Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
1320 myry mn jpu jip jgMnwQy ] (1320-1)mayray man jap jap jagaNnaathay. O my mind, chant and meditate on the Master of the Universe. gur aupdyis hir nwmu iDAwieE siB iklibK duK lwQy ]1] rhwau ] (1320-1)gur updays har naam Dhi-aa-i-o sabh kilbikh dukh laathay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Through the Guru's Teachings, meditate on the Lord's Name, and be rid of all the painful past sins. ||1||Pause|| rsnw eyk jsu gwie n swkY bhu kIjY bhu rsunQy ] (1320-2)rasnaa ayk jas gaa-ay na saakai baho keejai baho rasunathay. I have only one tongue - I cannot sing His Praises. Please bless me with many, many tongues. bwr bwr iKnu pl siB gwvih gun kih n skih pRB qumnQy ]1] (1320-2)baar baar khin pal sabh gaavahi gun kahi na sakahi parabh tumnathay. ||1|| Again and again, each and every instant, with all of them, I would sing His Glorious Praises; but even then, I would not be able to sing all of Your Praises, God. ||1|| hm bhu pRIiq lgI pRB suAwmI hm loch pRBu idKnQy ] (1320-3)ham baho pareet lagee parabh su-aamee ham lochah parabh dikhnathay. I am so deeply in love with God, my Lord and Master; I long to see God's Vision. qum bf dwqy jIA jIAn ky qum jwnhu hm ibrQy ]2] (1320-3)tum bad daatay jee-a jee-an kay tum jaanhu ham birthay. ||2|| You are the Great Giver of all beings and creatures; only You know our inner pain. ||2|| koeI mwrgu pMQu bqwvY pRB kw khu iqn kau ikAw idnQy ] (1320-4)ko-ee maarag panth bataavai parabh kaa kaho tin ka-o ki-aa dinthay. If only someone would show me the Way, the Path of God. Tell me - what could I give him? sBu qnu mnu Arpau Arip Arwpau koeI mylY pRB imlQy ]3] (1320-5)sabh tan man arpa-o arap araapa-o ko-ee maylai parabh milthay. ||3|| I would surrender, offer and dedicate all my body and mind to him; if only someone would unite me in God's Union! ||3|| hir ky gun bhuq bhuq bhu soBw hm quC kir kir brnQy ] (1320-5)har kay gun bahut bahut baho sobhaa ham tuchh kar kar barnathay. The Glorious Praises of the Lord are so many and numerous; I can describe only a tiny bit of them. hmrI miq vsgiq pRB qumrY jn nwnk ky pRB smrQy ]4]3] (1320-6)hamree mat vasgat parabh tumrai jan naanak kay parabh samrathay. ||4||3|| My intellect is under Your control, God; You are the All-powerful Lord God of servant Nanak. ||4||3|| kilAwn mhlw 4 ] (1320-7)kali-aan mehlaa 4. Kalyaan, Fourth Mehl: myry mn jip hir gun AkQ sunQeI ] (1320-7)mayray man jap har gun akath suntha-ee. O my mind, chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord, which are said to be inexpressible. Drmu ArQu sBu kwmu moKu hY jn pICY lig iPrQeI ]1] rhwau ] (1320-7)Dharam arath sabh kaam mokh hai jan peechhai lag firtha-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o. Rightousness and Dharmic faith, success and prosperity, pleasure, the fulfillment of desires and liberation - all follow the humble servant of the Lord like a shadow. ||1||Pause|| so hir hir nwmu iDAwvY hir jnu ijsu bfBwg mQeI ] (1320-8)so har har naam Dhi-aavai har jan jis badbhaag math-ee. That humble servant of the Lord who has such good fortune written on his forehead meditates on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. jh drgih pRBu lyKw mwgY qh CutY nwmu iDAwieQeI ]1] (1320-9)jah dargahi parabh laykhaa maagai tah chhutai naam Dhi-aa-itha-ee. ||1|| In that Court, where God calls for the accounts, there, you shall be saved only by meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1|| hmry doK bhu jnm jnm ky duKu haumY mYlu lgQeI ] (1320-9)hamray dokh baho janam janam kay dukh ha-umai mail lagtha-ee. I am stained with the filth of the mistakes of countless lifetimes, the pain and pollution of egotism. guir Dwir ik®pw hir jil nwvwey sB iklibK pwp gQeI ]2] (1320-10)gur Dhaar kirpaa har jal naavaa-ay sabh kilbikh paap gath-ee. ||2|| Showering His Mercy, the Guru bathed me in the Water of the Lord, and all my sins and mistakes were taken away. ||2|| jn kY ird AMqir pRBu suAwmI jn hir hir nwmu BjQeI ] (1320-10)jan kai rid antar parabh su-aamee jan har har naam bhajtha-ee. God, our Lord and Master, is deep within the hearts of His humble servants. They vibrate the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. jh AMqI Aausru Awie bnqu hY qh rwKY nwmu swQeI ]3] (1320-11)jah antee a-osar aa-ay banat hai tah raakhai naam saath-ee. ||3|| And when that very last moment comes, then the Naam is our Best Friend and Protector. ||3|| jn qyrw jsu gwvih hir hir pRB hir jipE jgMnQeI ] (1320-12)jan tayraa jas gaavahi har har parabh har japi-o jagaNnatha-ee. Your humble servants sing Your Praises, O Lord, Har, Har; they chant and meditate on the Lord God, the Master of the Universe. jn nwnk ky pRB rwKy suAwmI hm pwQr rKu bufQeI ]4]4] (1320-12)jan naanak kay parabh raakhay su-aamee ham paathar rakh budtha-ee. ||4||4|| O God, my Saving Grace, Lord and Master of servant Nanak, please save me, the sinking stone. ||4||4|| kilAwn mhlw 4 ] (1320-13)kali-aan mehlaa 4. Kalyaan, Fourth Mehl: hmrI icqvnI hir pRBu jwnY ] (1320-13)hamree chitvanee har parabh jaanai. Only the Lord God knows my innermost thoughts. Aauru koeI inMd krY hir jn kI pRBu qw kw kihAw ieku iqlu nhI mwnY ]1] rhwau ] (1320-14)a-or ko-ee nind karai har jan kee parabh taa kaa kahi-aa ik til nahee maanai. ||1|| rahaa-o. If someone slanders the humble servant of the Lord, God does not believe even a tiny bit of what he says. ||1||Pause|| Aaur sB iqAwig syvw kir Acuq jo sB qy aUc Twkuru BgvwnY ] (1320-14)a-or sabh ti-aag sayvaa kar achut jo sabh tay ooch thaakur bhagvaanai. So give up everything else, and serve the Imperishable; The Lord God, our Lord and Master, is the Highest of all. hir syvw qy kwlu joih n swkY crnI Awie pvY hir jwnY ]1] (1320-15)har sayvaa tay kaal johi na saakai charnee aa-ay pavai har jaanai. ||1|| When you serve the Lord, Death cannot even see you. It comes and falls at the feet of those who know the Lord. ||1|| jw kau rwiK lyie myrw suAwmI qw kau sumiq dyie pY kwnY ] (1320-16)jaa ka-o raakh lay-ay mayraa su-aamee taa ka-o sumat day-ay pai kaanai. Those whom my Lord and Master protects - a balanced wisdom comes to their ears. qw kau koeI Apir n swkY jw kI Bgiq myrw pRBu mwnY ]2] (1320-16)taa ka-o ko-ee apar na saakai jaa kee bhagat mayraa parabh maanai. ||2|| No one can equal them; their devotional worship is accepted by my God. ||2|| hir ky coj ivfwn dyKu jn jo Kotw Krw iek inmK pCwnY ] (1320-17)har kay choj vidaan daykh jan jo khotaa kharaa ik nimakh pachhaanai. So behold the Wondrous and Amazing Play of the Lord. In an instant, He distinguishes the genuine from the counterfeit. qw qy jn kau Andu BieAw hY ird suD imly Koty pCuqwnY ]3] (1320-18)taa tay jan ka-o anad bha-i-aa hai rid suDh milay khotay pachhutaanai. ||3|| And that is why His humble servant is in bliss. Those of pure heart meet together, while the evil ones regret and repent. ||3|| qum hir dwqy smrQ suAwmI ieku mwgau quJ pwshu hir dwnY ] (1320-18)tum har daatay samrath su-aamee ik maaga-o tujh paashu har daanai. Lord, You are the Great Giver, our All-powerful Lord and Master; O Lord, I beg for only one gift from You. jn nwnk kau hir ik®pw kir dIjY sd bsih irdY moih hir crwnY ]4]5] (1320-19)jan naanak ka-o har kirpaa kar deejai sad baseh ridai mohi har charaanai. ||4||5|| Lord, please bless servant Nanak with Your Grace, that Your Feet may abide forever within my heart. ||4||5|| |