Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


dyvgMDwrI 5 ] (531-1)
dayvganDhaaree 5.
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl:

mweI jo pRB ky gun gwvY ] sPl AwieAw jIvn Plu qw ko pwrbRhm ilv lwvY ]1] rhwau ] (531-1)
maa-ee jo parabh kay gun gaavai. safal aa-i-aa jeevan fal taa ko paarbarahm liv laavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O mother, how fruitful is the birth of one who sings the Glories of God, and enshrines love for the Supreme Lord God. ||1||Pause||

suMdru suGVu sUru so byqw jo swDU sMgu pwvY ] (531-2)
sundar sugharh soor so baytaa jo saaDhoo sang paavai.
Beautiful, wise, brave and divine is one who obtains the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

nwmu aucwru kry hir rsnw bhuiV n jonI DwvY ]1] (531-3)
naam uchaar karay har rasnaa bahurh na jonee Dhaavai. ||1||
He chants the Naam, the Name of the Lord, with his tongue, and does not have to wander in reincarnation again. ||1||

pUrn bRhmu rivAw mn qn mih Awn n idRstI AwvY ] (531-3)
pooran barahm ravi-aa man tan meh aan na daristee aavai.
The Perfect Lord God pervades his mind and body; he does not look upon any other.

nrk rog nhI hovq jn sMig nwnk ijsu liV lwvY ]2]14] (531-4)
narak rog nahee hovat jan sang naanak jis larh laavai. ||2||14||
Hell and disease do not afflict one who joins the Company of the Lord's humble servants, O Nanak; the Lord attaches him to the hem of His robe. ||2||14||

dyvgMDwrI 5 ] (531-5)
dayvganDhaaree 5.
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl:

cMclu supnY hI aurJwieE ] (531-5)
chanchal supnai hee urjhaa-i-o.
His fickle mind is entangled in a dream.

ieqnI n bUJY kbhU clnw ibkl BieE sMig mwieE ]1] rhwau ] (531-5)
itnee na boojhai kabhoo chalnaa bikal bha-i-o sang maa-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He does not even understand this much, that someday he shall have to depart; he has gone crazy with Maya. ||1||Pause||

kusm rMg sMg ris ricAw ibiKAw eyk aupwieE ] (531-6)
kusam rang sang ras rachi-aa bikhi-aa ayk upaa-i-o.
He is engrossed in the delight of the flower's color; he strives only to indulge in corruption.

loB sunY min suKu kir mwnY byig qhw auiT DwieE ]1] (531-6)
lobh sunai man sukh kar maanai bayg tahaa uth Dhaa-i-o. ||1||
Hearing about greed, he feels happy in his mind, and he runs after it. ||1||

iPrq iPrq bhuqu sRmu pwieE sMq duAwrY AwieE ] (531-7)
firat firat bahut saram paa-i-o sant du-aarai aa-i-o.
Wandering and roaming all around, I have endured great pain, but now, I have come to the door of the Saint.

krI ik®pw pwrbRhim suAwmI nwnk lIE smwieE ]2]15] (531-7)
karee kirpaa paarbarahm su-aamee naanak lee-o samaa-i-o. ||2||15||
Granting His Grace, the Supreme Lord Master has blended Nanak with Himself. ||2||15||

dyvgMDwrI 5 ] (531-8)
dayvganDhaaree 5.
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl:

srb suKw gur crnw ] (531-8)
sarab sukhaa gur charnaa.
All peace is found in the Guru's feet.

kilml fwrn mnih sDwrn ieh Awsr moih qrnw ]1] rhwau ] (531-9)
kalimal daaran maneh saaDhaaran ih aasar mohi tarnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They drive away my sins and purify my mind; their Support carries me across. ||1||Pause||

pUjw Arcw syvw bMdn iehY thl moih krnw ] (531-9)
poojaa archaa sayvaa bandan ihai tahal mohi karnaa.
This is the labor which I perform: worship, flower-offerings, service and devotion.

ibgsY mnu hovY prgwsw bhuir n grBY prnw ]1] (531-10)
bigsai man hovai pargaasaa bahur na garbhai parnaa. ||1||
My mind blossoms forth and is enlightened, and I am not cast into the womb again. ||1||

sPl mUriq prsau sMqn kI iehY iDAwnw Drnw ] (531-10)
safal moorat parsa-o santan kee ihai Dhi-aanaa Dharnaa.
I behold the fruitful vision of the Saint; this is the meditation I have taken.

BieE ik®pwlu Twkuru nwnk kau pirE swD kI srnw ]2]16] (531-11)
bha-i-o kirpaal thaakur naanak ka-o pari-o saaDh kee sarnaa. ||2||16||
The Lord Master has become Merciful to Nanak, and he has entered the Sanctuary of the Holy. ||2||16||

dyvgMDwrI mhlw 5 ] (531-12)
dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 5.
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl:

Apuny hir pih ibnqI khIAY ] (531-12)
apunay har peh bintee kahee-ai.
Offer your prayer to your Lord.

cwir pdwrQ And mMgl iniD sUK shj isiD lhIAY ]1] rhwau ] (531-12)
chaar padaarath anad mangal niDh sookh sahj siDh lahee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You shall obtain the four blessings, and the treasures of bliss, pleasure, peace, poise and the spiritual powers of the Siddhas. ||1||Pause||

mwnu iqAwig hir crnI lwgau iqsu pRB AMclu ghIAY ] (531-13)
maan ti-aag har charnee laaga-o tis parabh anchal gahee-ai.
Renounce your self-conceit, and grasp hold of the Guru's feet; hold tight to the hem of God's robe.

AWc n lwgY Agin swgr qy srin suAwmI kI AhIAY ]1] (531-13)
aaNch na laagai agan saagar tay saran su-aamee kee ahee-ai. ||1||
The heat of the ocean of fire does not affect one who longs for the Lord and Master's Sanctuary. ||1||

koit prwD mhw Aik®qGn bhuir bhuir pRB shIAY ] (531-14)
kot paraaDh mahaa akrit-ghan bahur bahur parabh sahee-ai.
Again and again, God puts up with the millions of sins of the supremely ungrateful ones.

kruxw mY pUrn prmysur nwnk iqsu srnhIAY ]2]17] (531-15)
karunaa mai pooran parmaysur naanak tis saranhee-ai. ||2||17||
The embodiment of mercy, the Perfect Transcendent Lord - Nanak longs for His Sanctuary. ||2||17||

dyvgMDwrI 5 ] (531-15)
dayvganDhaaree 5.
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl:

gur ky crn irdY prvysw ] (531-16)
gur kay charan ridai parvaysaa.
Place the Guru's feet within your heart,

rog sog siB dUK ibnwsy auqry sgl klysw ]1] rhwau ] (531-16)
rog sog sabh dookh binaasay utray sagal kalaysaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
and all illness, sorrow and pain shall be dispelled; all suffering shall come to an end. ||1||Pause||

jnm jnm ky iklibK nwsih koit mjn iesnwnw ] (531-16)
janam janam kay kilbikh naaseh kot majan isnaanaa.
The sins of countless incarnations are erased, as if one has taken purifying baths at millions of sacred shrines.

nwmu inDwnu gwvq gux goibMd lwgo shij iDAwnw ]1] (531-17)
naam niDhaan gaavat gun gobind laago sahj Dhi-aanaa. ||1||
The treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is obtained by singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, and centering one's mind in meditation on Him. ||1||

kir ikrpw Apunw dwsu kIno bMDn qoir inrwry ] (531-18)
kar kirpaa apunaa daas keeno banDhan tor niraaray.
Showing His Mercy, the Lord has made me His slave; breaking my bonds, He has saved me.

jip jip nwmu jIvw qyrI bwxI nwnk dws bilhwry ]2]18] (531-18)
jap jap naam jeevaa tayree banee naanak daas balihaaray. ||2||18||
I live by chanting and meditating on the Naam, and the Bani of Your Word; slave Nanak is a sacrifice to You. ||2||18||

Cky 3 ] (531-19)
chhakay 3.
Third Set of Six||

dyvgMDwrI mhlw 5 ] (531-19)
dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 5.
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl:

mweI pRB ky crn inhwrau ] (531-19)
maa-ee parabh kay charan nihaara-o.
O mother, I long to see the Feet of God.