kIrqnµ swDsMgyx nwnk nh idRstMiq jmdUqnh ]34] (1357-1)
keeratanaN saaDhsangayn naanak nah darisat-aNt jamdootneh. ||34||
and sings the Kirtan of His Praises in the Saadh Sangat, O Nanak, shall never see the Messenger of Death. ||34||
nc durlBM Dnµ rUpM nc durlBM sÍrg rwjnh ] (1357-1)
nach durlabhaN danaN roopaN nach durlabhaN savarag raajnah.
Wealth and beauty are not so difficult to obtain. Paradise and royal power are not so difficult to obtain.
nc durlBM Bojnµ ibMjnµ nc durlBM sÍC AMbrh ] (1357-2)
nach durlabhaN bhojanaN biNjanaN nach durlabhaN savachh ambreh.
Foods and delicacies are not so difficult to obtain. Elegant clothes are not so difficuilt to obtain.
nc durlBM suq imqR BRwq bWDv nc durlBM binqw iblwsh ] (1357-2)
nach durlabhaN sut mitar bharaat baaNDhav nach durlabhaN banitaa bilaaseh.
Children, friends, siblings and relatives are not so difficult to obtain. The pleasures of woman are not so difficult to obtain.
nc durlBM ibidAw pRbIxM nc durlBM cqur cMclh ] (1357-3)
nach durlabhaN bidi-aa parbeenaN nach durlabhaN chatur chanchleh.
Knowledge and wisdom are not so difficult to obtain. Cleverness and trickery are not so difficult to obtain.
durlBM eyk Bgvwn nwmh nwnk lbiD´M swDsMig ik®pw pRBM ]35] (1357-3)
durlabhaN ayk bhagvaan naamah naanak labDhi-yaN saaDhsang kirpaa parabhaN. ||35||
Only the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is difficult to obtain. O Nanak, it is only obtained by God's Grace, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||35||
jq kqh qqh idRstM sÍrg mrq pXwl lokh ] (1357-4)
jat katah tatah daristaN savarag marat pa-yaal lokah.
Wherever I look, I see the Lord, whether in this world, in paradise, or the nether regions of the underworld.
srbqR rmxM goibMdh nwnk lyp Cyp n ilp´qy ]36] (1357-5)
sarbatar ramnaN gobindah naanak layp chhayp na lip-yatai. ||36||
The Lord of the Universe is All-pervading everywhere. O Nanak, no blame or stain sticks to Him. ||36||
ibKXw BXMiq AMimRqM dRüstW sKw sÍjnh ] (1357-5)
bikhyaa bha-yant amritaN darustaaN sakhaa savajniH.
Poison is transformed into nectar, and enemies into friends and companions.
duKM BXMiq suK´M BY BIqM q inrBXh ] (1357-6)
dukhaN bha-yant sukh-yaN bhai bheetaN ta nirabhyeh.
Pain is changed into pleasure, and the fearful become fearless.
Qwn ibhUn ibsRwm nwmM nwnk ik®pwl hir hir gurh ]37] (1357-6)
thaan bihoon bisraam naamaN naanak kirpaal har har gurah. ||37||
Those who have no home or place find their place of rest in the Naam, O Nanak, when the Guru, the Lord, becomes Merciful. ||37||
srb sIl mmM sIlµ srb pwvn mm pwvnh ] (1357-7)
sarab seel mamaN seelaN sarab paavan mam paavnah.
He blesses all with humility; He has blessed me with humility as well. He purifies all, and He has purified me as well.
srb krqb mmM krqw nwnk lyp Cyp n ilp´qy ]38] (1357-7)
sarab kartab mamaN kartaa naanak layp chhayp na lip-yatai. ||38||
The Creator of all is the Creator of me as well. O Nanak, no blame or stain sticks to Him. ||38||
nh sIqlµ cMdR dyvh nh sIqlµ bwvn cMdnh ] (1357-8)
nah seetlaN chandar dayvah nah seetlaN baavan chandnah.
The moon-god is not cool and calm, nor is the white sandalwood tree.
nh sIqlµ sIq ruqyx nwnk sIqlµ swD sÍjnh ]39] (1357-8)
nah seetlaN seet rutayn naanak seetlaN saaDh savajniH. ||39||
The winter season is not cool; O Nanak, only the Holy friends, the Saints, are cool and calm. ||39||
mMqRM rwm rwm nwmM D´wnµ srbqR pUrnh ] (1357-9)
mantraN raam raam naamaN Dha-yaana sarbatar poornah.
Through the Mantra of the Name of the Lord, Raam, Raam, one meditates on the All-pervading Lord.
g´wnµ sm duK suKM jugiq inrml inrvYrxh ] (1357-9)
ga-yaana sam dukh sukhaN jugat nirmal nirvairneh.
Those who have the wisdom to look alike upon pleasure and pain, live the immaculate lifestyle, free of vengeance.
dXwlµ srbqR jIAw pMc doK ibvrijqh ] (1357-10)
da-yaalaN sarbatar jee-aa panch dokh bivarjiteh.
They are kind to all beings; they have overpowered the five thieves.
Bojnµ gopwl kIrqnµ Alp mwXw jl kml rhqh ] (1357-10)
bhojanaN gopaal keeratanaN alap maa-yaa jal kamal rahtah.
They take the Kirtan of the Lord's Praise as their food; they remain untouched by Maya, like the lotus in the water.
aupdysM sm imqR sqRh BgvMq Bgiq BwvnI ] (1357-11)
updaysaN sam mitar satreh bhagvant bhagat bhaavnee.
They share the Teachings with friend and enemy alike; they love the devotional worship of God.
pr inMdw nh sRoiq sRvxM Awpu iq´wig sgl ryxukh ] (1357-11)
par nindaa nah sarot sarvanaN aap ti-yaag sagal raynukeh.
They do not listen to slander; renouncing self-conceit, they become the dust of all.
Kt lK´x pUrnµ purKh nwnk nwm swD sÍjnh ]40] (1357-12)
khat lakh-yan pooranaN purkhah naanak naam saaDh savajniH. ||40||
Whoever has these six qualities, O Nanak, is called a Holy friend. ||40||
Ajw BogMq kMd mUlµ bsMqy smIip kyhrh ] (1357-13)
ajaa bhogant kand moolaN basantay sameep kayhrah.
The goat enjoys eating fruits and roots, but if it lives near a tiger, it is always anxious.
qqR gqy sMswrh nwnk sog hrKM ibAwpqy ]41] (1357-13)
tatar gatay sansaarah naanak sog harkhaN bi-aapatay. ||41||
This is the condition of the world, O Nanak; it is afflicted by pleasure and pain. ||41||
Clµ iCdRM koit ibGnµ AprwDM iklibK mlµ ] (1357-14)
chhalaN chhidaraN kot bighanaN apraaDhaN kilbikh malaN.
Fraud, false accusations, millions of diseases, sins and the filthy residues of evil mistakes;
Brm mohM mwn Apmwnµ mdM mwXw ibAwipqM ] (1357-14)
bharam mohaN maan apmaanaN madaN maa-yaa bi-aapitaN.
doubt, emotional attachment, pride, dishonor and intoxication with Maya
imRq´ü jnm BRmMiq nrkh Aink aupwvM n isD´qy ] (1357-15)
mitar-yo janam bharmant narkah anik upaavaN na siDh-yatai.
- these lead mortals to death and rebirth, wandering lost in hell. In spite of all sorts of efforts, salvation is not found.
inrmlµ swD sMgh jpMiq nwnk gopwl nwmM ] (1357-15)
nirmalaN saaDh sangah japant naanak gopaal naamaN.
Chanting and meditating on the Name of the Lord in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, O Nanak, mortals become immaculate and pure.
rmMiq gux goibMd inq pRqh ]42] (1357-16)
ramant gun gobind nit parteh. ||42||
They continually dwell upon the Glorious Praises of God. ||42||
qrx srx suAwmI rmx sIl prmysurh ] (1357-16)
taran saran su-aamee raman seel parmaysureh.
In the Sanctuary of the Kind-hearted Lord, our Transcendent Lord and Master, we are carried across.
krx kwrx smrQh dwnu dyq pRBu pUrnh ] (1357-17)
karan kaaran samartheh daan dayt parabh poornah.
God is the Perfect, All-powerful Cause of causes; He is the Giver of gifts.
inrws Aws krxM sgl ArQ AwlXh ] (1357-17)
niraas aas karnaN sagal arath aalyeh.
He gives hope to the hopeless. He is the Source of all riches.
gux inDwn ismrMiq nwnk sgl jwcMq jwickh ]43] (1357-17)
gun niDhaan simrant naanak sagal jaachant jaachikeh. ||43||
Nanak meditates in remembrance on the Treasure of Virtue; we are all beggars, begging at His Door. ||43||
durgm sQwn sugmM mhw dUK srb sUKxh ] (1357-18)
durgam sathaan sugamaN mahaa dookh sarab sookh-nah.
The most difficult place becomes easy, and the worst pain turns into pleasure.
durbcn Byd BrmM swkq ipsnµ q surjnh ] (1357-19)
durbachan bhayd bharamaN saakat pisanaN ta surajneh.
Evil words, differences and doubts are obliterated, and even faithless cynics and malicious gossips become good people.
AsiQqM sog hrKM BY KIxM q inrBvh ] (1357-19)
asthitaN sog harkhaN bhai kheenaN ta nirabhveh.
They become steady and stable, whether happy or sad; their fears are taken away, and they are fearless.