Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


dyvgMDwrI ] (529-1)

mweI sunq soc BY frq ] (529-1)
maa-ee sunat soch bhai darat.
O mother, I hear of death, and think of it, and I am filled with fear.

myr qyr qjau AiBmwnw srin suAwmI kI prq ]1] rhwau ] (529-1)
mayr tayr taja-o abhimaanaa saran su-aamee kee parat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Renouncing 'mine and yours' and egotism, I have sought the Sanctuary of the Lord and Master. ||1||Pause||

jo jo khY soeI Bl mwnau nwih n kw bol krq ] (529-2)
jo jo kahai so-ee bhal maan-o naahi na kaa bol karat.
Whatever He says, I accept that as good. I do not say "No" to what He says.

inmK n ibsrau hIey mory qy ibsrq jweI hau mrq ]1] (529-2)
nimakh na bisara-o hee-ay moray tay bisrat jaa-ee ha-o marat. ||1||
Let me not forget Him, even for an instant; forgetting Him, I die. ||1||

suKdweI pUrn pRBu krqw myrI bhuqu ieAwnp jrq ] (529-3)
sukh-daa-ee pooran parabh kartaa mayree bahut i-aanap jarat.
The Giver of peace, God, the Perfect Creator, endures my great ignorance.

inrguin krUip kulhIx nwnk hau And rUp suAwmI Brq ]2]3] (529-3)
nirgun karoop kulheen naanak ha-o anad roop su-aamee bharat. ||2||3||
I am worthless, ugly and of low birth, O Nanak, but my Husband Lord is the embodiment of bliss. ||2||3||

dyvgMDwrI ] (529-4)

mn hir kIriq kir sdhUM ] (529-4)
man har keerat kar sadahooN.
O my mind, chant forever the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises.

gwvq sunq jpq auDwrY brn Abrnw sBhUM ]1] rhwau ] (529-5)
gaavat sunat japat uDhaarai baran abranaa sabhahooN. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By singing, hearing and meditating on Him, all, whether of high or low status, are saved. ||1||Pause||

jh qy aupijE qhI smwieE ieh ibiD jwnI qbhUM ] (529-5)
jah tay upji-o tahee samaa-i-o ih biDh jaanee tabahooN.
He is absorbed into the One from which he originated, when he understands the Way.

jhw jhw ieh dyhI DwrI rhnu n pwieE kbhUM ]1] (529-6)
jahaa jahaa ih dayhee Dhaaree rahan na paa-i-o kabahooN. ||1||
Wherever this body was fashioned, it was not allowed to remain there. ||1||

suKu AwieE BY Brm ibnwsy ik®pwl hUey pRB jbhU ] (529-6)
sukh aa-i-o bhai bharam binaasay kirpaal hoo-ay parabh jabhoo.
Peace comes, and fear and doubt are dispelled, when God becomes Merciful.

khu nwnk myry pUry mnorQ swDsMig qij lbhUM ]2]4] (529-7)
kaho naanak mayray pooray manorath saaDhsang taj labahooN. ||2||4||
Says Nanak, my hopes have been fulfilled, renouncing my greed in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||2||4||

dyvgMDwrI ] (529-8)

mn ijau Apuny pRB Bwvau ] (529-8)
man ji-o apunay parabh bhaava-o.
O my mind, act as it pleases God.

nIchu nIcu nIcu Aiq nwn@w hoie grIbu bulwvau ]1] rhwau ] (529-8)
neechahu neech neech at naanHaa ho-ay gareeb bulaava-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Become the lowest of the low, the very least of the tiny, and speak in utmost humility. ||1||Pause||

Aink AfMbr mwieAw ky ibrQy qw isau pRIiq Gtwvau ] (529-9)
anik adambar maa-i-aa kay birthay taa si-o pareet ghataava-o.
The many ostentatious shows of Maya are useless; I withhold my love from these.

ijau Apuno suAwmI suKu mwnY qw mih soBw pwvau ]1] (529-9)
ji-o apuno su-aamee sukh maanai taa meh sobhaa paava-o. ||1||
As something pleases my Lord and Master, in that I find my glory. ||1||

dwsn dws ryxu dwsn kI jn kI thl kmwvau ] (529-10)
daasan daas rayn daasan kee jan kee tahal kamaava-o.
I am the slave of His slaves; becoming the dust of the feet of his slaves, I serve His humble servants.

srb sUK bifAweI nwnk jIvau muKhu bulwvau ]2]5] (529-11)
sarab sookh badi-aa-ee naanak jeeva-o mukhahu bulaava-o. ||2||5||
I obtain all peace and greatness, O Nanak, living to chant His Name with my mouth. ||2||5||

dyvgMDwrI ] (529-11)

pRB jI qau pRswid BRmu fwirE ] (529-11)
parabh jee ta-o parsaad bharam daari-o.
Dear God, by Your Grace, my doubts have been dispelled.

qumrI ik®pw qy sBu ko Apnw mn mih iehY bIcwirE ]1] rhwau ] (529-12)
tumree kirpaa tay sabh ko apnaa man meh ihai beechaari-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Your Mercy, all are mine; I reflect upon this in my mind. ||1||Pause||

koit prwD imty qyrI syvw drsin dUKu auqwirE ] (529-12)
kot paraaDh mitay tayree sayvaa darsan dookh utaari-o.
Millions of sins are erased, by serving You; the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan drives away sorrow.

nwmu jpq mhw suKu pwieE icMqw rogu ibdwirE ]1] (529-13)
naam japat mahaa sukh paa-i-o chintaa rog bidaari-o. ||1||
Chanting Your Name, I have obtained supreme peace, and my anxieties and diseases have been cast out. ||1||

kwmu k®oDu loBu JUTu inMdw swDU sMig ibswirE ] (529-13)
kaam kroDh lobh jhooth nindaa saaDhoo sang bisaari-o.
Sexual desire, anger, greed, falsehood and slander are forgotten, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

mwieAw bMD kwty ikrpw iniD nwnk Awip auDwirE ]2]6] (529-14)
maa-i-aa banDh kaatay kirpaa niDh naanak aap uDhaari-o. ||2||6||
The ocean of mercy has cut away the bonds of Maya; O Nanak, He has saved me. ||2||6||

dyvgMDwrI ] (529-15)

mn sgl isAwnp rhI ] (529-15)
man sagal si-aanap rahee.
All the cleverness of my mind is gone.

krn krwvnhwr suAwmI nwnk Et ghI ]1] rhwau ] (529-15)
karan karaavanhaar su-aamee naanak ot gahee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord and Master is the Doer, the Cause of causes; Nanak holds tight to His Support. ||1||Pause||

Awpu myit pey srxweI ieh miq swDU khI ] (529-16)
aap mayt pa-ay sarnaa-ee ih mat saaDhoo kahee.
Erasing my self-conceit, I have entered His Sanctuary; these are the Teachings spoken by the Holy Guru.

pRB kI AwigAw mwin suKu pwieAw Brmu ADyrw lhI ]1] (529-16)
parabh kee aagi-aa maan sukh paa-i-aa bharam aDhayraa lahee. ||1||
Surrendering to the Will of God, I attain peace, and the darkness of doubt is dispelled. ||1||

jwn pRbIn suAwmI pRB myry srix qumwrI AhI ] (529-17)
jaan parbeen su-aamee parabh mayray saran tumaaree ahee.
I know that You are all-wise, O God, my Lord and Master; I seek Your Sanctuary.

iKn mih Qwip auQwpnhwry kudriq kIm n phI ]2]7] (529-17)
khin meh thaap uthaapanhaaray kudrat keem na pahee. ||2||7||
In an instant, You establish and disestablish; the value of Your Almighty Creative Power cannot be estimated. ||2||7||

dyvgMDwrI mhlw 5 ] (529-18)
dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 5.
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl:

hir pRwn pRBU suKdwqy ] (529-18)
har paraan parabhoo sukh-daatay.
The Lord God is my praanaa, my breath of life; He is the Giver of peace.

gur pRswid kwhU jwqy ]1] rhwau ] (529-19)
gur parsaad kaahoo jaatay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Guru's Grace, only a few know Him. ||1||Pause||

sMq qumwry qumry pRIqm iqn kau kwl n Kwqy ] (529-19)
sant tumaaray tumray pareetam tin ka-o kaal na khaatay.
Your Saints are Your Beloveds; death does not consume them.

rMig qumwrY lwl Bey hY rwm nwm ris mwqy ]1] (529-19)
rang tumaarai laal bha-ay hai raam naam ras maatay. ||1||
They are dyed in the deep crimson color of Your Love, and they are intoxicated with the sublime essence of the Lord's Name. ||1||