Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


guir sMig idKwieE rwm rwie ]1] (1170-1)
gur sang dikhaa-i-o raam raa-ay. ||1||
The Guru has shown me that my Sovereign Lord God is with me. ||1||

imlu sKI shylI hir gun bny ] (1170-1)
mil sakhee sahaylee har gun banay.
Joining together with my friends and companions, I am adorned with the Lord's Glorious Virtues.

hir pRB sMig Kylih vr kwmin gurmuiK Kojq mn mny ]1] rhwau ] (1170-1)
har parabh sang khayleh var kaaman gurmukh khojat man manay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The sublime soul-brides play with their Lord God. The Gurmukhs look within themselves; their minds are filled with faith. ||1||Pause||

mnmuKI duhwgix nwih Byau ] (1170-2)
manmukhee duhaagan naahi bhay-o.
The self-willed manmukhs, suffering in separation, do not understand this mystery.

Ehu Git Git rwvY srb pRyau ] (1170-2)
oh ghat ghat raavai sarab paray-o.
The Beloved Lord of all celebrates in each and every heart.

gurmuiK iQru cInY sMig dyau ] (1170-3)
gurmukh thir cheenai sang day-o.
The Gurmukh is stable, knowing that God is always with him.

guir nwmu idRVwieAw jpu jpyau ]2] (1170-3)
gur naam drirh-aa-i-aa jap japay-o. ||2||
The Guru has implanted the Naam within me; I chant it, and meditate on it. ||2||

ibnu gur Bgiq n Bwau hoie ] (1170-3)
bin gur bhagat na bhaa-o ho-ay.
Without the Guru, devotional love does not well up within.

ibnu gur sMq n sMgu dyie ] (1170-4)
bin gur sant na sang day-ay.
Without the Guru, one is not blessed with the Society of the Saints.

ibnu gur AMDuly DMDu roie ] (1170-4)
bin gur anDhulay DhanDh ro-ay.
Without the Guru, the blind cry out, entangled in worldly affairs.

mnu gurmuiK inrmlu mlu sbid Koie ]3] (1170-4)
man gurmukh nirmal mal sabad kho-ay. ||3||
That mortal who becomes Gurmukh becomes immaculate; the Word of the Shabad washes away his filth. ||3||

guir mnu mwirE kir sMjogu ] (1170-5)
gur man maari-o kar sanjog.
Uniting with the Guru, the mortal conquers and subdues his mind.

Aihinis rwvy Bgiq jogu ] (1170-5)
ahinis raavay bhagat jog.
Day and night, he savors the Yoga of devotional worship.

gur sMq sBw duKu imtY rogu ] (1170-5)
gur sant sabhaa dukh mitai rog.
Associating with the Saint Guru, suffering and sickness are ended.

jn nwnk hir vru shj jogu ]4]6] (1170-6)
jan naanak har var sahj jog. ||4||6||
Servant Nanak merges with his Husband Lord, in the Yoga of intuitive ease. ||4||6||

bsMqu mhlw 1 ] (1170-6)
basant mehlaa 1.
Basant, First Mehl:

Awpy kudriq kry swij ] (1170-6)
aapay kudrat karay saaj.
By His Creative Power, God fashioned the creation.

scu Awip inbyVy rwju rwij ] (1170-6)
sach aap nibayrhay raaj raaj.
The King of kings Himself adminsters true justice.

gurmiq aUqm sMig swiQ ] (1170-7)
gurmat ootam sang saath.
The most sublime Word of the Guru's Teachings is always with us.

hir nwmu rswiexu shij AwiQ ]1] (1170-7)
har naam rasaa-in sahj aath. ||1||
The wealth of the Lord's Name, the source of nectar, is easily acquired. ||1||

mq ibsris ry mn rwm boil ] (1170-7)
mat bisras ray man raam bol.
So chant the Name of the Lord; do not forget it, O my mind.

AprMpru Agm Agocru gurmuiK hir Awip qulwey Aqulu qoil ]1] rhwau ] (1170-8)
aprampar agam agochar gurmukh har aap tulaa-ay atul tol. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord is Infinite, Inaccessible and Incomprehensible; His weight cannot be weighed, but He Himself allows the Gurmukh to weigh Him. ||1||Pause||

gur crn sryvih gurisK qor ] (1170-9)
gur charan sarayveh gursikh tor.
Your GurSikhs serve at the Guru's Feet.

gur syv qry qij myr qor ] (1170-9)
gur sayv taray taj mayr tor.
Serving the Guru, they are carried across; they have abandoned any distinction between 'mine' and 'yours'.

nr inMdk loBI min kTor ] (1170-9)
nar nindak lobhee man kathor.
The slanderous and greedy people are hard-hearted.

gur syv n BweI is cor cor ]2] (1170-10)
gur sayv na bhaa-ee se chor chor. ||2||
Those who do not love to serve the Guru are the most thieving of thieves. ||2||

guru quTw bKsy Bgiq Bwau ] (1170-10)
gur tuthaa bakhsay bhagat bhaa-o.
When the Guru is pleased, He blesses the mortals with loving devotional worship of the Lord.

guir quTY pweIAY hir mhil Twau ] (1170-10)
gur tuthai paa-ee-ai har mahal thaa-o.
When the Guru is pleased, the mortal obtains a place in the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.

prhir inMdw hir Bgiq jwgu ] (1170-11)
parhar nindaa har bhagat jaag.
So renounce slander, and awaken in devotional worship of the Lord.

hir Bgiq suhwvI krim Bwgu ]3] (1170-11)
har bhagat suhaavee karam bhaag. ||3||
Devotion to the Lord is wonderful; it comes through good karma and destiny. ||3||

guru myil imlwvY kry dwiq ] (1170-11)
gur mayl milaavai karay daat.
The Guru unites in union with the Lord, and grants the gift of the Name.

gurisK ipAwry idnsu rwiq ] (1170-12)
gursikh pi-aaray dinas raat.
The Guru loves His Sikhs, day and night.

Plu nwmu prwpiq guru quis dyie ] (1170-12)
fal naam paraapat gur tus day-ay.
They obtain the fruit of the Naam, when the Guru's favor is bestowed.

khu nwnk pwvih ivrly kyie ]4]7] (1170-12)
kaho naanak paavahi virlay kay-ay. ||4||7||
Says Nanak, those who receive it are very rare indeed. ||4||7||

bsMqu mhlw 3 iek qukw ] (1170-13)
basant mehlaa 3 ik tukaa.
Basant, Third Mehl, Ik-Tukas:

swihb BwvY syvku syvw krY ] (1170-13)
saahib bhaavai sayvak sayvaa karai.
When it pleases our Lord and Master, His servant serves Him.

jIvqu mrY siB kul auDrY ]1] (1170-13)
jeevat marai sabh kul uDhrai. ||1||
He remains dead while yet alive, and redeems all his ancestors. ||1||

qyrI Bgiq n Cofau ikAw ko hsY ] (1170-14)
tayree bhagat na chhoda-o ki-aa ko hasai.
I shall not renounce Your devotional worship, O Lord; what does it matter if people laugh at me?

swcu nwmu myrY ihrdY vsY ]1] rhwau ] (1170-14)
saach naam mayrai hirdai vasai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The True Name abides within my heart. ||1||Pause||

jYsy mwieAw moih pRwxI glqu rhY ] (1170-15)
jaisay maa-i-aa mohi paraanee galat rahai.
Just as the mortal remains engrossed in attachment to Maya,

qYsy sMq jn rwm nwm rvq rhY ]2] (1170-15)
taisay sant jan raam naam ravat rahai. ||2||
so does the Lord's humble Saint remain absorbed in the Lord's Name. ||2||

mY mUrK mugD aUpir krhu dieAw ] (1170-15)
mai moorakh mugaDh oopar karahu da-i-aa.
I am foolish and ignorant, O Lord; please be merciful to me.

qau srxwgiq rhau pieAw ]3] (1170-16)
ta-o sarnaagat raha-o pa-i-aa. ||3||
May I remain in Your Sanctuary. ||3||

khqu nwnku sMswr ky inhPl kwmw ] (1170-16)
kahat naanak sansaar kay nihfal kaamaa.
Says Nanak, worldly affairs are fruitless.

gur pRswid ko pwvY AMimRq nwmw ]4]8] (1170-17)
gur parsaad ko paavai amrit naamaa. ||4||8||
Only by Guru's Grace does one receive the Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||8||

mhlw 1 bsMqu ihMfol Gru 2 (1170-18)
mehlaa 1 basant hindol ghar 2
First Mehl, Basant Hindol, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1170-18)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

swl gRwm ibp pUij mnwvhu suik®qu qulsI mwlw ] (1170-19)
saal garaam bip pooj manaavahu sukarit tulsee maalaa.
O Brahmin, you worship and believe in your stone-god, and wear your ceremonial rosary beads.

rwm nwmu jip byVw bWDhu dieAw krhu dieAwlw ]1] (1170-19)
raam naam jap bayrhaa baaNDhahu da-i-aa karahu da-i-aalaa. ||1||
Chant the Name of the Lord. Build your boat, and pray, "O Merciful Lord, please be merciful to me."||1||