Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


iDgu iqn@w dw jIivAw ijnw ivfwxI Aws ]21] (1379-1)
Dhig tinHaa daa jeevi-aa jinaa vidaanee aas. ||21||
Cursed are the lives of those who place their hopes in others. ||21||

PrIdw jy mY hodw vwirAw imqw AwieiVAW ] (1379-1)
fareedaa jay mai hodaa vaari-aa mitaa aa-irhi-aaN.
Fareed, if I had been there when my friend came, I would have made myself a sacrifice to him.

hyVw jlY mjIT ijau aupir AMgwrw ]22] (1379-2)
hayrhaa jalai majeeth ji-o upar angaaraa. ||22||
Now my flesh is burning red on the hot coals. ||22||

PrIdw loVY dwK ibjaurIAW ikkir bIjY jtu ] (1379-2)
fareedaa lorhai daakh bij-uree-aaN kikar beejai jat.
Fareed, the farmer plants acacia trees, and wishes for grapes.

hMFY auNn kqwiedw pYDw loVY ptu ]23] (1379-3)
handhai unn kataa-idaa paiDhaa lorhai pat. ||23||
He is spinning wool, but he wishes to wear silk. ||23||

PrIdw glIey ickVu dUir Gru nwil ipAwry nyhu ] (1379-3)
fareedaa galee-ay chikarh door ghar naal pi-aaray nayhu.
Fareed, the path is muddy, and the house of my Beloved is so far away.

clw q iBjY kMblI rhW q qutY nyhu ]24] (1379-4)
chalaa ta bhijai kamblee rahaaN ta tutai nayhu. ||24||
If I go out, my blanket will get soaked, but if I remain at home, then my heart will be broken. ||24||

iBjau isjau kMblI Alh vrsau myhu ] (1379-4)
bhija-o sija-o kamblee alah varsa-o mayhu.
My blanket is soaked, drenched with the downpour of the Lord's Rain.

jwie imlw iqnw sjxw qutau nwhI nyhu ]25] (1379-4)
jaa-ay milaa tinaa sajnaa tuta-o naahee nayhu. ||25||
I am going out to meet my Friend, so that my heart will not be broken. ||25||

PrIdw mY Bolwvw pg dw mqu mYlI hoie jwie ] (1379-5)
fareedaa mai bholaavaa pag daa mat mailee ho-ay jaa-ay.
Fareed, I was worried that my turban might become dirty.

gihlw rUhu n jwxeI isru BI imtI Kwie ]26] (1379-5)
gahilaa roohu na jaan-ee sir bhee mitee khaa-ay. ||26||
My thoughtless self did not realize that one day, dust will consume my head as well. ||26||

PrIdw skr KMfu invwq guVu mwiKEu mWJw duDu ] (1379-6)
fareedaa sakar khand nivaat gurh maakhi-o maaNjhaa duDh.
Fareed: sugar cane, candy, sugar, molasses, honey and buffalo's milk

sBy vsqU imTIAW rb n pujin quDu ]27] (1379-6)
sabhay vastoo mithee-aaN rab na pujan tuDh. ||27||
- all these things are sweet, but they are not equal to You. ||27||

PrIdw rotI myrI kwT kI lwvxu myrI BuK ] (1379-7)
fareedaa rotee mayree kaath kee laavan mayree bhukh.
Fareed, my bread is made of wood, and hunger is my appetizer.

ijnw KwDI copVI Gxy shingy duK ]28] (1379-7)
jinaa khaaDhee choprhee ghanay sehnigay dukh. ||28||
Those who eat buttered bread, will suffer in terrible pain. ||28||

ruKI suKI Kwie kY TMFw pwxI pIau ] (1379-8)
rukhee sukhee khaa-ay kai thandhaa paanee pee-o.
Eat dry bread, and drink cold water.

PrIdw dyiK prweI copVI nw qrswey jIau ]29] (1379-8)
fareedaa daykh paraa-ee choprhee naa tarsaa-ay jee-o. ||29||
Fareed, if you see someone else's buttered bread, do not envy him for it. ||29||

Aju n suqI kMq isau AMgu muVy muiV jwie ] (1379-9)
aj na sutee kant si-o ang murhay murh jaa-ay.
This night, I did not sleep with my Husband Lord, and now my body is suffering in pain.

jwie puChu fohwgxI qum ikau rYix ivhwie ]30] (1379-9)
jaa-ay puchhahu dohaaganee tum ki-o rain vihaa-ay. ||30||
Go and ask the deserted bride, how she passes her night. ||30||

swhurY FoeI nw lhY pyeIAY nwhI Qwau ] (1379-10)
saahurai dho-ee naa lahai pay-ee-ai naahee thaa-o.
She finds no place of rest in her father-in-law's home, and no place in her parents' home either.

ipru vwqVI n puCeI Dn sohwgix nwau ]31] (1379-10)
pir vaat-rhee na puchh-ee Dhan sohagan naa-o. ||31||
Her Husband Lord does not care for her; what sort of a blessed, happy soul-bride is she? ||31||

swhurY pyeIAY kMq kI kMqu AgMmu AQwhu ] (1379-11)
saahurai pay-ee-ai kant kee kant agamm athaahu.
In her father-in-law's home hereafter, and in her parents' home in this world, she belongs to her Husband Lord. Her Husband is Inaccessible and Unfathomable.

nwnk so sohwgxI ju BwvY byprvwh ]32] (1379-11)
naanak so sohaaganee jo bhaavai bayparvaah. ||32||
O Nanak, she is the happy soul-bride, who is pleasing to her Carefree Lord. ||32||

nwqI DoqI sMbhI suqI Awie nicMdu ] (1379-11)
naatee Dhotee sambhee sutee aa-ay nachind.
Bathing, washing and decorating herself, she comes and sleeps without anxiety.

PrIdw rhI su byVI ihM|u dI geI kQUrI gMDu ]33] (1379-12)
fareedaa rahee so bayrhee hiny dee ga-ee kathooree ganDh. ||33||
Fareed, she still smells like asafoetida; the fragrance of musk is gone. ||33||

jobn jWdy nw frW jy sh pRIiq n jwie ] (1379-12)
joban jaaNday naa daraaN jay sah pareet na jaa-ay.
I am not afraid of losing my youth, as long as I do not lose the Love of my Husband Lord.

PrIdw ikqˆØI jobn pRIiq ibnu suik gey kumlwie ]34] (1379-13)
fareedaa kiteeN joban pareet bin suk ga-ay kumlaa-ay. ||34||
Fareed, so many youths, without His Love, have dried up and withered away. ||34||

PrIdw icMq Ktolw vwxu duKu ibrih ivCwvx lyPu ] (1379-13)
fareedaa chint khatolaa vaan dukh bireh vichhaavan layf.
Fareed, anxiety is my bed, pain is my mattress, and the pain of separation is my blanket and quilt.

eyhu hmwrw jIvxw qU swihb scy vyKu ]35] (1379-14)
ayhu hamaaraa jeevnaa too saahib sachay vaykh. ||35||
Behold, this is my life, O my True Lord and Master. ||35||

ibrhw ibrhw AwKIAY ibrhw qU sulqwnu ] (1379-14)
birhaa birhaa aakhee-ai birhaa too sultaan.
Many talk of the pain and suffering of separation; O pain, you are the ruler of all.

PrIdw ijqu qin ibrhu n aUpjY so qnu jwxu mswnu ]36] (1379-15)
fareedaa jit tan birahu na oopjai so tan jaan masaan. ||36||
Fareed, that body, within which love of the Lord does not well up - look upon that body as a cremation ground. ||36||

PrIdw ey ivsu gMdlw DrIAW KMfu ilvwiV ] (1379-15)
fareedaa ay vis gandlaa Dharee-aaN khand livaarh.
Fareed, these are poisonous sprouts coated with sugar.

ieik rwhydy rih gey ieik rwDI gey aujwiV ]37] (1379-16)
ik raahayday reh ga-ay ik raaDhee ga-ay ujaarh. ||37||
Some die planting them, and some are ruined, harvesting and enjoying them. ||37||

PrIdw cwir gvwieAw hMiF kY cwir gvwieAw sMim ] (1379-16)
fareedaa chaar gavaa-i-aa handh kai chaar gavaa-i-aa samm.
Fareed, the hours of the day are lost wandering around, and the hours of the night are lost in sleep.

lyKw rbu mMgysIAw qU AWho kyrHy kMim ]38] (1379-17)
laykhaa rab mangaysee-aa too aaNho kayrHay kamm. ||38||
God will call for your account, and ask you why you came into this world. ||38||

PrIdw dir drvwjY jwie kY ikau ifTo GVIAwlu ] (1379-17)
fareedaa dar darvaajai jaa-ay kai ki-o ditho gharhee-aal.
Fareed, you have gone to the Lord's Door. Have you seen the gong there?

eyhu indosW mwrIAY hm dosW dw ikAw hwlu ]39] (1379-18)
ayhu nidosaaN maaree-ai ham dosaaN daa ki-aa haal. ||39||
This blameless object is being beaten - imagine what is in store for us sinners! ||39||

GVIey GVIey mwrIAY phrI lhY sjwie ] (1379-19)
gharhee-ay gharhee-ay maaree-ai pahree lahai sajaa-ay.
Each and every hour, it is beaten; it is punished every day.

so hyVw GVIAwl ijau fuKI rYix ivhwie ]40] (1379-19)
so hayrhaa gharhee-aal ji-o dukhee rain vihaa-ay. ||40||
This beautiful body is like the gong; it passes the night in pain. ||40||