Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


buFw hoAw syK PrIdu kMbix lgI dyh ] (1380-1)
budhaa ho-aa saykh fareed kamban lagee dayh.
Shaykh Fareed has grown old, and his body has begun to tremble.

jy sau vir@Aw jIvxw BI qnu hosI Kyh ]41] (1380-1)
jay sa-o vareh-aa jeevnaa bhee tan hosee khayh. ||41||
Even if he could live for hundreds of years, his body will eventually turn to dust. ||41||

PrIdw bwir prwieAY bYsxw sWeI muJY n dyih ] (1380-1)
fareedaa baar paraa-i-ai baisnaa saaN-ee mujhai na deh.
Fareed begs, O Lord, do not make me sit at another's door.

jy qU eyvY rKsI jIau srIrhu lyih ]42] (1380-2)
jay too ayvai rakhsee jee-o sareerahu layhi. ||42||
If this is the way you are going to keep me, then go ahead and take the life out of my body. ||42||

kMiD kuhwVw isir GVw vix kY sru lohwru ] (1380-2)
kanDh kuhaarhaa sir gharhaa van kai sar lohaar.
With the axe on his shoulder, and a bucket on his head, the blacksmith is ready to cut down the tree.

PrIdw hau loVI shu Awpxw qU loVih AMigAwr ]43] (1380-3)
fareedaa ha-o lorhee saho aapnaa too lorheh angi-aar. ||43||
Fareed, I long for my Lord; you long only for the charcoal. ||43||

PrIdw ieknw Awtw Aglw ieknw nwhI loxu ] (1380-3)
fareedaa iknaa aataa aglaa iknaa naahee lon.
Fareed, some have lots of flour, while others do not even have salt.

AgY gey isM\wpsin cotW KwsI kauxu ]44] (1380-4)
agai ga-ay sinjaapsan chotaaN khaasee ka-un. ||44||
When they go beyond this world, it shall be seen, who will be punished. ||44||

pwis dmwmy Cqu isir ByrI sfo rf ] (1380-4)
paas damaamay chhat sir bhayree sado rad.
Drums were beaten in their honor, there were canopies above their heads, and bugles announced their coming.

jwie suqy jIrwx mih QIey AqImw gf ]45] (1380-5)
jaa-ay sutay jeeraan meh thee-ay ateemaa gad. ||45||
They have gone to sleep in the cemetary, buried like poor orphans. ||45||

PrIdw koTy mMfp mwVIAw auswrydy BI gey ] (1380-5)
fareedaa kothay mandap maarhee-aa usaarayday bhee ga-ay.
Fareed, those who built houses, mansions and lofty buildings, are also gone.

kUVw saudw kir gey gorI Awie pey ]46] (1380-6)
koorhaa sa-udaa kar ga-ay goree aa-ay pa-ay. ||46||
They made false deals, and were dropped into their graves. ||46||

PrIdw iKMQiV myKw AglIAw ijMdu n kweI myK ] (1380-6)
fareedaa khintharh maykhaa aglee-aa jind na kaa-ee maykh.
Fareed, there are many seams on the patched coat, but there are no seams on the soul.

vwrI Awpo AwpxI cly mswiek syK ]47] (1380-7)
vaaree aapo aapnee chalay masaa-ik saykh. ||47||
The shaykhs and their disciples have all departed, each in his own turn. ||47||

PrIdw duhu dIvI blµidAw mlku bihTw Awie ] (1380-7)
fareedaa duhu deevee balandi-aa malak bahithaa aa-ay.
Fareed, the two lamps are lit, but death has come anyway.

gVu lIqw Gtu luitAw dIvVy gieAw buJwie ]48] (1380-8)
garh leetaa ghat luti-aa deevrhay ga-i-aa bujhaa-ay. ||48||
It has captured the fortress of the body, and plundered the home of the heart; it extinguishes the lamps and departs. ||48||

PrIdw vyKu kpwhY ij QIAw ij isir QIAw iqlwh ] (1380-8)
fareedaa vaykh kapaahai je thee-aa je sir thee-aa tilaah.
Fareed, look at what has happened to the cotton and the sesame seed,

kmwdY Aru kwgdY kuMny koieilAwh ] (1380-9)
kamaadai ar kaagdai kunnay ko-ili-aah.
the sugar cane and paper, the clay pots and the charcoal.

mMdy Aml kryidAw eyh sjwie iqnwh ]49] (1380-9)
manday amal karaydi-aa ayh sajaa-ay tinaah. ||49||
This is the punishment for those who do evil deeds. ||49||

PrIdw kMin muslw sUPu gil idil kwqI guVu vwiq ] (1380-10)
fareedaa kann muslaa soof gal dil kaatee gurh vaat.
Fareed, you wear your prayer shawl on your shoulders and the robes of a Sufi; your words are sweet, but there is a dagger in your heart.

bwhir idsY cwnxw idil AMiDAwrI rwiq ]50] (1380-10)
baahar disai chaannaa dil anDhi-aaree raat. ||50||
Outwardly, you look bright, but your heart is dark as night. ||50||

PrIdw rqI rqu n inklY jy qnu cIrY koie ] (1380-11)
fareedaa ratee rat na niklai jay tan cheerai ko-ay.
Fareed, not even a drop of blood would issue forth, if someone cut my body.

jo qn rqy rb isau iqn qin rqu n hoie ]51] (1380-11)
jo tan ratay rab si-o tin tan rat na ho-ay. ||51||
Those bodies which are imbued with the Lord - those bodies contain no blood. ||51||

mÚ 3 ] (1380-12)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

iehu qnu sBo rqu hY rqu ibnu qMnu n hoie ] (1380-12)
ih tan sabho rat hai rat bin tann na ho-ay.
This body is all blood; without blood, this body could not exist.

jo sh rqy Awpxy iqqu qin loBu rqu n hoie ] (1380-12)
jo sah ratay aapnay tit tan lobh rat na ho-ay.
Those who are imbued with their Lord, do not have the blood of greed in their bodies.

BY pieAY qnu KIxu hoie loBu rqu ivchu jwie ] (1380-13)
bhai pa-i-ai tan kheen ho-ay lobh rat vichahu jaa-ay.
When the Fear of God fills the body, it becomes thin; the blood of greed departs from within.

ijau bYsMqir Dwqu suDu hoie iqau hir kw Bau durmiq mYlu gvwie ] (1380-13)
ji-o baisantar Dhaat suDh ho-ay ti-o har kaa bha-o durmat mail gavaa-ay.
Just as metal is purified by fire, the Fear of God removes the filthy residues of evil-mindedness.

nwnk qy jn sohxy ij rqy hir rMgu lwie ]52] (1380-14)
naanak tay jan sohnay je ratay har rang laa-ay. ||52||
O Nanak, those humble beings are beautiful, who are imbued with the Lord's Love. ||52||

PrIdw soeI srvru FUiF lhu ijQhu lBI vQu ] (1380-14)
fareedaa so-ee sarvar dhoodh lahu jithahu labhee vath.
Fareed, seek that sacred pool, in which the genuine article is found.

CpiV FUFY ikAw hovY ickiV fubY hQu ]53] (1380-15)
chhaparh dhoodhai ki-aa hovai chikarh dubai hath. ||53||
Why do you bother to search in the pond? Your hand will only sink into the mud. ||53||

PrIdw nµFI kMqu n rwivE vfI QI mueIAwsu ] (1380-15)
fareedaa nandhee kant na raavi-o vadee thee mu-ee-aas.
Fareed, when she is young, she does not enjoy her Husband. When she grows up, she dies.

Dn kUkyNdI gor myN qY sh nw imlIAwsu ]54] (1380-16)
Dhan kookayNdee gor mayN tai sah naa milee-aas. ||54||
Lying in the grave, the soul-bride cries, "I did not meet You, my Lord."||54||

PrIdw isru pilAw dwVI plI muCW BI plIAW ] (1380-16)
fareedaa sir pali-aa daarhee palee muchhaaN bhee palee-aaN.
Fareed, your hair has turned grey, your beard has turned grey, and your moustache has turned grey.

ry mn gihly bwvly mwxih ikAw rlIAW ]55] (1380-17)
ray man gahilay baavlay maaneh ki-aa ralee-aaN. ||55||
O my thoughtless and insane mind, why are you indulging in pleasures? ||55||

PrIdw koTy Dukxu kyqVw ipr nIdVI invwir ] (1380-17)
fareedaa kothay Dhukan kayt-rhaa pir need-rhee nivaar.
Fareed, how long can you run on the rooftop? You are asleep to your Husband Lord - give it up!

jo idh lDy gwxvy gey ivlwiV ivlwiV ]56] (1380-18)
jo dih laDhay gaanvay ga-ay vilaarh vilaarh. ||56||
The days which were allotted to you are numbered, and they are passing, passing away. ||56||

PrIdw koTy mMfp mwVIAw eyqu n lwey icqu ] (1380-18)
fareedaa kothay mandap maarhee-aa ayt na laa-ay chit.
Fareed, houses, mansions and balconies - do not attach your consciousness to these.

imtI peI AqolvI koie n hosI imqu ]57] (1380-19)
mitee pa-ee atolavee ko-ay na hosee mit. ||57||
When these collapse into heaps of dust, none of them will be your friend. ||57||

PrIdw mMfp mwlu n lwie mrg sqwxI iciq Dir ] (1380-19)
fareedaa mandap maal na laa-ay marag sataanee chit Dhar.
Fareed, do not focus on mansions and wealth; center your consciousness on death, your powerful enemy.