BY AtvIAM mhw ngr bwsM Drm lK´x pRB mieAw ] (1358-1)
bhai atvee-aN mahaa nagar baasaN Dharam lakh-yan parabh ma-i-aa.
The dreadful woods become a well-populated city; such are the merits of the righteous life of Dharma, given by God's Grace.
swD sMgm rwm rwm rmxM srix nwnk hir hir dXwl crxM ]44] (1358-1)
saaDh sangam raam raam ramnaN saran naanak har har da-yaal charnaN. ||44||
Chanting the Lord's Name in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, O Nanak, the Lotus Feet of the Merciful Lord are found. ||44||
hy Aijq sUr sMgRwmM Aiq blnw bhu mrdnh ] (1358-2)
hay ajit soor sangraamaN at balnaa baho maradneh.
O emotional attachment, you are the invincible warrior of the battlefield of life; you totally crush and destroy even the most powerful.
gx gMDrb dyv mwnuK´M psu pMKI ibmohnh ] (1358-2)
gan ganDharab dayv maanukh-yaN pas pankhee bimohneh.
You entice and fascinate even the heavenly heralds, celestial singers, gods, mortals, beasts and birds.
hir krxhwrM nmskwrM srix nwnk jgdIsÍrh ]45] (1358-3)
har karanhaaraN namaskaaraN saran naanak jagdeesvareh. ||45||
Nanak bows in humble surrender to the Lord; he seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord of the Universe. ||45||
hy kwmM nrk ibsRwmM bhu jonI BRmwvxh ] (1358-3)
hay kaamaN narak bisraamaN baho jonee bharmaavneh.
O sexual desire, you lead the mortals to hell; you make them wander in reincarnation through countless species.
icq hrxM qRY lok gMm´M jp qp sIl ibdwrxh ] (1358-4)
chit harnaN tarai lok gam-yaN jap tap seel bidaarneh.
You cheat the consciousness, and pervade the three worlds. You destroy meditation, penance and virtue.
Alp suK Aivq cMcl aUc nIc smwvxh ] (1358-4)
alap sukh avit chanchal ooch neech samaavneh.
But you give only shallow pleasure, while you make the mortals weak and unsteady; you pervade the high and the low.
qv BY ibmuMicq swD sMgm Et nwnk nwrwiexh ]46] (1358-5)
tav bhai bimuNchit saaDh sangam ot naanak naaraa-ineh. ||46||
Your fear is dispelled in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, O Nanak, through the Protection and Support of the Lord. ||46||
hy kil mUl k®oDM kdMc kruxw n auprjqy ] (1358-6)
hay kal mool kroDh-aN kadanch karunaa na uparjatay.
O anger, you are the root of conflict; compassion never rises up in you.
ibKXMq jIvM vs´M kroiq inrq´M kroiq jQw mrkth ] (1358-6)
bikh-yant jeevaN vas-yaN karot nirt-yaN karot jathaa marakteh.
You take the corrupt, sinful beings in your power, and make them dance like monkeys.
Aink swsn qwVMiq jmdUqh qv sMgy ADmM nrh ] (1358-7)
anik saasan taarhant jamdooteh tav sangay aDhamaN narah.
Associating with you, mortals are debased and punished by the Messenger of Death in so many ways.
dIn duK BMjn dXwl pRBu nwnk srb jIA rK´w kroiq ]47] (1358-7)
deen dukh bhanjan da-yaal parabh naanak sarab jee-a rakh-yaa karot. ||47||
O Destroyer of the pains of the poor, O Merciful God, Nanak prays for You to protect all beings from such anger. ||47||
hy loBw lµpt sMg isrmorh Aink lhrI klolqy ] (1358-8)
hay lobhaa lampat sang sirmohreh anik lahree kalolatay.
O greed, you cling to even the great, assaulting them with countless waves.
DwvMq jIAw bhu pRkwrM Aink BWiq bhu folqy ] (1358-8)
Dhaavant jee-aa baho parkaaraN anik bhaaNt baho doltay.
You cause them to run around wildly in all directions, wobbling and wavering unsteadily.
nc imqRM nc iestM nc bwDv nc mwq ipqw qv ljXw ] (1358-9)
nach mitraN nach istaN nach baaDhav nach maat pitaa tav lajyaa.
You have no respect for friends, ideals, relations, mother or father.
AkrxM kroiq AKwid´ Kwd´M Aswj´M swij smjXw ] (1358-10)
akranaN karot akhaad-ya khaad-yaN asaaj-yaN saaj samajyaa.
You make them do what they should not do. You make them eat what they should not eat. You make them accomplish what they should not accomplish.
qRwih qRwih srix suAwmI ibg´wipœ nwnk hir nrhrh ]48] (1358-10)
taraahi taraahi saran su-aamee big-yaapati naanak har narhareh. ||48||
Save me, save me - I have come to Your Sanctuary, O my Lord and Master; Nanak prays to the Lord. ||48||
hy jnm mrx mUlµ AhMkwrM pwpwqmw ] (1358-11)
hay janam maran moolaN ahaNkaaraN paapaatmaa.
O egotism, you are the root of birth and death and the cycle of reincarnation; you are the very soul of sin.
imqRM qjMiq sqRM idRVMiq Aink mwXw ibsœIrnh ] (1358-11)
mitraN tajant satraN darirh-aaNt anik maa-yaa bisteerniH.
You forsake friends, and hold tight to enemies. You spread out countless illusions of Maya.
AwvMq jwvMq QkMq jIAw duK suK bhu Bogxh ] (1358-12)
aavant jaavant thakant jee-aa dukh sukh baho bhognah.
You cause the living beings to come and go until they are exhausted. You lead them to experience pain and pleasure.
BRm BXwn auidAwn rmxM mhw ibkt AswD rogxh ] (1358-12)
bharam bha-yaan udi-aan ramnaN mahaa bikat asaaDh rognah.
You lead them to wander lost in the terrible wilderness of doubt; you lead them to contract the most horrible, incurable diseases.
bYd´M pwrbRhm prmysÍr AwrwiD nwnk hir hir hry ]49] (1358-13)
baid-yaN paarbarahm parmaysvar aaraaDh naanak har har haray. ||49||
The only Physician is the Supreme Lord, the Transcendent Lord God. Nanak worships and adores the Lord, Har, Har, Haray. ||49||
hy pRwx nwQ goibMdh ik®pw inDwn jgd guro ] (1358-13)
hay paraan naath gobindah kirpaa niDhaan jagad guro.
O Lord of the Universe, Master of the Breath of life, Treasure of Mercy, Guru of the World.
hy sMswr qwp hrxh kruxw mY sB duK hro ] (1358-14)
hay sansaar taap harnah karunaa mai sabh dukh haro.
O Destroyer of the fever of the world, Embodiment of Compassion, please take away all my pain.
hy srix jog dXwlh dInw nwQ mXw kro ] (1358-14)
hay saran jog da-yaaleh deenaa naath ma-yaa karo.
O Merciful Lord, Potent to give Sanctuary, Master of the meek and humble, please be kind to me.
srIr sÍsQ KIx smey ismrMiq nwnk rwm dwmodr mwDvh ]50] (1358-15)
sareer savasth kheen sam-ay simrant naanak raam daamodar maaDhvah. ||50||
Whether his body is healthy or sick, let Nanak meditate in remembrance on You, Lord. ||50||
crx kml srxM rmxM gopwl kIrqnh ] (1358-16)
charan kamal sarnaN ramnaN gopaal keeratneh.
I have come to the Sanctuary of the Lord's Lotus Feet, where I sing the Kirtan of His Praises.
swD sMgyx qrxM nwnk mhw swgr BY duqrh ]51] (1358-16)
saaDh sangayn tarnaN naanak mahaa saagar bhai dutrah. ||51||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, Nanak is carried across the utterly terrifying, difficult world-ocean. ||51||
isr msœk rK´w pwrbRhmM hsœ kwXw rK´w prmysÍrh ] (1358-17)
sir mastak rakh-yaa paarbrahmaN hast kaa-yaa rakh-yaa parmaysvareh.
The Supreme Lord God has procted my head and forehead; the Transcendent Lord has protected my hands and body.
Awqm rK´w gopwl suAwmI Dn crx rK´w jgdIsÍrh ] (1358-17)
aatam rakh-yaa gopaal su-aamee Dhan charan rakh-yaa jagdeesvareh.
God, my Lord and Master, has saved my soul; the Lord of the Universe has saved my wealth and feet.
srb rK´w gur dXwlh BY dUK ibnwsnh ] (1358-18)
sarab rakh-yaa gur da-yaaleh bhai dookh binaasneh.
The Merciful Guru has protected everything, and destroyed my fear and suffering.
Bgiq vCl AnwQ nwQy srix nwnk purK Acuqh ]52] (1358-18)
bhagat vachhal anaath naathay saran naanak purakh achuteh. ||52||
God is the Lover of His devotees, the Master of the masterless. Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of the Imperishable Primal Lord God. ||52||
jyn klw DwirE AwkwsM bYsMqrM kwst bystM ] (1358-19)
jayn kalaa Dhaari-o aakaasaN baisaNtaaraN kaasat baystaN.
His Power supports the sky, and locks fire within wood.
jyn klw sis sUr nK´qR joiq´M swsM srIr DwrxM ] (1358-19)
jayn kalaa sas soor nakh-yatar jot-yaN saasaN sareer DhaarnaN.
His Power supports the moon, the sun and the stars, and infuses light and breath into the body.