Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
1171 kwhy klrw isMchu jnmu gvwvhu ] (1171-1)kaahay kalraa sinchahu janam gavaavahu. Why do you irrigate the barren, alkaline soil? You are wasting your life away! kwcI Fhig idvwl kwhy gcu lwvhu ]1] rhwau ] (1171-1)kaachee dhahag divaal kaahay gach laavhu. ||1|| rahaa-o. This wall of mud is crumbling. Why bother to patch it with plaster? ||1||Pause|| kr hirht mwl itMf provhu iqsu BIqir mnu jovhu ] (1171-2)kar harihat maal tind parovahu tis bheetar man jovhu. Let your hands be the buckets, strung on the chain, and yoke the mind as the ox to pull it; draw the water up from the well. AMimRqu isMchu Brhu ikAwry qau mwlI ky hovhu ]2] (1171-2)amrit sinchahu bharahu ki-aaray ta-o maalee kay hovhu. ||2|| Irrigate your fields with the Ambrosial Nectar, and you shall be owned by God the Gardener. ||2|| kwmu k®oDu duie krhu bsoly gofhu DrqI BweI ] (1171-3)kaam kroDh du-ay karahu basolay godahu Dhartee bhaa-ee. Let sexual desire and anger be your two shovels, to dig up the dirt of your farm, O Siblings of Destiny. ijau gofhu iqau qum@ suK pwvhu ikrqu n myitAw jweI ]3] (1171-3)ji-o godahu ti-o tumH sukh paavhu kirat na mayti-aa jaa-ee. ||3|| The more you dig, the more peace you shall find. Your past actions cannot be erased. ||3|| bguly qy Puin hMsulw hovY jy qU krih dieAwlw ] (1171-4)bagulay tay fun hansulaa hovai jay too karahi da-i-aalaa. The crane is again transformed into a swan, if You so will, O Merciful Lord. pRxviq nwnku dwsin dwsw dieAw krhu dieAwlw ]4]1]9] (1171-4)paranvat naanak daasan daasaa da-i-aa karahu da-i-aalaa. ||4||1||9|| Prays Nanak, the slave of Your slaves: O Merciful Lord, have mercy on me. ||4||1||9|| bsMqu mhlw 1 ihMfol ] (1171-5)basant mehlaa 1 hindol. Basant, First Mehl, Hindol: swhurVI vQu sBu ikCu swJI pyvkVY Dn vKy ] (1171-5)saahurarhee vath sabh kichh saajhee payvkarhai Dhan vakhay. In the House of the Husband Lord - in the world hereafter, everything is jointly owned; but in this world - in the house of the soul-bride's parents, the soul-bride owns them separately. Awip kucjI dosu n dyaU jwxw nwhI rKy ]1] (1171-6)aap kuchjee dos na day-oo jaanaa naahee rakhay. ||1|| She herself is ill-mannered; how can she blame anyone else? She does not know how to take care of these things. ||1|| myry swihbw hau Awpy Brim BulwxI ] (1171-6)mayray saahibaa ha-o aapay bharam bhulaanee. O my Lord and Master, I am deluded by doubt. AKr ilKy syeI gwvw Avr n jwxw bwxI ]1] rhwau ] (1171-7)akhar likhay say-ee gaavaa avar na jaanaa banee. ||1|| rahaa-o. I sing the Word which You have written; I do not know any other Word. ||1||Pause|| kiF ksIdw pihrih colI qW qum@ jwxhu nwrI ] (1171-7)kadh kaseedaa pahirahi cholee taaN tumH jaanhu naaree. She alone is known as the Lord's bride, who embroiders her gown in the Name. jy Gru rwKih burw n cwKih hovih kMq ipAwrI ]2] (1171-8)jay ghar raakhahi buraa na chaakhahi hoveh kant pi-aaree. ||2|| She who preserves and protects the home of her own heart and does not taste of evil, shall be the Beloved of her Husband Lord. ||2|| jy qUM piVAw pMifqu bInw duie AKr duie nwvw ] (1171-8)jay tooN parhi-aa pandit beenaa du-ay akhar du-ay naavaa. If you are a learned and wise religious scholar, then make a boat of the letters of the Lord's Name. pRxviq nwnku eyku lµGwey jy kir sic smwvW ]3]2]10] (1171-9)paranvat naanak ayk langhaa-ay jay kar sach samaavaaN. ||3||2||10|| Prays Nanak, the One Lord shall carry you across, if you merge in the True Lord. ||3||2||10|| bsMqu ihMfol mhlw 1 ] (1171-9)basant hindol mehlaa 1. Basant Hindol, First Mehl: rwjw bwlku ngrI kwcI dustw nwil ipAwro ] (1171-10)raajaa baalak nagree kaachee dustaa naal pi-aaro. The king is just a boy, and his city is vulnerable. He is in love with his wicked enemies. duie mweI duie bwpw pVIAih pMifq krhu bIcwro ]1] (1171-10)du-ay maa-ee du-ay baapaa parhee-ah pandit karahu beechaaro. ||1|| He reads of his two mothers and his two fathers; O Pandit, reflect on this. ||1|| suAwmI pMifqw qum@ dyhu mqI ] (1171-11)su-aamee panditaa tumH dayh matee. O Master Pandit, teach me about this. ikn ibiD pwvau pRwnpqI ]1] rhwau ] (1171-11)kin biDh paava-o paraanpatee. ||1|| rahaa-o. How can I obtain the Lord of life? ||1||Pause|| BIqir Agin bnwspiq maulI swgru pMfY pwieAw ] (1171-12)bheetar agan banaaspat ma-ulee saagar pandhai paa-i-aa. There is fire within the plants which bloom; the ocean is tied into a bundle. cMdu sUrju duie Gr hI BIqir AYsw igAwnu n pwieAw ]2] (1171-12)chand sooraj du-ay ghar hee bheetar aisaa gi-aan na paa-i-aa. ||2|| The sun and the moon dwell in the same home in the sky. You have not obtained this knowledge. ||2|| rwm rvMqw jwxIAY iek mweI Bogu kryie ] (1171-13)raam ravantaa jaanee-ai ik maa-ee bhog karay-i. One who knows the All-pervading Lord, eats up the one mother - Maya. qw ky lKx jwxIAih iKmw Dnu sMgRhyie ]3] (1171-13)taa kay lakhan jaanee-ahi khimaa Dhan sangar-hay-ay. ||3|| Know that the sign of such a person is that he gathers the wealth of compassion. ||3|| kihAw suxih n KwieAw mwnih iqn@w hI syqI vwsw ] (1171-14)kahi-aa suneh na khaa-i-aa maaneh tinHaa hee saytee vaasaa. The mind lives with those who do not listen, and do not admit what they eat. pRxviq nwnku dwsin dwsw iKnu qolw iKnu mwsw ]4]3]11] (1171-14)paranvat naanak daasan daasaa khin tolaa khin maasaa. ||4||3||11|| Prays Nanak, the slave of the Lord's slave: one instant the mind is huge, and the next instant, it is tiny. ||4||3||11|| bsMqu ihMfol mhlw 1 ] (1171-15)basant hindol mehlaa 1. Basant Hindol, First Mehl: swcw swhu gurU suKdwqw hir myly BuK gvwey ] (1171-15)saachaa saahu guroo sukh-daata har maylay bhukh gavaa-ay. The Guru is the True Banker, the Giver of peace; He unites the mortal with the Lord, and satisfies his hunger. kir ikrpw hir Bgiq idRVwey Anidnu hir gux gwey ]1] (1171-16)kar kirpaa har bhagat drirh-aa-ay an-din har gun gaa-ay. ||1|| Granting His Grace, He implants devotional worship of the Lord within; and then night and day, we sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1|| mq BUlih ry mn cyiq hrI ] (1171-16)mat bhooleh ray man chayt haree. O my mind, do not forget the Lord; keep Him in your consciousness. ibnu gur mukiq nwhI qRY loeI gurmuiK pweIAY nwmu hrI ]1] rhwau ] (1171-17)bin gur mukat naahee tarai lo-ee gurmukh paa-ee-ai naam haree. ||1|| rahaa-o. Without the Guru, no one is liberated anywhere in the three worlds. The Gurmukh obtains the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause|| ibnu BgqI nhI siqguru pweIAY ibnu Bwgw nhI Bgiq hrI ] (1171-17)bin bhagtee nahee satgur paa-ee-ai bin bhaagaa nahee bhagat haree. Without devotional worship, the True Guru is not obtained. Without good destiny, devotional worship of the Lord is not obtained. ibnu Bwgw sqsMgu n pweIAY krim imlY hir nwmu hrI ]2] (1171-18)bin bhaagaa satsang na paa-ee-ai karam milai har naam haree. ||2|| Without good destiny, the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, is not obtained. By the grace of one's good karma, the Lord's Name is received. ||2|| Git Git gupqu aupwey vyKY prgtu gurmuiK sMq jnw ] (1171-19)ghat ghat gupat upaa-ay vaykhai pargat gurmukh sant janaa. In each and every heart, the Lord is hidden; He creates and watches over all. He reveals Himself in the humble, Saintly Gurmukhs. hir hir krih su hir rMig BIny hir jlu AMimRq nwmu mnw ]3] (1171-19)har har karahi so har rang bheenay har jal amrit naam manaa. ||3|| Those who chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, are drenched with the Lord's Love. Their minds are drenched with the Ambrosial Water of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||3|| |