Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


mhw iklibK koit doK rogw pRB idRsit quhwrI hwqy ] (530-1)
mahaa kilbikh kot dokh rogaa parabh darisat tuhaaree haatay.
The greatest sins, and millions of pains and diseases are destroyed by Your Gracious Glance, O God.

sovq jwig hir hir hir gwieAw nwnk gur crn prwqy ]2]8] (530-1)
sovat jaag har har har gaa-i-aa naanak gur charan paraatay. ||2||8||
While sleeping and waking, Nanak sings the Lord's Name, Har, Har, Har; he falls at the Guru's feet. ||2||8||

dyvgMDwrI 5 ] (530-2)
dayvganDhaaree 5.
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl:

so pRBu jq kq pyiKE nYxI ] (530-2)
so parabh jat kat paykhi-o nainee.
I have seen that God with my eyes everywhere.

suKdweI jIAn ko dwqw AMimRqu jw kI bYxI ]1] rhwau ] (530-3)
sukh-daa-ee jee-an ko daataa amrit jaa kee bainee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Giver of peace, the Giver of souls, His Speech is Ambrosial Nectar. ||1||Pause||

AigAwnu ADyrw sMqI kwitAw jIA dwnu gur dYxI ] (530-3)
agi-aan aDhayraa santee kaati-aa jee-a daan gur dainee.
The Saints dispel the darkness of ignorance; the Guru is the Giver of the gift of life.

kir ikrpw kir lIno Apunw jlqy sIql hoxI ]1] (530-4)
kar kirpaa kar leeno apunaa jaltay seetal honee. ||1||
Granting His Grace, the Lord has made me His own; I was on fire, but now I am cooled. ||1||

krmu Drmu ikCu aupij n AwieE nh aupjI inrml krxI ] (530-4)
karam Dharam kichh upaj na aa-i-o nah upjee nirmal karnee.
The karma of good deeds, and the Dharma of righteous faith, have not been produced in me, in the least; nor has pure conduct welled up in me.

Cwif isAwnp sMjm nwnk lwgo gur kI crxI ]2]9] (530-5)
chhaad si-aanap sanjam naanak laago gur kee charnee. ||2||9||
Renouncing cleverness and self-mortification, O Nanak, I fall at the Guru's feet. ||2||9||

dyvgMDwrI 5 ] (530-6)
dayvganDhaaree 5.
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl:

hir rwm nwmu jip lwhw ] (530-6)
har raam naam jap laahaa.
Chant the Lord's Name, and earn the profit.

giq pwvih suK shj Anµdw kwty jm ky Pwhw ]1] rhwau ] (530-6)
gat paavahi sukh sahj anandaa kaatay jam kay faahaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You shall attain salvation, peace, poise and bliss, and the noose of Death shall be cut away. ||1||Pause||

Kojq Kojq Koij bIcwirE hir sMq jnw pih Awhw ] (530-7)
khojat khojat khoj beechaari-o har sant janaa peh aahaa.
Searching, searching, searching and reflecting, I have found that the Lord's Name is with the Saints.

iqn@w prwpiq eyhu inDwnw ijn@ kY krim ilKwhw ]1] (530-7)
tinHaa paraapat ayhu niDhaanaa jinH kai karam likhaahaa. ||1||
They alone obtain this treasure, who have such pre-ordained destiny. ||1||

sy bfBwgI sy piqvMqy syeI pUry swhw ] (530-8)
say badbhaagee say pativantay say-ee pooray saahaa.
They are very fortunate and honorable; they are the perfect bankers.

suMdr suGV srUp qy nwnk ijn@ hir hir nwmu ivswhw ]2]10] (530-8)
sundar sugharh saroop tay naanak jinH har har naam visaahaa. ||2||10||
They are beautiful, so very wise and handsome; O Nanak, purchase the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||2||10||

dyvgMDwrI 5 ] (530-9)
dayvganDhaaree 5.
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl:

mn kh AhMkwir APwrw ] (530-9)
man kah ahaNkaar afaaraa.
O mind, why are you so puffed up with egotism?

durgMD ApivqR Apwvn BIqir jo dIsY so Cwrw ]1] rhwau ] (530-10)
durganDh apvitar apaavan bheetar jo deesai so chhaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whatever is seen in this foul, impure and filthy world, is only ashes. ||1||Pause||

ijin kIAw iqsu ismir prwnI jIau pRwn ijin Dwrw ] (530-10)
jin kee-aa tis simar paraanee jee-o paraan jin Dhaaraa.
Remember the One who created you, O mortal; He is the Support of your soul, and the breath of life.

iqsih iqAwig Avr lptwvih mir jnmih mugD gvwrw ]1] (530-11)
tiseh ti-aag avar laptaavahi mar janmeh mugaDh gavaaraa. ||1||
One who forsakes Him, and attaches himself to another, dies to be reborn; he is such an ignorant fool! ||1||

AMD guMg ipMgul miq hInw pRB rwKhu rwKnhwrw ] (530-11)
anDh gung pingul mat heenaa parabh raakho raakhanhaaraa.
I am blind, mute, crippled and totally lacking in understanding; O God, Preserver of all, please preserve me!

krn krwvnhwr smrQw ikAw nwnk jMq ibcwrw ]2]11] (530-12)
karan karaavanhaar samrathaa ki-aa naanak jant bichaaraa. ||2||11||
The Creator, the Cause of causes is all-powerful; O Nanak, how helpless are His beings! ||2||11||

dyvgMDwrI 5 ] (530-13)
dayvganDhaaree 5.
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl:

so pRBu nyrY hU qy nyrY ] (530-13)
so parabh nayrai hoo tay nayrai.
God is the nearest of the near.

ismir iDAwie gwie gun goibMd idnu rYin swJ svyrY ]1] rhwau ] (530-13)
simar Dhi-aa-ay gaa-ay gun gobind din rain saajh savayrai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remember Him, meditate on Him, and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, day and night, evening and morning. ||1||Pause||

auDru dyh dulB swDU sMig hir hir nwmu jpyrY ] (530-14)
uDhar dayh dulabh saaDhoo sang har har naam japayrai.
Redeem your body in the invaluable Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

GrI n muhqu n csw iblµbhu kwlu inqih inq hyrY ]1] (530-14)
gharee na muhat na chasaa bilambahu kaal niteh nit hayrai. ||1||
Do not delay for an instant, even for a moment. Death is keeping you constantly in his vision. ||1||

AMD iblw qy kwFhu krqy ikAw nwhI Gir qyrY ] (530-15)
anDh bilaa tay kaadhahu kartay ki-aa naahee ghar tayrai.
Lift me up out of the dark dungeon, O Creator Lord; what is there which is not in Your home?

nwmu ADwru dIjY nwnk kau Awnd sUK GnyrY ]2]12] (530-16)
naam aDhaar deejai naanak ka-o aanad sookh ghanayrai. ||2||12||
Bless Nanak with the Support of Your Name, that he may find great happiness and peace. ||2||12||

Cky 2 ] (530-16)
chhakay 2.
Second Set of Six||

dyvgMDwrI 5 ] (530-16)
dayvganDhaaree 5.
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl:

mn gur imil nwmu ArwiDE ] (530-16)
man gur mil naam araaDhi-o.
O mind, meet with the Guru, and worship the Naam in adoration.

sUK shj Awnµd mMgl rs jIvn kw mUlu bwiDE ]1] rhwau ] (530-17)
sookh sahj aanand mangal ras jeevan kaa mool baaDhi-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You shall obtain peace, poise, bliss, joy and pleasure, and lay the foundation of eternal life. ||1||Pause||

kir ikrpw Apunw dwsu kIno kwty mwieAw PwiDE ] (530-18)
kar kirpaa apunaa daas keeno kaatay maa-i-aa faaDhi-o.
Showing His Mercy, the Lord has made me His slave, and shattered the bonds of Maya.

Bwau Bgiq gwie gux goibd jm kw mwrgu swiDE ]1] (530-18)
bhaa-o bhagat gaa-ay gun gobid jam kaa maarag saaDhi-o. ||1||
Through loving devotion, and singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, I have escaped the Path of Death. ||1||

BieE AnugRhu imitE morcw Amol pdwrQu lwiDE ] (530-19)
bha-i-o anoograhu miti-o morchaa amol padaarath laaDhi-o.
When he became Merciful, the rust was removed, and I found the priceless treasure.

bilhwrY nwnk lK byrw myry Twkur Agm AgwiDE ]2]13] (530-19)
balihaarai naanak lakh bayraa mayray thaakur agam agaaDhi-o. ||2||13||
O Nanak, I am a sacrifice, a hundred thousand times, to my unapproachable, unfathomable Lord and Master. ||2||13||