Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


kilAwn mhlw 5 ] (1322-1)
kali-aan mehlaa 5.
Kalyaan, Fifth Mehl:

myry lwln kI soBw ] (1322-1)
mayray laalan kee sobhaa.
O, the Wondrous Glory of my Beloved!

sd nvqn mn rMgI soBw ]1] rhwau ] (1322-1)
sad navtan man rangee sobhaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My mind is rejuvenated forever by His Wondrous Love. ||1||Pause||

bRhm mhys isD muin ieMdRw Bgiq dwnu jsu mMgI ]1] (1322-1)
barahm mahays siDh mun indraa bhagat daan jas mangee. ||1||
Brahma, Shiva, the Siddhas, the silent sages and Indra beg for the charity of His Praise and devotion to Him. ||1||

jog igAwn iDAwn syKnwgY sgl jpih qrMgI ] (1322-2)
jog gi-aan Dhi-aan saykhnaagai sagal jaapeh tarangee.
Yogis, spiritual teachers, meditators and the thousand-headed serpent all meditate on the Waves of God.

khu nwnk sMqn bilhwrY jo pRB ky sd sMgI ]2]3] (1322-3)
kaho naanak santan balihaarai jo parabh kay sad sangee. ||2||3||
Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to the Saints, who are the Eternal Companions of God. ||2||3||

kilAwn mhlw 5 Gru 2 (1322-4)
kali-aan mehlaa 5 ghar 2
Kalyaan, Fifth Mehl, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1322-4)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

qyrY mwin hir hir mwin ] (1322-5)
tayrai maan har har maan.
Belief in You, Lord, brings honor.

nYn bYn sRvn sunIAY AMg AMgy suK pRwin ]1] rhwau ] (1322-5)
nain bain sarvan sunee-ai ang angay sukh paraan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
To see with my eyes, and hear with my ears - every limb and fiber of my being, and my breath of life are in bliss. ||1||Pause||

ieq auq dh idis rivE myr iqnih smwin ]1] (1322-5)
it ut dah dis ravi-o mayr tineh samaan. ||1||
Here and there, and in the ten directions You are pervading, in the mountain and the blade of grass. ||1||

jq kqw qq pyKIAY hir purK piq prDwn ] (1322-6)
jat kataa tat paykhee-ai har purakh pat parDhaan.
Wherever I look, I see the Lord, the Supreme Lord, the Primal Being.

swDsMig BRm BY imty kQy nwnk bRhm igAwn ]2]1]4] (1322-6)
saaDhsang bharam bhai mitay kathay naanak barahm gi-aan. ||2||1||4||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, doubt and fear are dispelled. Nanak speaks the Wisdom of God. ||2||1||4||

kilAwn mhlw 5 ] (1322-7)
kali-aan mehlaa 5.
Kalyaan, Fifth Mehl:

gun nwd Duin Anµd byd ] (1322-7)
gun naad Dhun anand bayd.
The Glory of God is the Sound-current of the Naad, the Celestial Music of Bliss, and the Wisdom of the Vedas.

kQq sunq muin jnw imil sMq mMflI ]1] rhwau ] (1322-8)
kathat sunat mun janaa mil sant mandlee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Speaking and listening, the silent sages and humble beings join together, in the Realm of the Saints. ||1||Pause||

igAwn iDAwn mwn dwn mn risk rsn nwmu jpq qh pwp KMflI ]1] (1322-8)
gi-aan Dhi-aan maan daan man rasik rasan naam japat tah paap khandlee. ||1||
Spiritual wisdom, meditation, faith and charity are there; their minds savor the Taste of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. Chanting it, sins are destroyed. ||1||

jog jugiq igAwn Bugiq suriq sbd qq byqy jpu qpu AKMflI ] (1322-9)
jog jugat gi-aan bhugat surat sabad tat baytay jap tap akhandlee.
This is the technology of Yoga, spiritual wisdom, devotion, intuitive knowledge of the Shabad, certain knowledge of the Essence of Reality, chanting and unbroken intensive meditation.

Eiq poiq imil joiq nwnk kCU duKu n fMflI ]2]2]5] (1322-10)
ot pot mil jot naanak kachhoo dukh na dandlee. ||2||2||5||
Through and through, O Nanak, merging into the Light, you shall never again suffer pain and punishment. ||2||2||5||

kilAwnu mhlw 5 ] (1322-10)
kali-aan mehlaa 5.
Kalyaan, Fifth Mehl:

kaunu ibiD qw kI khw krau ] (1322-11)
ka-un biDh taa kee kahaa kara-o.
What should I do, and how should I do it?

Drq iDAwnu igAwnu ssqRigAw Ajr pdu kYsy jrau ]1] rhwau ] (1322-11)
Dharat Dhi-aan gi-aan sastargi-aa ajar pad kaisay jara-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Should I center myself in meditation, or study the spiritual wisdom of the Shaastras? How can I endure this unendurable state? ||1||Pause||

ibsn mhys isD muin ieMdRw kY dir srin prau ]1] (1322-12)
bisan mahays siDh mun indraa kai dar saran para-o. ||1||
Vishnu, Shiva, the Siddhas, the silent sages and Indra - at whose door should I seek sanctuary? ||1||

kwhU pih rwju kwhU pih surgw koit mDy mukiq khau ] (1322-12)
kaahoo peh raaj kaahoo peh surgaa kot maDhay mukat kaha-o.
Some have power and influence, and some are blessed with heavenly paradise, but out of millions, will anyone find liberation?

khu nwnk nwm rsu pweIAY swDU crn ghau ]2]3]6] (1322-13)
kaho naanak naam ras paa-ee-ai saaDhoo charan gaha-o. ||2||3||6||
Says Nanak, I have attained the Sublime Essence of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. I touch the feet of the Holy. ||2||3||6||

kilAwn mhlw 5 ] (1322-13)
kali-aan mehlaa 5.
Kalyaan, Fifth Mehl:

pRwnpiq dieAwl purK pRB sKy ] (1322-14)
paraanpat da-i-aal purakh parabh sakhay.
The Lord of the Breath of Life, the Merciful Primal Lord God, is my Friend.

grB join kil kwl jwl duK ibnwsnu hir rKy ]1] rhwau ] (1322-14)
garabh jon kal kaal jaal dukh binaasan har rakhay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord saves us from the womb of reincarnation and the noose of death in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga; He takes away our pain. ||1||Pause||

nwm DwrI srin qyrI ] (1322-15)
naam Dhaaree saran tayree.
I enshrine the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within; I seek Your Sanctuary, Lord.

pRB dieAwl tyk myrI ]1] (1322-15)
parabh da-i-aal tayk mayree. ||1||
O Merciful Lord God, You are my only Support. ||1||

AnwQ dIn AwsvMq ] (1322-15)
anaath deen aasvant.
You are the only Hope of the helpless, the meek and the poor.

nwmu suAwmI mnih mMq ]2] (1322-15)
naam su-aamee maneh mant. ||2||
Your Name, O my Lord and Master, is the Mantra of the mind. ||2||

quJ ibnw pRB ikCU n jwnU ] (1322-16)
tujh binaa parabh kichhoo na jaanoo.
I know of nothing except You, God.

srb jug mih qum pCwnU ]3] (1322-16)
sarab jug meh tum pachhaanoo. ||3||
Throughout all the ages, I realize You. ||3||

hir min bsy inis bwsro ] (1322-16)
har man basay nis baasro.
O Lord, You dwell in my mind night and day.

goibMd nwnk Awsro ]4]4]7] (1322-17)
gobind naanak aasro. ||4||4||7||
The Lord of the Universe is Nanak's only Support. ||4||4||7||

kilAwn mhlw 5 ] (1322-17)
kali-aan mehlaa 5.
Kalyaan, Fifth Mehl:

min qin jwpIAY Bgvwn ] (1322-17)
man tan jaapee-ai bhagvaan.
Within my mind and body I meditate on the Lord God.

gur pUry supRsMn Bey sdw sUK kilAwn ]1] rhwau ] (1322-18)
gur pooray suparsan bha-ay sadaa sookh kali-aan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Perfect Guru is pleased and satisfied; I am blessed with eternal peace and happiness. ||1||Pause||

srb kwrj isiD Bey gwie gun gupwl ] (1322-18)
sarab kaaraj siDh bha-ay gaa-ay gun gupaal.
All affairs are successfuly resolved, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the World.

imil swDsMgiq pRBU ismry nwiTAw duK kwl ]1] (1322-19)
mil saaDhsangat parabhoo simray naathi-aa dukh kaal. ||1||
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I dwell upon God, and the pain of death is taken away. ||1||

kir ikrpw pRB myirAw krau idnu rYin syv ] (1322-19)
kar kirpaa parabh mayri-aa kara-o din rain sayv.
Please take pity on me, O my God, that I may serve You day and night.