||2|| |