Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
1167 jau gurdyau burw Blw eyk ] (1167-1)ja-o gurday-o buraa bhalaa ayk. When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one looks upon good and bad as the same. jau gurdyau illwtih lyK ]5] (1167-1)ja-o gurday-o lilaateh laykh. ||5|| When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one has good destiny written on his forehead. ||5|| jau gurdyau kMDu nhI ihrY ] (1167-1)ja-o gurday-o kanDh nahee hirai. When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, the wall of the body is not eroded. jau gurdyau dyhurw iPrY ] (1167-1)ja-o gurday-o dayhuraa firai. When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, the temple turns itself towards the mortal. jau gurdyau q Cwpir CweI ] (1167-2)ja-o gurday-o ta chhaapar chhaa-ee. When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one's home is constructed. jau gurdyau ishj inksweI ]6] (1167-2)ja-o gurday-o sihaj niksaa-ee. ||6|| When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one's bed is lifted up out of the water. ||6|| jau gurdyau q ATsiT nwieAw ] (1167-2)ja-o gurday-o ta athsath naa-i-aa. When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one has bathed at the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage. jau gurdyau qin ck® lgwieAw ] (1167-3)ja-o gurday-o tan chakar lagaa-i-aa. When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one's body is stamped with the sacred mark of Vishnu. jau gurdyau q duAwds syvw ] (1167-3)ja-o gurday-o ta du-aadas sayvaa. When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one has performed the twelve devotional services. jau gurdyau sBY ibKu myvw ]7] (1167-3)ja-o gurday-o sabhai bikh mayvaa. ||7|| When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, all poison is transformed into fruit. ||7|| jau gurdyau q sMsw tUtY ] (1167-4)ja-o gurday-o ta sansaa tootai. When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, skepticism is shattered. jau gurdyau q jm qy CUtY ] (1167-4)ja-o gurday-o ta jam tay chhootai. When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one escapes from the Messenger of Death. jau gurdyau q Baujl qrY ] (1167-4)ja-o gurday-o ta bha-ojal tarai. When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean. jau gurdyau q jnim n mrY ]8] (1167-5)ja-o gurday-o ta janam na marai. ||8|| When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one is not subject to the cycle of reincarnation. ||8|| jau gurdyau ATds ibauhwr ] (1167-5)ja-o gurday-o ath-das bi-uhaar. When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one understands the rituals of the eighteen Puraanas. jau gurdyau ATwrh Bwr ] (1167-5)ja-o gurday-o athaarah bhaar. When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, it is as if one has made an offering of the eighten loads of vegetation. ibnu gurdyau Avr nhI jweI ] (1167-6)bin gurday-o avar nahee jaa-ee. When the Divine Guru grants His Grace, one needs no other place of rest. nwmdyau gur kI srxweI ]9]1]2]11] (1167-6)naamday-o gur kee sarnaa-ee. ||9||1||2||11|| Naam Dayv has entered the Sanctuary of the Guru. ||9||1||2||11|| BYrau bwxI rivdws jIau kI Gru 2 (1167-7)bhairo banee ravidaas jee-o kee ghar 2 Bhairao, The Word Of Ravi Daas Jee, Second House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1167-7)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: ibnu dyKy aupjY nhI Awsw ] (1167-8)bin daykhay upjai nahee aasaa. Without seeing something, the yearning for it does not arise. jo dIsY so hoie ibnwsw ] (1167-8)jo deesai so ho-ay binaasaa. Whatever is seen, shall pass away. brn sihq jo jwpY nwmu ] (1167-8)baran sahit jo jaapai naam. Whoever chants and praises the Naam, the Name of the Lord, so jogI kyvl inhkwmu ]1] (1167-8)so jogee kayval nihkaam. ||1|| is the true Yogi, free of desire. ||1|| prcY rwmu rvY jau koeI ] (1167-9)parchai raam ravai ja-o ko-ee. When someone utters the Name of the Lord with love, pwrsu prsY duibDw n hoeI ]1] rhwau ] (1167-9)paaras parsai dubiDhaa na ho-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o. it is as if he has touched the philosopher's stone; his sense of duality is eradicated. ||1||Pause|| so muin mn kI duibDw Kwie ] (1167-9)so mun man kee dubiDhaa khaa-ay. He alone is a silent sage, who destroys the duality of his mind. ibnu duAwry qRY lok smwie ] (1167-10)bin du-aaray tarai lok samaa-ay. Keeping the doors of his body closed, he merges in the Lord of the three worlds. mn kw suBwau sBu koeI krY ] (1167-10)man kaa subhaa-o sabh ko-ee karai. Everyone acts according to the inclinations of the mind. krqw hoie su AnBY rhY ]2] (1167-10)kartaa ho-ay so anbhai rahai. ||2|| Attuned to the Creator Lord, one remains free of fear. ||2|| Pl kwrn PUlI bnrwie ] (1167-11)fal kaaran foolee banraa-ay. Plants blossom forth to produce fruit. Plu lwgw qb PUlu iblwie ] (1167-11)fal laagaa tab fool bilaa-ay. When the fruit is produced, the flowers wither away. igAwnY kwrn krm AiBAwsu ] (1167-11)gi-aanai kaaran karam abhi-aas. For the sake of spiritual wisdom, people act and practice rituals. igAwnu BieAw qh krmh nwsu ]3] (1167-12)gi-aan bha-i-aa tah karmah naas. ||3|| When spiritual wisdom wells up, then actions are left behind. ||3|| iGRq kwrn diD mQY sieAwn ] (1167-12)gharit kaaran daDh mathai sa-i-aan. For the sake of ghee, wise people churn milk. jIvq mukq sdw inrbwn ] (1167-12)jeevat mukat sadaa nirbaan. Those who are Jivan-mukta, liberated while yet alive - are forever in the state of Nirvaanaa. kih rivdws prm bYrwg ] (1167-13)kahi ravidaas param bairaag. Says Ravi Daas, O you unfortunate people, irdY rwmu kI n jpis ABwg ]4]1] (1167-13)ridai raam kee na japas abhaag. ||4||1|| why not meditate on the Lord with love in your heart? ||4||1|| nwmdyv ] (1167-13)naamdayv. Naam Dayv: Awau klµdr kysvw ] (1167-14)aa-o kalandar kaysvaa. Come, O Lord of beautiful hair, kir AbdwlI Bysvw ] rhwau ] (1167-14)kar abdaalee bhaysvaa. rahaa-o. wearing the robes of a Sufi Saint. ||Pause|| ijin Awkws kulh isir kInI kausY spq pXwlw ] (1167-14)jin aakaas kulah sir keenee ka-usai sapat pa-yaalaa. Your cap is the realm of the Akaashic ethers; the seven nether worlds are Your sandals. cmr pos kw mMdru qyrw ieh ibiD bny gupwlw ]1] (1167-15)chamar pos kaa mandar tayraa ih biDh banay gupaalaa. ||1|| The body covered with skin is Your temple; You are so beautiful, O Lord of the World. ||1|| Cpn koit kw pyhnu qyrw solh shs iejwrw ] (1167-15)chhapan kot kaa payhan tayraa solah sahas ijaaraa. The fifty-six million clouds are Your gowns, the 16,000 milkmaids are your skirts. Bwr ATwrh mudgru qyrw shnk sB sMswrw ]2] (1167-16)bhaar athaarah mudgar tayraa sahnak sabh sansaaraa. ||2|| The eighteen loads of vegetation is Your stick, and all the world is Your plate. ||2|| dyhI mhijid mnu maulwnw shj invwj gujwrY ] (1167-16)dayhee mehjid man ma-ulaanaa sahj nivaaj gujaarai. The human body is the mosque, and the mind is the priest, who peacefully leads the prayer. bIbI kaulw sau kwienu qyrw inrMkwr AwkwrY ]3] (1167-17)beebee ka-ulaa sa-o kaa-in tayraa nirankaar aakaarai. ||3|| You are married to Maya, O Formless Lord, and so You have taken form. ||3|| Bgiq krq myry qwl iCnwey ikh pih krau pukwrw ] (1167-17)bhagat karat mayray taal chhinaa-ay kih peh kara-o pukaaraa. Performing devotional worship services to You, my cymbals were taken away; unto whom should I complain? nwmy kw suAwmI AMqrjwmI iPry sgl bydysvw ]4]1] (1167-18)naamay kaa su-aamee antarjaamee firay sagal baydaysvaa. ||4||1|| Naam Dayv's Lord and Master, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, wanders everywhere; He has no specific home. ||4||1|| |